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Rec fishos please do this survey


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Raiders please do this survey if you have 20 mins spare

Why do you fish?

Surveys show that recreational fishers are a diverse group of people from a wide variety of backgrounds, with a range of different reasons for participating in fishing. The reasons why you fish can be influential on how much you enjoy a fishing outing, your style of fishing and how often you fish. A project funded by the Recreational Fishing Trust is currently exploring the different motivations that exist within the NSW fishing community in order to better understand 'who are recreational fishers and what makes them tick?'. Understanding the characteristics of NSW fishers may assist in providing more targeted educations campaigns, improve the ability to predict the way management changes may impact different sections of the fishing community and provide insight into the reasons why some fishers stop fishing. You can participate in this project by completing a short online survey focused on your fishing experiences. Questions relate to what you enjoy about fishing, why you go fishing and what things limit your enjoyment of fishing. The survey takes less then 20 minutes to complete. Click on the link below to take part:


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It's a good opportunity to tell the researchers what you get from fishing that other studies so far have not captured.

I believe it will represent the intangible benefits gained from fishing, that the policy makers and number crunchers should take into account when they create fisheries policy.

Usually surveys want to know where you fish, what you catch, numbers of fish and hard data like that.

We are often suspicious of data-gathering like that because fisheries could use it to restrict fishing in these areas...

This survey is not like that.

It also gave me the chance to air some little grievances (ie the rule about having only 4 pre-rigged rods in your possession).

Another good thing to note is that Dr Julian Pepperill is on the panel as a consultant - a highly respected individual involved in fisheries for as long as I can remember.

I think this one is time well spent...

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Guest 4myson

Survey done,

All ways been told I fish to much

Didn't believe people until I done this.

Missus and kids right again

Just tell them your doin Research ... LOL ...
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