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Port Stephens lb session


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Happy Easter raiders! Headed out off the stones at Birubi/Anna Bay this morning with my dad. There were a few tailor about hungry for the trusty raider jig. Landed maybe 10, lost a few more, with a few kept for the BBQ tonight. Landed also a nice wrasse, along with the very rare "Easter egg bream" to round out the morning! Most tailor were between 40cm-50cm with a few smaller choppers in the mix.

Dad (who contributed donuts to the bucket by the way, despite jagging an eel at some point) did manage to take some cool video which I'll add once I can figure out how to make the file smaller.

Fished Nobbys breakwall at Newcastle last night, plenty of flatties & tailor around there on sunset taking pillie cube and small lures. Didn't have the phone on me so no pics of that sorry, but worth a try if you're in the area about 2/3rds along casting to the ocean side.





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3 hours ago, Houdini said:

I've never eaten them myself and only ever heard they don't taste very nice or is that just blackfishermen being choosey

what would you compare it to?

I might compare it to eating black drummer, though the fillets were firmer.  I cut them into skinless + boneless "fish cocktails" dusted in four & shallow fried them.  I think like any fish if you treat them with respect, keep them on ice & fillet them promptly they can cook up OK.  My wife doesn't much like eating fish (other than flathead or whiting fillet usually) & she ate a few pieces of this which means it isn't overly "fishy" or oily.  Hope that helps - it's not the first time I've kept one for the table especially if you're having a lean morning & feel like a feed of fish!

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Great catch mate

apparently (scratchie can correct me) .... But they catch marlin off birubi beach ? I took a 4wd tour up to "tin city" once and we passed a marlin head on the sand. Could have washed ashore so not a confirmation as such. Iv also heard that sharks and jewfish are a tageted at the shipwreck 

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Never heard of a marlin caught off Stockton! The head would have washed in. Stockton beach is speculated to be the second largest great white shark breeding ground in Australia. Hence, I don't go swimming there! :) 

The best gutters are about 7kms north of the signa wreck and yes home to many Jew especially this time of year with the run of the mullet. 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

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