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Top Snapper ,Kings ,flatties and the odd bream

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, went out for a quick arvo session with my mate Jack (wacko) and his buddy Andrew for a plastic flick.

Fished hard up againt the the edges and deep drop-offs and found some cracker snapper, some up near the 50cm mark.

There were some rat kings around to as well as the ever present flatties, we were using light weight 2-4 kg rods,

matched with 2000 and 2500 Daiwa reels, 4 and 6 lb braid with 6 to 10 lb fluro leader.

All fish went very hard and there were a few bust-offs, Andrew dropped a flattie that would have been near 85-90cm.

One of the flatties that Jack caught was a biggun, I posed for a shot with him and then released him back, great to

watch them slink away back into the depths..

So that's it for now, very happy with the way the arvo went, grabbed a few shots as usual..

Enjoy.. :biggrin2:

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Man it seems like every time i got out someone on this site gets onto the fish and i wind up with nothing!

i went out today with my bro flicked squid jigs for a bit for 1 tiny squid. tried soft plastics nothing cut up the squid nothing. trolled for a bit nothing

i guess it's because you guys caught all the fish hehe anyway good day on the water and beats workin

great catch guys

what general area were you in ????

Edited by Cannon85
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Quite the all round fisherman. If I'm not mistaken you caught a few blackfish at Avoca on Saturday and then gave them away. It seems that you succeed no matter what your chasing. I might hit you up for some tips next time i see you. Very nice catch.

Edited by Booster42413
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