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Grayling fishing 2022


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This post was recognized by mrsswordfisherman!

"An epic report of your trip from Finland"

JaniFIN was awarded the badge 'Superstar' and 200 points.

Sorry mates, take time write english and get photos from other group.


So, short story, more pictures.


Ok. One week grayling fishing on Lapland. Romma-eno_Vartsajoki area.

Day 1)We did drive about 14 hours over night  from home to Kilpisjärvi. My uncle Esko came pick up  me and Vili, first stop on Oulu gas station where we met rest of group Viki  and Veksi. Some shopping and coffey, next stop on Kukkolankoski where we stop every trip. That place is salmon fishing spot. Short pause and continue to Kilpisjärvi, where we went 10:00am. Lunch there and then last shopping, some drinks and fresh potatoes. Then to helicopter station, and we saw, that copter is under service. There was other copter from Norway, it is not any else matter, but finnis copter have 2 carry box, norwegian only one. Allso norwegian company had 2 pilot, so only 4 peoples on one trip and we had 5 people. No worry, that finnish owner sayd,  they fligh so many times what is nesescary and not any extra cost to us. Had good luck, because group before us was going close to same spot that us, only 10km closer, so their group 3 peoples going first, next flight rest of their group+ Viki and Veksi. Then was my, Vili and Esko turn. We landing spot where Viki and Veksi waiting us. We had some idea on our camp spot, because we had planning with google satellite map. Spot was quite nice, but wet allso.  After short check we find place what was ok for tent.  So build camp, tent on, build fireplace and looking firewood. Then naps, allmoste everyone had been wake up long time, 24-38 hours. After naps scan river with fishing gears. Nice spots, but no fishes, exapt Viki, he came to camp with 48cm/1020g graylin and he sayd that release 5 smaller. We walk with Vili to same spot, but was quite difficult fishing, only one spot for cast, for deep and thicket. about 1m pike try steal my lure, but i was enought fast and pull the lure out of water. Esko or Veksi didnt catch allso anything first evening.

Day 2)After good sleeping night fishing continue. Viki walk to downstream and catch 49cm/1060g grayling allso 43cm/740g and 44cm/790g graylings. Veksi cach close to camp 39cm/600g grayling by dry fly. Esko catch under limit grayling and 2 pike. Me and Vili catch only under limit graylings. Weather was nice all day, but windy. I going sleep after midnight and just then when i get my self sleeping bag, came really calm and sunny weather. But i was too tired continue fishing.

Day 3) Normal breakfast thing, some porridge, bread and yeastarday fishs, coffey, tea and hot chocolad. We start testing our packrafts with Vili. Walk to up stream calm water, allmoste lake and paddle from river cross to Vartsajoki. There we saw caryling eat some things on top, but was quite windy. I har fly gears, Vili had spinners. We put anchor and start fishing. About after 30min fishing i had fish on. I saw that it is grayling, not so big (39cm/630g) but was difficult fight on packraft, because it is really light. Finally I netting it on boat, but netting was huge manouver. Still we saf graylings on top water, but  soon nothing. We did continue paddle over lake to next stram, same time trolling lure and fly. Catch nothing and wind start get stronger. We visit under white water and paddle back to camp, was quite big waves already. Esko had catch one pike, Viki 5 pikes and under limits graylings, Veksi 38cm grayling and Vili nothing..

Day4) Rain allmoste all day, no fishing, only reading in tent, We did some meals late, no rain anymore, and Esko walk back to Vartsa fishing. Other of us continue fishing close to camp. After few hours we meet on campfire, Veksi had cach 38cm grayling, Viki Pike, me and Vili under limits graylings. 

day5) We went still eat on campfire after midnight, when Esko walk back from Vartsajoki, with 37cm/570g , and 47cm/1080g graylings. He clean fishes and soon we all go to sleep.  Morning Viki and Esko walk upstream, me, Vili and Veksi stay near camp, i didn´t fishing, try help Vili catch limit size grayling, try again with packrafts, vili catch pike and netting in him self, Viki catch pike and 37cm grayling, Esko catch nothing, because he saw so much cloudberries, that he cant thingk anymore else, that picking berrys. Veksi catch 40cm/650g grayling, . Eveneing veryone else exapt me go picking cloudberrys, Vili allso like picking, i spent time reading

Day6) Veksi walk morning to Vartsajoki, big grayling hit him fly, but line broke down. Esko and Viki continue cloudberry picking, Vili catch underlimit grayling. He start to be desperate, if he not get any legal size graylings. Afternoon we made pancaces and eat with fresh cloudberry jam and sugar, then reading, exapt Esko go picking more cloudberrys.

Day 7) Last fishing day. Weather was nice, half cloydy, but quite calm. We had plan with Vili go fishing by packrafts, but when we went walking upper stream, we saw legas sze grayling on river. Vili try it by fly, 2 hours, vereytime it allmoste hit to fly, but no, no hit. We try several different flyes, and after that allso spinners, but it was not interesting. So we continue upper stream where our packrafts allready was. Start wind again, and we change plan, go to Vartsa joki by walk. Vili casting but nothing. Then get calm water, no wind, nothin, but lot of graylings tails ad backfins on there. Not interesting fly or spinner. Vili casting again over hour, and say, that he is too tiret fishing anymore. I sayd, that this is his best and last chance get legal size fish, so we continue, baby after 15min he sayd fish on, short fight and Vili landet 46cm/900g grayling, he was happy and i was happy. We continue fishing, i allso, saw lot of graylings but they didint want eat our lures, so we walk back to camp. Viki had allso catch 48cm/975g graylings, esko was picking 10kg cloudberries.

Day 😎 Helicopter came early and we fly back to kilpisjärvi all together this time, Vili sit first time copter front seat. After landing to shop icecream and soda, then to sauna, me and Vili allso swim +11,c Kilpisjärvi, get "freshing". Then 14 hours back to home.











Edited by JaniFIN
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Great report and photos Jani. I read all your reports even though I don’t comment so keep them coming.

id love to fish for grayling - there is something special about that fish in its cold, clear habitat. They seem to be very challenging however. 

is that polar bear country ?

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