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Port Stephens- Finally Got Out


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G’day raiders, 

I’ve been a bit absent of late with so much work on, I haven’t  been able to get on the water at all. I spent 10 days in the Pilbara in WA, watching bust ups everyday and didn’t even have the time to wet a line. 🥲

Returned home to another massive week ahead of me and watched the boat sit idle in the driveway. 
A small window appeared for me this morning and with two of my boys off from school, I thought bugger it, let’s go! 

Headed out at a leisurely time of 630 and got to the island about 7am. Probably missed the best part of the morning but it was still just nice to be out there. 
We put in plenty of casts for very little result and it had me wondering if the recent holidays had put a bit of pressure on the fish 🤔 

Moved around a few times and caught half a dozen pannies but not exactly what we were looking for. I then decided that we would try one last spot. The eldest boy instantly hooked up to a rat king that was quickly released. One cast later the youngest boy hooks up and had the reel singing. He’s only a little fella and had to hold on tight as this kingy was a bit better than a rat. He gave it everything he had and after a great battle into the net goes a decent kingy! He was smiling from ear to ear. 
I was up next and found a decent one as well. We played with a few over the next half an hour and decided to call it quits about 930. 

It was beautiful conditions out there and so nice to be finally back on the water again! 

Thanks for reading, 

cheers scratchie!!! 



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18 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

Sounds like a great morning, well done scratchie. Great feed as well. 

Cheers Isaac! Great morning 🤙

18 hours ago, Yowie said:

good work Scratchie. You won't catch anything sitting at home. 🤣

Great country over in the west.

Thanks Yowie! Yeah definitely nice over there. I was keen to wet a line but just didn’t have any spare time! It was a late start for me yesterday. But good to see the boy get stretched 

16 hours ago, Little_Flatty said:

I think your work must have been testing your resolve! If you didn't fish, you must've passed with flying colours!

Great job on the kings. Must be some sore arms in your house after a day like that. :D 

Yes it was! Work always gets in the way 😂

The boy was complaining this morning haha! 

15 hours ago, bessell1955 said:

Great times and great fish.

Thanks mate 

14 hours ago, Rebel said:

Great day out with the boys.

Top photos.

Well done everybody.

Cheers Rebel. They boys loved it. Time to plan the next trip! 

13 hours ago, big Neil said:

You can't keep a good man and his sons down. It's like Cod opening season...sheer delight. Good result for a spontaneous trip out. 


Definitely making the most of opportunities. There’s not much spare time at the moment! 

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Well done Jeff (and the boys). Looks like you’re swapping the snapper gear for Kingies - way to go 🍌 A fight the young bloke won’t forget in a while, stuff memories are made of.

Edited by Pickles
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