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Cracker day on the harbour - more Kingies and Flatties and the Tailor have arrived.


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I was uncertain of a trip to the harbour today as Willy’s weather (and ABC news report) was predicting 2m + swell and 20- 25kn SE winds and intermittent showers - not a fun day, but crew member Ian was dead keen to get out and we hadn’t caught up for over a year, so we headed off.

The predictions were accurate, but this meant there were very few boat on the harbour and no pressure at the ramp launching and retrieving.

The live bait were obliging and it only took 20 minutes to fill the tanks with little Yakkas - didn’t try for squid as I still had (have) loads of cuttlefish from the last trip.

First drop for Kingies resulted in 2 rats (61 & 63 cm) and another big flattie of 70.5cm - the second this week over 70cm. This one swallowed a whole yakka meant for a kingie.

We moved again and ended up with several of the livies bitten in half and 2 lines (40lb fluro) bitten off. We changed to ganged hooks and landed 3 tailor over 50cm and 2 more kings. Also tried a drop for Jewies on the turn of the tide, but disappointed.




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