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Bate Bay


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A mate took me out to his secret spot in Bate Bay last night. Anchored up a short time before sun down.

Straight into the bait stealers - maori wrasse, sweep, ling, little red rock cod and others. Was hoping for a bream or reddie but none about. Near full darkness , the rubbish stopped biting.

Floated pillies for the tailor and bonnie, and suffered a few bite offs as well. It was a while between bites, then the pillies started getting picked at, so changed to a single hook, half a pillie and the trevally were there, a bit slow at first then they came on the bite. Getting a hit every drop, just over the size limit, threw back a few then gave it away.

Also pulled up one squid, used some of it for bait but nothing interested.

My last Hacking trip for a while, as I will be hooking up the van and heading to W.A. shortly. Will be travelling a fair bit so not much fishing, but hopefully some.

I will be reading your reports, so good luck all, and leave me some fish for when I return. :D


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Ha ha, I could tell by the photo it was a different fishing trip for you Yowie.  Nice catch. I tried bate bay over Easter (the port was Chaos with boat traffic).  Found big schools of bait but all I could get under em was Sargent bakers.  

Btw, someone has caught and released a 3.3m fish at LILLI PILLI over Easter,  I was swimming nearby with my family the day after.?


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When I was heading out this morning didn't see you at Yowie bay or Lilli Pilli now I know why. It's always good to have bit of variety in our fishing.

Are you heading across the top to WA or across the bottom. We don't leave to take the van across to Broome and the Kimberley for another 5 weeks. Got to go to Weipa for a couple of weeks fishing first.


Edited by hookerbruce
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Thank you all. The missus is going with me for the trip :wacko:

Have not planned any boat trips, a Dhu would be nice but just wishful thinking at this stage.

I don't freeze any fish (except salted for bait), all caught and eaten fresh.

The 3m plus fish at Lilli Pilli had big teeth, could explain why I had fish around the boat at times, then suddenly not a bite at all. And that is not the only one in the Hacking.

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9 hours ago, hookerbruce said:

When I was heading out this morning didn't see you at Yowie bay or Lilli Pilli now I know why. It's always good to have bit of variety in our fishing.

Are you heading across the top to WA or across the bottom. We don't leave to take the van across to Broome and the Kimberley for another 5 weeks. Got to go to Weipa for a couple of weeks fishing first.


Heading across the bottom eventually to the southern areas, then north along the coast, a few stops here and there and eventually to Darwin before heading south to home. That's the plan at this time.

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