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Another PB for the week


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So only having to work half day today, thought id take the boat with me and go for a quick sesh on the Georges when I finished. It must be my week this week, increased my PB for soft plastics flathead today by 2 cm. The new "flatty on plastics" benchmark for me is now 88cm. Released after a quick couple of photos and she swam away well.


Edited by mii11x
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Thanks guys, yes extremely fat and a massive head on this old girl. Was fishing a small drop off, shelf was about 2.5m, and dropped to about 6-7m. The pace at which it hit the lure was unbelievable, I've never had a large (over70cm) flatty hit a lure with such speed and take so much line. I thought I was going to see a soapie actually.

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any flatty over 60cm goes straight back to live another day......something that my old man instilled in me when I was a kid. When I invite mates for sessions they are all aware of my rules. I always get photo's on a brag mat with my foot or shoe for the non believers, and well that's all I need really. I live alone so I don't really need to take home fish, every now and then I might take a couple of 40-50cm models home for a feed or when I invite the oldies for tea, no point taking more than I need.

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any flatty over 60cm goes straight back to live another day......something that my old man instilled in me when I was a kid. When I invite mates for sessions they are all aware of my rules. I always get photo's on a brag mat with my foot or shoe for the non believers, and well that's all I need really. I live alone so I don't really need to take home fish, every now and then I might take a couple of 40-50cm models home for a feed or when I invite the oldies for tea, no point taking more than I need.

Great attitude mate! Well done on the catch! I just caught my first legal flatty on SP the other day, 2nd session with SP lol... was at Sydney harbour. Good job on the release

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Common Mick, stop it! ? your ears will start to hurt from smiling so much lately.... you have caught 2 of the best fish in our system in a week, Well done again mate. I Just got my little boat sorted for summer, I'll be out during the week (hate the jet skis on weekends) trying to repeat your efforts, if I see u I won't be shy !

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any flatty over 60cm goes straight back to live another day......something that my old man instilled in me when I was a kid. When I invite mates for sessions they are all aware of my rules. I always get photo's on a brag mat with my foot or shoe for the non believers, and well that's all I need really. I live alone so I don't really need to take home fish, every now and then I might take a couple of 40-50cm models home for a feed or when I invite the oldies for tea, no point taking more than I need.

Yes we would need 6 fridge/freezers in the garage if we took all swordie's fish captures. No point is there. We rarely take fish either. Nice fish by the way!

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