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Jewgaffer Sends A Big Hello


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Swordie and I dropped around to see a few people in the neighbourhood this afternoon for Christmas.

We went to see Byron aka Jewgaffer. Byron has been dealing with some health issues over the last few months and has not been posting much. We spent a few hours chatting on the back deck about fishing and a little about fishing and there was also some mention of fishing :biggrin2: during our chat.

Byron asked me to send all the raiders a big hello and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Best wishes Byron, Shirl and family for a great Christmas and New Year.

I hope you're on the road to a full recovery Byron. I miss your informative, helpful and witty posts.

Cheers and best wishes


(thanks for the update mrsswordie)

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Thanks Donna & Stewy for checking in with Byron & Shirley.

I hope you had a good day

Byron, we miss you on the forum - there have been a few of us 'missing in action' over the last 6 months ...... I hope that you are out on the water, terrorizing fish & Fishraiders, soon!!!

Take care, mate


Roberta & Keith

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I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my Fishraider friends a very happy Christmas and a great festive season. :yahoo:

A big thank you to our Administrators Donna & Stewy for calling in and seeing me over quite a few very enjoyable hours on Christmas Eve. Much appreciated, unforgettable :thumbup: the highlight being the medical advice given me by the learned

Donna not to mention Donna helping out and dressing me for my trip from bed out onto the Pergola :thumbup: The daily treatments from Mon-Frid often cause me tiredness and it's always a relief when the weekend comes around

As to my prognosis which I wll share with you- I'm still waiting to have both hips replaced as I was forced to go into hospital earlier than expected due to continually suffering severe buttock and leg pains at rest which were unmanageable at home under the medications prescribed. Upon admission for Pain Management it was discovered I had double pneumonea which required a stay in intensive care to stabilise the condition. I then picked up one of the new superbugs known as the pseudo-amonis virus which is a life threatening super bug multi resistant to antibioticss- The Doctors believe that this particular super bug was picked up in the hospital itself due to an unused canula being left in for too long, that's life I suppose. However a serum was sent up formulated by the Liverpool Hospital pathology team and the mixture nullified this particular golden Staff type infection and along with my own resilience saved my life according to the medical team. In the meantime and after being subject to a variety of tests a small tumour was noticed on the right lung and I am now 20 treatments into a radical 30 treatment course of Nuclear radiation to shrink and literally zap the tumour into ineffectiveness. Once I am given the all clear on my lung I will then be able to have my hips replaced so friends at this stage I still have a little in front of me to cope with in the way of total hip joint replacent to the left leg followed in turn by total hip joint replacement to the right leg.

Raiders I hope to be out fishing with assistance with my boat of course once my radiation therapy has ended, so anyone who is interested in tagging along with myself and my Ballina mate Jim Bowers who is staying with Shirl and myself for a while yet and returning in February after the spanyiard and black marlin season peaks up north who would like to call in for a chat don't hesitate to pm or call me on 0413210048


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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That's a terrible run of bad health Byron. :thumbdown:

I hope you're holding up o.k through the radiation mate.

Hopefully you'll knock it all on the head soon & be back fishing again.

Thanks for letting us know how you're going, & keep your chin up buddy.

Best wishes for a happy & healthy 2011!



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