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1st metre fish


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So started fishing more seriously about 8 years ago, always did as a kid with my old man but just for fun - you know the type that fishes only 20 times a year. 6 years ago while fishing the Georges one night, an old local fella came up to me for a chat and asked if I had caught a jewie before, my reply was "whats that?"

This is when my life changed!! I looked up jewfish and well that was it, I wanted one. Found out all the info I could, learnt how to catch bait, researched spots, then waited, and waited and waited. My life these days is all about mulloway, quite often pulling all nighters and working the following day, revolving around tides, moon phases and the like.

Well that day has come and gone, and so have the mulloway, catching many (many in the 90cm range) in the Georges since that small moment of my life 6 years ago. Still though the elusive metre mulloway had evaded being landed. Seen a few boatside and landbased just before I proceeded to mis-net them lol :mad3::nono::fish_h4h::bash: , but still hadn't landed one. I have some rules which dad sort of taught me as a kid 1. if you need to measure - just throw it back 2. if you have fish in the fridge at home, release what you catch 3. when you start catching decent fish, only consider taking them home if they are your best sized fish of that species - except flatties (for some unexplained reason) anything over 60cm to be released. These rules I still live by.

Catching Mulloway is an absolute passion and I get so much joy in releasing "pup" sized fish, also knowing that one day karma will prevail and I will get that metre mulloway from the Georges.

After so many dropped metrey's, this week all the stars aligned perfectly and I finally landed my first. To say I havn't stopped smiling for days now, is an understatement - my jaw is starting to get sore. I am so proud of my achievment, knowing that 6 years ago I didnt know what they were, researched myself and set out to catch a jew. Yes it is still a small fish all things considering, but it is MY first metre jew. All the hard work and dedication has paid off, all the released fish have paid off, all the dropped fish have paid off.

post-10641-0-70274800-1444510993_thumb.jpg post-10641-0-02146900-1444511314_thumb.jpg

Short report now - fished high tide on the georges near a bridge, used live bait (before you all ask - there arent a lot of bridges on the georges, and there are only a few live baits you would use). I did keep the fish, as I wanted the jewels, one of them and the frame will be donated to the mulloway research program - also the next fish I will take home HAS to be bigger than that.

1.08m, 9.56kg bled, scaled, gilled, gutted on the scales at home.....maybe about 10.5kg out of the water

That old fella, Ray - I know quite well now, I jokingly blame him for the tens of thousands of dollars I have spent on fishing gear and my boat, since that day he asked if I had caught a jewfish.

Thanks for reading raiders


Edited by mii11x
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Congrats Mick, I know u do the hours in the river so well done on being persistent .... Well done!

You inspired me a few years ago, however I'm still chasing ghosts around the bridges , i will keep trying. Good start to the day when I know there are such models in our system. Hats off to u mate , cheers Craig

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