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The Solomon Islands part 3

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So as you've probably read our time in the Solomon's had been a little hit and miss, after a good discussion with Eric we got him to realise we weren't worried about monster fish we just wanted to catch fish, the more species the better, so with this knowledge we started our morning casting soft plastics around the shallows and it didn't take long for some action with plenty of small colourful fish like


Yellow tail emperor and


Coronation trout

I handed Eric our 20lb setup and he joined in the action, as we moved into deeper water we switched up to soft vibes


The fish started small but tye size began to improve


Slowly, then Amy's rod loads up proper, Eric was so excited when not 1 but 2 fish surfaced 



A nice longfin and coral cod

And shortly after Amy's into another good fish and sure enough


A great paddletail 

Getting towardsthe end of our morning session I free my vibe from a snag and it gets annihilated, I called for a big fish, 


A really nice leopard trout, and to top off a good morning Amy and I both catch orange lined triggerfish


Absolutely stunning fish

With tgings starting to fire up we headed back out for the afternoon we again vibed some good looking reef, the first few drops were uneventful then woth Eric saying wind up, my vibe gets hammered only a metre from the surface, calling trevally ot was a tough fight over some heavy reef, first thought GT but turned out to be another great bluefin 


That set the tone for my afternoon I caught loads of new species


Longnose emperor 


Blue spot emperor


 Threadfin emperor


And even a surgeon fish

Moving spots looking for bigger fish as the lodge relies on fish for food

We got into a few better quality fish like trout, and other random species like


Highfin cod



Small red bass

Amy was having a tough arvo until again after being bitten off I offer to retie her leader passing my rod over


Again Amy catches a great fish on my rod

The afternoon definetly produced with some new and very beautiful fish


Black tail snapper

And a big gold spot


Unfortunately I thought it was a big Lutjanid so I went a bit hard and due to barotrauma couldn't be released

The following morning we decided was our last boat session so we again focused on softvibing

The morning started well


Amy landing a nice paddletail early on, while cranking my vibe in to take a photo again it's nailed, calling trevally seeing silver thought surely the elusive GT but no


A really nice Brassy, we landed a few other small reefies but with the sun out we wanted to send the drone up from a nearby island, pulling up of course there were fosh busting 


A queenie to finish off my boat fishing, the island was like a postcard 


And even better from above


Our afternoon was spent snorkelling and relaxing bit I also wanted to try kayak fishing near the lodge, I brought a 6lb setup with us so I tried casting a 38mm lipless crank around the coral edges, it was so much fun 

The smaller fish were going off on it


Ornate emperor


Blue spot cod and


Birdwire cod, the small fish were definetly fun then something with a bit more fire takes the tiny lure by some miracle I kept it from the reef


Black banded snapper, I'd never even heard of these  

Pushing my luck a dark shape eats my crank a quick scream of the drag and it's done 

That ended our adventure we spent the night at the bar reminiscing Eric even joined us at our request 


Definetly a memorable trip our final species count was 39

This is definitely a place we will be returning too

I hope you've enjoyed our photos and story 

If anyone is interested in the trip shoot me a pm

Cheers for reading 



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