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Sydney Kingfish on a knife jig


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struggled to catch any bait on the weekend and could only manage a decent arrow squid which I was undecided if I would keep to eat or use as live bait. Go big or go home as my mate would say, so I rigged it up to a 6/0 circle with a treble stinger. 

Dropped it down about 10m and while I wait I make myself a cup of hot laksa noodles. Nothing beats a warm meal on a cold morning! While munching on the noodles I see some solid marks under the livie. Before I know it, the line it twitching and rod buckles over. After a short tussle I get it to the surface and it’s a kingfish and the treble is barely hooked on the gill. I back off the drag and carefully net the fish. A quick measure and it’s undersized 64cm and sent back home. 
Desperate to find more live bait I moved to various wrecks. On the way to the last wreck I spot some solid marks, drop my light rod setup with a 20g slow jig and it’s gets smashed as the 12lb leader pops. I loose contact with the school so I continue to the last wreck and come up empty. On the way back I spot the school again but this time I had my slow jigging rod setup with a 150g knife jig (I bought this jig 4 years ago and have been carrying it for a day like this 😂). Drop the jig straight to the bottom jig it once, twice and I’m on straight away. It’s a good fish, the drag is screaming but there’s no structure around so I take my time playing the kingfish and enjoy the moment. Quick measure and it’s a keeper 70cm, couldn’t be happier, I ikejime and bleed it straight away. There’s no point in catching anymore as I’m more than happy with the one keeper so I pack up and head back to ramp.
I did catch a few spotted bigeye and flathead while wreck hopping all caught on a 30g slow jig and released.







Edited by whiskey299
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