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Everything posted by bluefin

  1. I was telling Jason in the tackle shop I would be in trouble for spending so much. He gave me an interesting perspective. If I ash My wife if I can spend $200 on fishing gear. Il get into trouble.! If I buy $200 in fishing gear and then tell her Ill get into trouble, But Ill have $200 in fishing gear !!!!!!
  2. I went for a look at the beaches up here today. Lighthouse and in front of Lake Cathie 4wd access both look good !!! Howard.
  3. Soldier Crab. Good Bream Bait. Howard.
  4. Years ago I bought 2 CI4 stradic 1000, Now I wish they were 2500 !! Very little weight difference but larger spool casts and retrieves better, I know because I now have 2 2500 and 2 3000 stradics to compare to !!. DAIWA REVROS LT I like these too , I have 2 and like them !!!
  5. With Autumn upon us , I am looking for some great fishing in the deeper water for schooling bream, Jewfish, and big Flathead. Out comes the Wild weasel. 2 to 6 kg. 2 to 14 gram. I run 10 lb braid with a 12 lb leader. Lure wise , Samaki Vibelicious 10 gram. ( they now have a 14g Im yet to try ) in Whitebait !! Probably the only lure I need !!. But for a change I use the zman Minnowz 3" and 3"grub in motor oil. 1/4 jighead, ( Painted Deep Purple Ha Ha ) Trolling A Bomber 24a Gold orange or Brown orange if you can find them. These dive to 4 to 5 meters( i know because they hit the bottom !! ) and catch a lot of Flathead and Jew . The weasel is my perfect winter rod. Stiff enough to work the 10 gram vibes. But yesterday I was casting a 3.5 gram Metal vibe with it working a shoreline. No problem at all. This is a great all round rod !!! Love it !! Go find some fish. Howard !!!
  6. Where is the big Anal Spike of a bream. ? Howard .
  7. Op shop score for my granddaughter . But not responsible enough. So there mine now !!!!! You can only see the top shelf rails, there are 2 more lower down. Certainly kept them busy and I now have the most colourful Tackle box !!!!! Howard. PS they want me to find more for them !!!!!!!!
  8. 2 outa 3. Aint bad!!
  9. Hi everyone, Hope your all well ?? Fished thursday and friday this week. Did well with 3 Bream on Soldier crabs in an eddy, Dirty water run out tide . 1 Tailor and 6 flathead. Plus a few undersize fish.On lures . Painted Jig Heads. A while ago there was a push to use coloured jig heads. Did anyone paint theirs and was it worth it ? A bit of red on the underside could look like the flared gills of an injured fish. Im thinking I have the nail polish and 3 grandkids. A bit of craft ?? Howard .
  10. I just partitioned off half the double garage to create a craft room for my daughter. A good time to clean up and rearrange my fishing and camping gear. I gave myself a meter behind the garage door before her wall for storage and the wall down the middle i will move all my rods on to !! Win Win !!!!!!!! Howard. Also thought I would share my birthday cake with everyone, My daughter had it custom made for me .
  11. Rebel. The older I get the grumpier I Am !!!! My wording was a bit aggressive, And yes I have fought against this Advertising driven information My whole working life !. I have no anger, just frustration. Howard.
  12. I am also blessed with a grandson who loves fishing !!!!! We usually lure fish, but this day we had 2 others with us so we used worms. We got over 25 fish, not all legal, But they enjoyed it.
  13. Yellow night driving lenses reduce the available light by at least 10%. This reduces your vision in low light situations. Listen to Nutsaboutfishing, "Yellow night fishing glasses are of no use bordering on dangerous" I probably didn't explain I was referring to the Yellow lenses. What is even more frightening is the fact that there are people out there who wear dark sunglasses at night While Driving, as it reduces the glare / brightness of the on coming traffic. It works really well. Reducing the available light by 80%. May as well turn your headlights off! Also illegal !!! Have spoken to quite a few, But they won't listen !!!!! When it comes to Spectacle lenses, over 45 years in the business gives my some authority !!! Howard.
  14. Complete and utter rubbish, Yellow is the most sensitive colour to your eye, so things appear brighter, But in fact they reduce the available light by at least 10%. . Howard !!!!
  15. First choice would have to be an ugly stick ! 6"6" 4 to 8 KG. Howard.
  16. Interesting, Can't say I ever have !!! Howard.
  17. Flathead. I hunt them with a variety of lures, Jews are often a by catch. Howard. Ps 2005 post !!
  18. I have my eye on the boat loader !!!!! Howard. https://www.boathoist.com.au/sidewinder-electric-boat-loader/
  19. Daiwa TD Black. I have a few Gen Black and they just feel right !!. I have Shimano tk3g, and Samaki Zing, But daiwa just feel better , Lighter . Howard.
  20. No. But we were using Butterworth 8144 at the time at 12 ' I think these were shorter Im guessing 10' . a lot of people were using the 8120 and 9120 . I ended up using a sabre SS220 . so there was a move to shorter rods.
  21. https://www.shimanofish.com.au/content/fish/oceania/au/en/homepage/articles/land-based-game-fishing.html
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