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Beautiful winter day on the Hawkesbury, Patonga


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Spent a beautiful day on the Hawkesbury last Sunday with my wife and kids. Launched from Brooklyn mid-morning, immediately setting some witches hats in the mouth off Parsley Bay.


I’m still getting my boating experience up, so to date most of my ventures have been down river from Brooklyn. However, the conditions on Sunday were perfect to head east from Parley Bay (very light easterly puff of wind and 0.8m easterly swell).

Got to Juno Point before 11am and fished there for a bit with no success. The only bite we got landed a small undersized flathead.


Decided to head to Little Patonga. Drifted around there for a bit just as the low tide was turning to incoming. This proved a fun little playground with us picking up a few flathead on both fresh prawn and nuclear chicken SP. They weren’t massive fish, but they were fun for the boy, and he managed to get his first keeper flathead.


The kids were also impressed with the hawk circling above our heads. A very fun, relaxing few hours in a sheltered spot on a beautiful winter day!


Promised the kids some hot chips from Patonga, so we motored around there and while my wife and daughter got off at Patonga wharf to get the chips, my son and I headed back out for a quick fish.

I’d always wanted to fish the rock wall east of Patonga, and the calm conditions provided the perfect opportunity. I set to drift just past the beach at Dark Corner, and first cast was onto something good, seemed like a decent sized flathead, but I lost it before it came to the surface. Immediately after that, we brought in a nice whiting. Trying to juggle two rods (I think my boys mind was on the hot chips by now), I couldn’t keep up with all the hits we were getting. Ended up having to leave to pick up the girls, and lunch, but came back to the spot to spend the next hour and a half there. In the end we ended up with a good haul of flathead and a couple of whiting, and plenty of throwbacks and dropped fish to make it a fun day out on the boat for everyone. My son also got a Long Tom which was an interesting first for us.


Headed back to the crabs traps on the way home, fingers crossed.


There’s always an air of anticipation when hauling them in. From the 4 traps, we had a crab in each one. Exciting for the kids to catch them. Unfortunately 3 of them were females, so we threw them back and only came home with the one small male. On another day he would’ve been lucky enough to have been thrown back, but the kids had never tried crab before and were keen to keep him for the pot.


I’ll say it again – a glorious day out on the water! The only down side was popping a rocker roller off the trailer while getting the boat back on it. Of course, it doesn’t just pop off and sit on the bottom, it pops off, falls into the water, lands upright and rolls all the way down the ramp (underwater) never to be found again. The day then ended with both me and the trailer submerged so we can float the boat back on without doing damage to the hull.


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Great read. It's always an enjoyable day when conditions are good taking the family out on the water! Coming home with a feed a bonus! Then the kids thinks dads a fishing god! Smiles all round, doesn't get much better!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Great informative report seasponge. I haven't been to the Central Coast for probably 10 years i always go south coast as it's a lot closer to home. After reading all these reports from up north i will look into booking a weekend away around the area.

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Guest 4myson

Well done Seasponge . There's nothing better than spending a day on the water with the family , plus you got yourself a feed . Congrats mate .

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Palm Beach to Brooklyn on a Winter's day like that is unbeatable Sydney beauty.

I'll give up 10 of those hazy, choppy, crowded nor-east Summer days for one day in Winter when everything is so blue and still and you feel like you have the whole place to yourself.....not this weekend by the look of it!

Great report, well done!!

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Sorry to hear about your trailer. It is freezing in the water at the moment. Last weekend at Waratah Bay there were 2 guys swimming off a houseboat late Saturday afternoon. I told them they were crazy!

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