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Veikka's pb redfin


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Short "attac" to redfin spot. Me, Saija and Veikka. Didn't get even front motor to boat. Try catch couple of redfins more with that filee wat we allready have from 2 days a go.

Calm water, drive to redfin spot. Veikka want try jigging with worm, so put small but heavy icefishing lure with worm to him ul gear. I start casting small softplastic. I catch first many bites and then "under age" redfin. Move spot only 5 meter. Allso was 5.6m deep.

Then i get better bite and soon was nice size redfin on boat. I just get hook off my redfin mouth and put fish to spot, when Veikka sayd that he have fish on. Ul rod was guite bend and Veikka wind line. Soon we saw that realky nice redfin, i use net and Veikka's pb redfin was on boat.  Fish was 31cm/340g.

Then i made mess on line, use 15min to opening loops. Then couple of casts, one small pike what i release.  Soon nice fish on, i hope that redfin but no, was common bream, too small for smoker (lot of bones), couple pictures and realace. After that Veikka had fish on,but 5 seconds it was gone. 

Full trip was only one and half hour.







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10 hours ago, big Neil said:

Well done on the PB Redfin. That's an unusual lure, I haven't seen one like that before. bn

It is ice fishing lure, but we use similars on summer time when use traditional gears. Now try it with Ul-rod/reel, and it work nice. Its not for cast, only use vertical.

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14 hours ago, Little_Flatty said:

Well done Veikka and Janifin! Those redfin are very good on the plate.

Never knew that the European bream also take lures. Learn something new every day!

I didn,n know allso, but my Pb common bream with soft plastic is 1.66kg, and i have catch them several, least 4,  by softplastic's.

Edited by JaniFIN
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