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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Yeah, i had a look at the albright. Sorta got it but every couple of goes it slips .... Sounds like its a crowd favourite though
  2. They have been a little quiet. The only things in numbers are salmon and tailor. Hopefully things will get easier soon
  3. Solid effort mate! Thats a very respectable first hairtail too Its one thing to land a kingie on a yakka but at night in Cowan Creek in WINTER!!! Crazy stuff! Cheers, Tom
  4. Good haul there Probably Bigger Sambo's or some very latr season kings
  5. Thats a solid haul or hairies mate! Big too
  6. Hi mate, pretty sure there's a naval base right near clifton just to the north of the bay. Could be wrong but thats what i thought it was all these years
  7. Thanks for that, i'll have a look at them
  8. Couldn't agree more about landing them. When i got my 96cm model to the rocks i had to clamber down and half get in the water... not too fun.. 18kg is the biggest i've heard of up that way. Do they stay around in Winter?
  9. Yeah, there's some good spots up that way for lure tossers! Have you had any luck ?
  10. Hey raiders, having had a few dodgy leader-main line knots lately i thought i'd post a thread. Whats the best way of tying leader to mainline? I've just been using a variation to a locked blood knot and one in every 3 seems to completely slip out when fishing. Any names/instructions/links would be fantastic! Cheers, Tom
  11. Hey mate, Your right. There are some big jews down there. I've been done on 50lb braid on the bridge pylons with live tailor at least a dozen times in the last few years! Got one this season at 96cm which was good . Do you fish the bridge or head upstream?
  12. Very true mate, Some big jew to be caught during winter!
  13. Thanks mate, i usually use circles but i was land based today with multiple rods so opted to fish a light drag with a J hook. Your definitely right, i could have gone a little lighter with the leader but when your fishing next to a construction site (mostly in the water) it just brought a little piece at mind to run 40lb. Cheers, Tom
  14. I fished there today. They knocked off at lunch!!
  15. +1 for the spit mate. The by-catch is big bream and flatties
  16. Hey raiders, haven't posted a report in a month or so... Go out today and hit up roseville. I was fishing just to the left of the boatramp (construction site). The plan was to catch a few livies and have them out while i flicked sp. I had some fresh squid as back up in case bait was hard to come by. There was no shortage of tailor and bream at first, but no yakkas... Managed two 30cm tailor on 2" Gulp Shrimps and put them in the bucket to use as livies. Kept trying only to nail a few smaller bream and tailor before i set the baits. One rod with a running sinker to a 5/0 J hook on 40lb leader, The next with a running sinker to a snell with 6/0 hooks and half a squid. Nothing for the first half hour before the baitrunner with the live tailor came to life. Let it run for about 10 seconds before i struck. The was a lot of weight and a good head-shake before the line went slack... Wound it in and 40lb leader was chewed through. Likely to be a bull shark.. Kept on fishing and over the next 2 hours i got at least 40 tailor to 36cm, 2 silver trevally to 33cm and a fair few undersize bream. Also nailed a baby John Dory (40cm) on a 100mm wriggler. I had finally caught a yakka on a little slither of squid which measured 22cm. Perfect Jewie size . Whacked him out only to have a cormorant steal it... This happened twice today... bloody birds... . With the light beginning to fade, i whacked out my last tailor (31cm). After a good 25minutes the bait was engulfed once again. Did the exact same thing and waited 10 seconds. Clicked into fighting drag and bang. A lot of weight straight away. Took a good run of about 25m straight away. I had to put the breaks on as he was heading straight for the moorings... Locked up drag and POP. NOT AGAINN!!!! Wound it up and examined it closely. Faulty leader knot it seemed... What a shame. Would have been a fantastic way to end the day with a big jewie . Anyway, thats what keeps you going back for more. The fresh squid remained untouched the whole day! Fussy fish! Hopefully you all get a few over the weekend ! Cheers, Tom
  17. Haven't been out there for a while though! Sounds like i better go for a look. Any kings over summer there?
  18. Question 1: When fishing with circles, fish at fighting or locked up drag. The idea of circle hooks is not to strike. The fish needs to hook itself. All you need to do i apply pressure and 4/5 time it will snag them in the jaw corner. If your still having trouble gut hooking fish then try and upsize to a 4/0 or 5/0. This will stop almost any small fish swallowing your hook. Question 2: To my understanding, private jetties are for private use only. Just because the guy may have gotten away with it doesn't mean its allowed. If you like give it a go but i think you should stick to other wharves in pittwater. Give Taylors Point Wharf a go this winter. I get plenty of John Dory, Leatherjackets, snapper and salmon from here. A lot of squid too! Good luck!
  19. Jewies on sp at dusk and first light. The by-catch is big flathead and tailor. I'm sure you'd get the odd jewie on bait at night but SP is generally the go down there. Look for drop offs and channel edges. Good luck!
  20. Can't go wrong with a dusk high tide and some live mullet/big beach worms there! Squid Hoods are great too on a snelled rig!
  21. Best way to find a gutter is to spot an area with calm water that has lots of rougher white water to either side. The calmer water is your gutter and is in deeper water. The rougher water is usually quite shallow and a sandbank. Works for me usually
  22. I can't imagine that it wouldn't be. If i had the time at the moment i'd be setting up for jew at the entrance to the lake!
  23. Lovely weather we're having..

  24. Hi mate, for squid head into pittwater. Places like West Head, Mackerel Beach, Barrenjoey Head and Palm Beach wharf are all good starting points. They've been patchy lately though. I would suggest buying a few fresh squid to have as back up
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