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Can you use any cheese or only Parmesan with Chicken?.


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Hi, Fish Raiders

I'm a newbie when it comes to fishing. I've only got one legal size fish in my whole life :( and i need some advice. I wanted to ask if you can use any type of cheese mixed with Chicken, other than parmesan. Is Brie cheese okay to use mixed with some garlic?



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There are far better baits and techniques to use to catch flathead than chicken and cheese! We usually get that on the way home from maccas!

For example, soft plastics, hard body lures, ganged pilchards, prawns etc!

Maybe do a bit more reading and researching the areas you intend to fish before our next outing!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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There are far better baits and techniques to use to catch flathead than chicken and cheese! We usually get that on the way home from maccas!

For example, soft plastics, hard body lures, ganged pilchards, prawns etc!

Maybe do a bit more reading and researching the areas you intend to fish before our next outing!

Cheers scratchie!!!

I've used prawns but I've always catch illegal size fish :(. And i dont know how to use soft plastics, hard body lures etc..

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Im with Scratchie though there are far better baits.

Try blood worms or fresh prawns, not the frozen rubbish work well.

You might want to get along to the soft plastic social and pick up a few tricks. They're pretty easy once you learn how

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Guest Guest123456789

Ditch the cheese, fresh white bread. Just roll it into a ball, size 4 to 2 hook, 00 to size 2 running sinker and you're away. The lighter the sinker the better. You'd be amazed at what you can catch with bread.

Makes great burley too just mush it up in water. The trick with burley is just a little, often as opposed to too much all at once.

If your targeting flathead a different approach is required. Maybe master catching bream and silver trevally first before taking up that challenge.

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HI Howe

Don't use good Brie as it is too good for the Bream .Use the cheap grated parmesan $2 pk & mix into cut pieces of chicken thigh with your garlic. Then refridgerate


Regds Bob

It's expired brie so i wouldnt care :). $2 parmesan which supermarket sells those O_O

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Crossfire is spot on. The sp day is right for you....


Maybe some raiders could help you out with those areas!

I went last not knowing how to do a thing with plastics. Next attempt I caught my first fish with SP. Highly, hlghly recommend you go. Also you get to meet a large group of people with the same addiction.



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Yes, see if you can make it to the SP Day and you wont look back.

In my experience smelly baits like chicken and cheese, chicken gut etc work very well for bream at night. Its at this time when

the smaller fish are not actively feeding and I guess the fish to some degree are more driven by scent.

As for daytime fishing these baits attract a lot of smaller fish which can be of some benefit as it brings the larger ones in... problem is getting the

bait past the pickers.

For daylight fishing particularly for flathead a live or moving dead bait or SP covers a lot of ground and stimulates the Flathead into action.

They are ambush feeders so they lie in wait for something in striking range to come past. Soaking a bait is a much less effective way of fishing for Flathead in my view.

If you have had no luck with SP's then its more likely to be because you are not putting the lure near the fish. Most SP's will catch you fish if you get it near one and impart some kind of

erratic retrieve. Lure type, colour , size retrieve style are important but as long as you are not using a 7 inch jerkshad on the whiting flats, getting it near the fish is going to be your primary goal.

There are a lot of very experienced SP fishermen on this forum and they will be there on the day so if you can get there on the day you wont be disappointed.



Edited by fragmeister
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