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First winter blackfish - yeah!


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Gday raiders.

Decided to go for a blackfish session today. Time got away from me so it was late afternoon before I left home. Getting any decent weed was challenging to say the least and all my normal haunts came up with bugger all weed. I finally managed to find a few sparse strands around Carss Park so with that headed down to Botany Bay. I nearly turned back as it was howling and bloody freezing. I decided against all the usual spots as it was just too windy so I ended up a bit up river near the Lugarno.

First cast and hit a snag nearly losing the whole rig. A few more casts and adjusting for depth it was not looking promising. Few guys came past flicking lures and we compered notes with zero fish all around.

It was getting dark and the small amount of weed I had left was barely staying on but just then the float disappeared in a flash. I was slow to react and after what seemed an eternity struck but nothing. Cursing myself I baited up again and cast. Float drifted about 2 meters and then down she went again. This time though i lifted the rod and was on. Out came a beautiful 34cm blackfish. No time to muck around i threw it in the keeper net and cast out again. Bang down again and after a more spirited fight was rewarded with another blackfish at 32cm. Both put up a superb tussle on the outfit I was using and ended up as fishburgers for dinner washed down with a Heineken.





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Awesome report and good looking fish, have never caught blackfish, seen it caught a lot in my time, from memory near the entrance they used to catch a lot. might have to start growing some weed in styrene tubs and try and go for some this winter. @jimbo61 how do they taste mate?? similar tasting to what fish, perch? tailor? 

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Thanks everyone. As to the taste Squirt, if you look after your fish then they taste really good. Blackfish are known to have a weedy taste if not looked after but if you bleed them well and remove black lining and blood line then that that disappears. Their flesh has  a noted fishy taste to it and it is generally white and quite moist. It's certainly no flathead, whiting snapper but holds its own. Best way I have found is to fillet and skin them and lightly dust with flower, salt, and pepper and fry.

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I have had some success with cabbage in the estuaries (its a gun bait off the ocean rocks though). But in saying this the fish that I have caught in estuaries using cabbage although fewer and more difficult to catch  tended to be larger. 

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Great report Jimbo and well done for persevering. I have been Blackfishing about 3 times and reckon it's great. The anticipation, watching the float, waiting for the right moment to set the hook...BRILLIANT. Can't wait to try it again next Summer. Cheers, bn

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