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Busted off twice


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Gday Raiders 

headed out sunday for a solo session. Launched at rose bay around 630 and managed a nice 25 knots all the way to location. Amazing conditions nice n early though it did take a turn for the worse later in the day.

Fished the usual spots for a feed of blue spots (bagged out) and a couple of pannies.

got busted off twice on what appeared to be very good fish. I had four lines out, 3 of them using 30 pound mono and one with 8 pound line with a unweighted bait.

both times i got busted off the rod that took off was the 8 pound line. Good old murphy doing his job, i had no chance. 

Plenty of boats out and about on sunday morning especially outside it was really refreshing.... felt like a summer day if it werent for the bone biting cold

sorry no photos as i gave all the catch to the in laws. Couldnt be bothered for cleaning ! 

thanks for reading

Edited by GoingFishing
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22 hours ago, Reel' em in said:

good report mate

Cheers mate thanks


22 hours ago, Regan said:

nice catch mate, what bait were you using?

sharing is caring.

Cheers All caught on prawns and salted bonito fillet ! 


41 minutes ago, Scratchie said:

Anyway Sam, without the conjecture of how many rods, nice work on a feed. And yep, Murphy will get you everytime! Maybe upgrade that small one to 12-15lb and you might have a chance! 

cheers scratchie!!! 

 Cheers Scratchie i will give that a try i have a number of reels which need respooling just need to figure out which ones should be done first. Is 15 pound likely to deter snapper or would 12pound get me more success ? 

the discussion surrounding number of permissable rods is interesting. I had a police offer (not fisheries) stop me once and at the time i was fishing with 2 rods and had 4 other rods with me. During summer i will take prerigged rods with metals incase i come across a bust up, heavy rig for live baiting and some others for drifting unweighted baits

anyway as it turns out not only are u only allowed to fish with 4 rods at any time your only allowed to have 4 rods rigged at any time.

so she stood there and watched me while i untied the hooks off two of my rods !!!!! I must have somehow inadvertently got into her bad books that day.... 

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Yep, and I think it's 8 rods in total on any recreational vessel regardless of the number of passengers! Happy to be corrected! 

As for the snapper, I only ever use 20lb braid and 20lb leader! Seems to work pretty well for me. I have been dusted a few times but I think mostly that was from being lazy and not changing leader! :( 

Cheers scratchie!!! 


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11 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

I fish strictly 15lb nylon only for floating bait  for reds..if you go heavier they seem to go harder and smut you..lighter and you cant stop them..balancing act...years of trial have lead me to this balance and im stickin to it..rick

I mainly fish sps! But if I'm drifting baits I will use braid but a longer leader and always straight to a hook! 

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Snapper are pretty clean fighters. We go after them with 10lb braid and 20lb leader and in shallow water. Very rarely do we lose them. I am a more recent convert to going this light but my mate has been fishing this light for snapper for ages. Is always the leader which gets snapped when we do get busted.

No piggy tails are allowed on the boat. This is the tail tail piggy sign that your knot let go. This is a shameful event and the offender not only has to deal with the pain of losing a good fish but also has to tolerate the shame from the crew. 

There are no excuses for piggy tails. Only cut or worn leaders. 

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Thanks for the feedback guys

i traditionally subscribe to the idea that your setup is only as strong as your weakest line and therefore tend to fish with heavier line. The fewtimes ive fished light iv been busted off but from what im hearing it is possible to land reasonably sized fish on lighter line. Might have to focus more on my technique


does anyone know how to test/calibrate drag settings on standard eggbeater type reels? 

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On 19/07/2017 at 10:04 AM, GoingFishing said:

Thanks for the feedback guys

i traditionally subscribe to the idea that your setup is only as strong as your weakest line and therefore tend to fish with heavier line. The fewtimes ive fished light iv been busted off but from what im hearing it is possible to land reasonably sized fish on lighter line. Might have to focus more on my technique


does anyone know how to test/calibrate drag settings on standard eggbeater type reels? 

Set of scales, drag should be 1/3 of breaking strain of line, set through the rod not straight off the reel

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