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Nice surprise Dollies 1st fad botany


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Went out with a plan to look for kingies  outside Botany Bay . Got a dozen yakkers and headed outside to troll on the way and picked up a couple of Bonnie’s . 

I asked the boys what they wanted and the youngest had just got his license so he was keen to learn how to navigate with plotter . So I punch in 1st fad and he headed off . We didn’t pick up anything on the troll but when we got there there were free jumping there so we hooked up a yakka and he was on after 10 sec . The oldest and I started with lures as only had 11 left . They were hungry for Lucien’s as usual but finicky with any thing else . 

Very tough getting the lures and baits down with the sooties in plague numbers and diving deep . We hooked 3 . We ended up with 5 legals and only 4 not . That’s the first time the first fad has given me a feed since they have been put there . It was a great day with the boys 



Edited by hornets
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