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Georges river mulloway


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headed out last night on the kayak to fish the midnight high tide in hopes of a legal Jew for a feed. water temp was sitting around 21.5c again & conditions were very calm.

Threw 2 squid out which went untouched till 11:45 where I get a few taps on the rod, striked and up came my first and only jewie. Only a pup sitting around 50-60cm and hooked pretty badly so i cut the line as close to the hook as i could, took a few quick photos and released him, just for it to float belly up 20 meters down river. he eventually kicked off though.

Other than that I only every got 1 more bite at around 1am & almost had a mullet jump into the kayak, landing within meter of the kayak. I sh*t a brick. Would've loved to put a hook into it. I'm also quite surprised how high they can launch themselves out of the water. easily a meter.

I pulled up anchor at around 1.30 after a rather quite, but relaxing & enjoyable night out on the water.


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Nice little jewie, they still kick along at that size.

Mullet do launch themselves a fair way out of the water at times, even though nothing is chasing them. I have seen sea mullet swimming in schools, when one will suddenly jump out of the water, then settle back with the school. 

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