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Nambucca fishing trip 17th - 21st November.


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Morning Raiders.


Myself and my brother had a trip book for the last 4 months to go away to our family place at Nambucca. The trip was mainly to focus on mud crabs and flathead. Well after fishing hard 16hrs hours a day we ended up with 1 small muddy which was returned. However we caught a good 40 flathead over the 4 days ranging from 20cm up to 60cm.


We fished all over the river from chasing jewies around macksville bridge all the way to the upper reaches of warrell creek, warrell creek is a very shallow creek but the length of this waterway and nature is what makes it beautiful.

We used no bait and everything was caught on gulp soft plastics, even had to head to motackle to buy another 80 packets to which I’m now stocked up for summer.

Pictures and video below, question does anyone know what type of fish is in the last video???


Edited by Crabstar
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