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Breaking The Jew Duck With Roberta


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gday raiders roberta had to come down to sydney for a short visit

so a plan was hatched between us to squeeze a jew session in.

After the last couple of nights i wasnt overly confident but I knew as every night passed the full moon was getting further away and dark nights have proven to be far better nights for jew in the past and my theory was proved right again tonight. we didnt see the moon rising until very late around midnight and it was only three quarters the size it had been on monday and tuesday nights.

We met at the ramp around 5.30pm and spent the first couple of hours chasing bream on blades with no success I managed to jag a small whiting in the tail and roberta managed a small tailor. Just on dark we motored over to our chosen jew spot and anchored up. half an hour later roberta was into a fish and after a couple of heartattack moments when it managed to somehow wrap the line around the hose inlet for a live bait tank I managed to reach down and somehow get it untangled and not long after a nice schooly of 67cm was in the esky!!! yahoo. a couple of hours later I managed a smaller 55cm model and we both missed a good take each on different occassions - oh well thats fishing.

Roberta has been out on several occassions with me chasing jew and a legal size specimen has always avoided her so it was great to see her finally break the duck!You couldnt smack the smile off her dial.

We are comptemplating chasing some bass next time we have the opportunity to fish together so we will keep you all informed as to how that goes.

Thanks roberta for a great night your company is always a pleasure and it was great to catch up again.


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Edited by tide'n'knots
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:thumbup: on your first legal Jew Roberta, its great when a plan comes together. Hi Pete, where are you and Roberta planning on chasing Bass? They have really come on in the upper Hawkesbury over the last couple of weeks and some nice 40 plus specimens amongst the catch. I think the closed season is actually working! I don't see or hear of many people taking them home, which is good! I have seen some good pic's of them and witnessed a couple of good capture and releases myself.

Regards Jeff

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Congrats to you both. Nice when a plans falls into place, Pete. A shame you lost the other two fish but I reckon you'd be happy with the result regardless :yahoo: Did you get your fish on a lure, Roberta, or did you use the 'b' word? :biggrin2:



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Hi Pete and Roberta,

Mission accomplished well done. Pete I agree on the moon issue, I don't bother fishing for Jews around the full moon. I have in the past and caught full moon Jew but rarely and the bite at night on full moon is usually shocking.

I am heading out in the next hour in a mates big cc triumph to look for salmon bonito and kings. Very tempting to head out to a fad for a look if the swell is down.

Mate you need to come over to the brighter side and have a king session. The dark side (jewies) can be long periods between success leading to the black dog making an appearance. Jokes aside see you soon and well done once again.


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gday raiders roberta had to come down to sydney for a short visit

so a plan was hatched between us to squeeze a jew session in.

After the last couple of nights i wasnt overly confident but I knew as every night passed the full moon was getting further away and dark nights have proven to be far better nights for jew in the past and my theory was proved right again tonight. we didnt see the moon rising until very late around midnight and it was only three quarters the size it had been on monday and tuesday nights.

We met at the ramp around 5.30pm and spent the first couple of hours chasing bream on blades with no success I managed to jag a small whiting in the tail and roberta managed a small tailor. Just on dark we motored over to our chosen jew spot and anchored up. half an hour later roberta was into a fish and after a couple of heartattack moments when it managed to somehow wrap the line around the hose inlet for a live bait tank I managed to reach down and somehow get it untangled and not long after a nice schooly of 67cm was in the esky!!! yahoo. a couple of hours later I managed a smaller 55cm model and we both missed a good take each on different occassions - oh well thats fishing.

Roberta has been out on several occassions with me chasing jew and a legal size specimen has always avoided her so it was great to see her finally break the duck!You couldnt smack the smile off her dial.

We are comptemplating chasing some bass next time we have the opportunity to fish together so we will keep you all informed as to how that goes.

Thanks roberta for a great night your company is always a pleasure and it was great to catch up again.


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Great results,nice to take home a good feed of jewfish. :thumbup:


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Hi Raiders

Thanks for your comments - the smile is still on my dial!!

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he, he, No, I wasn't in the yak this time! Even I wouldn't go out onto the harbour in my widdle yak!! :wacko: The bow waves from the River Cats were quite extreme & one Captain took particular joy in passing as close & as fast as he could with us!

Not long out of bed!!! Didn't get up til 10am! OMG!! I can tell you quite truthfully, that it has to be something INCREDIBLY SPECIAL to keep me out of my bed til 2am in the morning (by the time i got home & managed to get the fishy smell from my hands ..... or else I would have been kicked out of bed... again .... to do it!) And TONIGHT WAS IT!!

WOW!! What a fantastic evening with Pete/Tidenknots - as he said, we'd hit Wisemans Ferry a few times, looking for my first real legal jewie, with no success for me - so the plan was hatched to go out last night, as we were down in Sydney for Keith's visit to the Specialist (he got an A+++ Report, too!! :) )

Pete hooked up a whiting on blades in the first part of our session - hooked in rear - a novel way of doing it!!

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unfortunately as we put my rods into the boat, Pete found out that I needed to replace the tip of my Raider Rod :( No fun, trying to cast blades without a rod tip!! I did managed a small tailor on a Squidgy Dropbear tho! :)

Then we got to 'the spot'!! Incredibly, within 10 mins, my rod was nodding & Pete yelled "You're ON!" I tripped over the chair leg (yes, we sit in comfy chairs on Pete's boat!) fumbled for the rod & luckily the fish was still on!! I struck hard & the fish dived deep! YAY!!! Pete was SURE it was a jewie! Then I could feel the line rubbing, as it dived under the boat & Pete lifted the motor but it was still caught up ..... and luckily he was able to get the line away from the inlet tube & I was back fighting the fish again! To say that I was HAPPY, was an understatement!!

We used lovely arrow squid, expertly presented ....

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This fish was REALLY hungry - he'd taken both hooks as he must have just inhaled the whole small squid!! He wasn't going to get off unless busted off!!

Happy Snaps were taken & into the esky he went then, we got back to the important matter to hand, discussing fishing tactics & fishing!! I was really pleased when Pete hooked up too - his mates (nearby) had already hooked up to 2 fish (biggest one in the 80s) on prawns that Pete had given them!! I hooked a nice tailor late in the session (about 35cm)and I know that Mum will enjoy that one, as well as jewie fillets!

Many thanks, Pete for a TOP night on the water - I don't know where the time went, but I was still wide awake after our cutoff time of Midnight had been & gone ...... and we reluctantly took our time packing up the boat, hoping for that 'one last hit' prior to upping the anchor....... we headed back to shore, where Pete not only scaled & filleted all the fish - he even GAVE me HIS jewie as well, to spread around the family in Sydney! You are a STAR, Pete - a gentleman & a scholar .....considering some of the topics that we covered last night!!!! :074:

he, he, Ian - we did use the 'B' word, but only after giving the SPs a bit of a go!!

Jeff - those bass sound terrific ...... our next outing could well be up Forster way, as we won't be coming back to Sydney now til after Xmas, I reckon. Keith's next Dr appointment is in late Jan, so I will no doubt line up a couple of 'fishy outings' then as well!! :1prop:

Hopefully it won't be long before I land a Kingie as well!! :biggrin2: You'll be the first to know!!

I won't be able to put pics up til after I get home ..... (some very similar to Pete's) and I'd better go & deal with my fish fillets before we head out for a shop! (in the fridge of the campervan!)

Cheerio for now & happy fishing for the weekend, guys!!


Edited by Roberta
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gday raiders roberta had to come down to sydney for a short visit

so a plan was hatched between us to squeeze a jew session in.

After the last couple of nights i wasnt overly confident but I knew as every night passed the full moon was getting further away and dark nights have proven to be far better nights for jew in the past and my theory was proved right again tonight. we didnt see the moon rising until very late around midnight and it was only three quarters the size it had been on monday and tuesday nights.

We met at the ramp around 5.30pm and spent the first couple of hours chasing bream on blades with no success I managed to jag a small whiting in the tail and roberta managed a small tailor. Just on dark we motored over to our chosen jew spot and anchored up. half an hour later roberta was into a fish and after a couple of heartattack moments when it managed to somehow wrap the line around the hose inlet for a live bait tank I managed to reach down and somehow get it untangled and not long after a nice schooly of 67cm was in the esky!!! yahoo. a couple of hours later I managed a smaller 55cm model and we both missed a good take each on different occassions - oh well thats fishing.

Roberta has been out on several occassions with me chasing jew and a legal size specimen has always avoided her so it was great to see her finally break the duck!You couldnt smack the smile off her dial.

We are comptemplating chasing some bass next time we have the opportunity to fish together so we will keep you all informed as to how that goes.

Thanks roberta for a great night your company is always a pleasure and it was great to catch up again.


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well done

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I don't know how I missed this report??? :wacko:

Anyway, well done Roberta and Pete! Fantastic report! :thumbup:

It must feel great to finally get that legal one Robert. Excellent effort! :thumbup:

And Pete, that's an "innovative" way of catching whiting!!! :074:

Cheers and congratulations to you both!


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