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SUPERMOON... strange behaviour?

big Neil

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The last few nights have been significant in the "moon phases". I believe that we have had some sort of "eclipse" AND the red moon known as a SUPERMOON??? No doubt some of you out there in Fishraider land will know quite a lot about the science behind these (rare) phenomena. 

What I want to ask you all is "have you noticed any strange animal behaviour?" Let me elaborate a bit. Over the past 7 days I have been driving a lot in areas which I have been to before, but not frequently. I have travelled about 2500 kms on coastal and inland roads. I travel a lot on country roads and often see (predictable) animal behaviour. Yesterday, in broad daylight, an adult Emu casually walked onto the middle of the road near to ULAN (central western NSW), stopped, and watched me approach at 100 km/hr. I stopped and it walked towards the car a few metres and looked at me, whereupon I beeped the horn and it casually moved off the road. Today on a backroad between Wellington and Parkes another Emu did the same thing, except it just kept walking. I do a lot of driving in rural areas and have NEVER seen this particular behaviour before. Have any of you? Another rare, but not unheard of, event I witnessed on the Newell Hwy was 8 separate Kangaroos dead (freshly killed) in a stretch of about 200 metres. These things got me thinking that the moon phenomena could be responsible. Anybody got any theories on this? I'll look forward to seeing any responses. Cheers, bn

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2 hours ago, big Neil said:

Another rare, but not unheard of, event I witnessed on the Newell Hwy was 8 separate Kangaroos dead (freshly killed) in a stretch of about 200 metres. These things got me thinking that the moon phenomena could be responsible. Anybody got any theories on this? I'll look forward to seeing any responses. Cheers, bn

3 years ago, I hooked up the van and headed north through Qld to various places, then on the home stretch, I travelled down the Mitchell Highway, where the missus and I saw many, many dead roos on the road. Fresh kills many of them.

I saw a truck slowly catching up to me from behind (I'm travelling at 100 K/H) so he is over the limit. When he was close behind me, I could see it was a wide load (with no escort vehicle) so I called him on the radio, and he replied he would overtake me around the next bend on the big straight.

No problems, and I replied there were a few roos to dodge. He replied that he had driven north on the road the night before, and knocked down 30 or more roos, no swerving, just knock them down and keep going. Others do the same. And he only missed my van by 6 inches due to his wide load, and I was driving on the fog line.

Approaching the NSW border, there were also some dead emus on the road. Many goats to be seen around the border, but never see dead goats on the road, the cunning bastards get out of the way in time.

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8 hours ago, Hoods said:

A bit like Galahs in the rain Neil??!! I reckon the Emus wanted your autograph after your successful fishing trip!!

I dunno. Ask a serious question and get you taking the p..s Andrew. How am I ever going to learn things with all the jokers around? See ya in the Summer. bn

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Hi Neil we all know the moon can play a big part with fishing maybe just the tides I don’t know wouldn’t surprise me if it affects other creatures as well . Might be something to all those pagan rituals after all

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There has been an exceptional amount of road kill (possums, roos and wombats) down here on the NSW south coast lately, but I put that down to breeding season getting underway and possibly more so this year as critter numbers are down after the fires and travelling further to find a mate. Also the roos are attracted to the road edges in winter as that's where the grass is still growing well due to the heat absorption from the bitumen.

Breeding time and excessive testosterone may have something to do with your curious, brazen emus Neil. Who knows?

I must say though, I have noticed more cockatoos and carellas travelling late at night over the last week than regular, full moon phases.  

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Seems like we have a super moon or blue moon every couple of months now, but, on the beach in front of my house there was a big group of people (hippies if it was 1970) with tambourines and drums dancing around expecting "something" special, except for the eclipse it was just another full moon to me.

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55 minutes ago, noelm said:

Seems like we have a super moon or blue moon every couple of months now, but, on the beach in front of my house there was a big group of people (hippies if it was 1970) with tambourines and drums dancing around expecting "something" special, except for the eclipse it was just another full moon to me.

Yippees?  🤣

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Well we are animals to right...................🤔


I felt very strange that night & lost a few hours & ended up waking up naked in the woods in the early hours of the morning...........................












See what happens when you are sleep deprived, work long hours & drink to much............coffee  😂🤣😅

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