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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. OWZAT

    Autism - Update

    G`day Motty , One has only to read your prior posts to know that you are indeed a special person . But its only just now , we have all learnt just how special you BOTH really are. You both , have my upmost admiration ! , and thank you for an extremely uplifting post. Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , Just went for a run up the Beach with Lozza , and the news is not good. Large dollops of Kelp have ben washed up from Walli Point to Manning Point , In Fact , there was only one small spot on the entire 12 Kilm Run , that was fishable , and I assume that after this Perffect 1.5 Tide here tonight , it too will be gone, or totally choked with Kelp as well. Also wringing their hands in despair are the Beachfront home owners , who have lost 60% of their property , and believe its only a matter of time when the houses slide into the sea. See The pic below . Mick
  3. G`day Fellas , Within an hour of arriving home and the Pitures Took , the fish were filleted and immersed in 3 kilos of Pool salt in a large plastic container and locked in the Garage to brew . Very soon now , should come a knock on the door , to find a nice fat Jewie or /Jews , hung on the hooks I deliberately set up on my porch for the photo Shoots. I expect to start fishing myself soon. Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , Here`s a pic of the Tailor The youngfella caught last week. Smallest 32 Cms Largest I think he said was about 50 . I advised him to next time lay something down on the ground alongside the fish so We can judge the scale. Mick
  5. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas , And one has to ask , how much taxpayers money was wasted securing a $5.00 fine ?. At a guess I would estimate $100,000 , and its never going to goa way either. They cant even confiscate the catch and sell it to go towards the cost of the action. Better to have patrols crusing the area in full view of these pirates , rather than playing war games with them . Mick
  6. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas , Alky , ain`t it always the way !. Mick
  7. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas , Alky, I had reports that The Southern Breakwall was producing good size sea bream. In fact , two of the locals here who fish it regularly , showed me a piccie ( still in their Digi camera ) of a catch of 20 odd bream caught there recently . I`ll see if I can catch up with them and see whats happening . Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , Our Bets for Today are Parlay ....$6.00...Place Unit Melb Race... 6.......No.....8 Melb Race....8.......No.....6 Melb Race... 9.......No.....13 And $8X$8....Melb Race... 6...No....8....Escape Artist. Good Luck whatever you decie to Back. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , Yeah Hi Monds , The big fella had to got to town this morning , so No worming today. But there is a eerie feeling out here that all Hell Is about to break Loose with the Jews . Mick
  10. G`day Fellas, For the 3rd day In a Row , we drove up the beach in pusuit of Tailor. Arriving at the spot below , you could distinctly feel a sort of tension in the air , a sense of something about to break big time . Lawrie can be seen spinning for Tailor in front of a ripper of a gutter , next to a deep hole. The spot looked highly productive , but we never lost a bait in the short time we were there , so we moved further up the beach looking for birds working , but there were none. Lawrie suggested we should slip down an pull some worms tomorrow morning , and try for Jews on dusk that Arvo . And As you would expect , He got no argument from me. Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Larwie called in for a quick fish up the Beach Past the entrance where he absolutely donged the Tailor Yesterday. With a nice bag of Salted fillets , we drove up the Beach to the same spot where he was yesterday , to find a FB already having caught some verry nice Greenies. By the Time we Rigged up and cast our Ist offering to the quarry , the wind went from a reasonable 10 Knotter to to a full blown Gale , wich was gusting to 30/35 Knotts. Needless to say , we sucked it in , and headed Home , ( Bugga ! ) . Mick
  12. G`day Fellas , Todays bets are as usual , all in Melbourne. Parlay $6.00 Place Race .......2 ...............No..... IO Race........3................No.......7 Race.........8...............No.......6 Melb....Race....... 3.....$8X$8......No.....7 Good luck on what ever you take. Mick
  13. OWZAT

    A New Spot

    G`day Fellas , Sorry Guys , But It was not meant as a teaser , just thinking out aloud . The Pics of course are of the Manning River , about 10 kilms downstream from Taree. If you look at the eastern most tip of Dumaresq Island where Paddys creek runs into the north passage , then almost directly opposite is the spot mentioned prior and shown in the pics , and although deep for the manning , it is verry rocky . In fact anywhere along this particular stretch of water is said to be extremely productive if you put the time in. Davy * We had worms which could not get a nibble , but as soon as we changed to peeled prawns they were on!. Hooky , its where the old Milk wharf used to be. Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Heya Gibbo , Mate those wobbies are Just too cute to eat . And besides they remind me of my wardrobe back in the good old days. Mick
  15. G`day Fellas , Went for a quick stroll down to see if the youngfella was getting any Tailor , and lo and behold , He landed two Wobbygong Sharks in the Space of 20 Minutes whilst I was there. Now this is the Ist time I have ever seen wobbies caught here , but the youngfella said he caught them up to 5 feet in length of late . Anyway We managed to remove a large hook from the bigger one ( 140cms ) which was trailing 20 odd feet of line behind it , and send him on his merry way , so good deed done for the day I left him trying for tailor . Mick
  16. G`day Fellas , Jinxed myself by taking the camera along on a trip to the new fishing spot my neighbour showed me last week. And although I got one 40cm flattie and and another catfish , the big tide was always going to be a problem. The ground itself is really a low water ground , Or better fished on the last 2 hours of the run out , as was told to us by a couple of Council workers who arrived at noon to have their lunch , and I agree , because we fished the spot for 4 hours , and the bites came only 1 1/2 hours after the tide changed. Still , it was good to get out to the river for a change , but I still reckon we should try the spot at least once at night. A couple of Pics of the spot we are fishing . Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , Yep Abe Lincoln for me . Mick
  18. G`day Fellas , Forget about Omega 3 , vitamin c, and all that Stuff!. My Mother drank A bottle of Johnnie Walker a Day , every day , till she died at 84 , as Did Her Mother and father , all lived to be 80-90~s. Me , I take a Capfull of Apple cider Vinegar In a schooner Glass of water 3 Times Daily . Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets are...... And Good Luck to all having a flutter. Mick
  20. G`day Fellas , Anyone wanna bid on this one.? Mick http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Victa-2-stroke-Not-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. G`day Fellas , Last night , I Had a call from a former Sydney Neighbour , who spent A few Days AT Spencer. He and His his wife used to Tag along with us when we went up for the weekends , and over a period , I taught him some of our tricks for fishing a difficult area. So , after catching the usual suspects ( Bream And Flatties ) , he decided to try the Deeper water At Haycocks . With large strips of mullet for bait , he managed to boat a 21 Pounder , and got busted by something much larger , which by the sheer power of the beast , he called for a shark. I asked him to post me some pics ( No PC ) , but he said he would do better , and would call in sometime next week on his way up to The Gold Coast . Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , There`s your problem Mate , Its bad luck to cut the tails from Fish , everybody knows that . Ya dont see de-tailed flathead for sale in the fish Markets do you , no Fella , because they know better. Mick
  23. OWZAT

    Doggy Supporters

    G`day Fellas , I think it`s about time to deal with these Bullydogs once and for all. Its obvious to me , that the club themselves can`t or won`t exercise in house "Crowd Control" , and so I think its about time for The bully-dogs to sit out a year . Now before everybody starts jumping up and down wringing their hands , just think for a second , how you would feel , if your brother , or "SISTER" for that matter , was kicked to death for watching a game of Footie for christ sake. Don`t tell me , that the legitimate Fans at that match wouldn`t know the names of that disgusting brain dead Rabble , and where to find them. FELLAS , These Goons are not a bunch of over excited fans , These People are future Killers !!!!. Sooner or later it will happen , the aftermath of The cronulla riots clearly proved to the whole country that they Have no fear or respect for anything , so how cheap is a life . And when your photo is posted on Page 3 of the Telegraph Sports Page Punching the shit out of a female , then it`s time to act in my opinion. Huh , but knowing the Fat Cats of the NRL , nothing will happen , perhaps a few points deducted from the Club will appease the majority , but only a fine of say ....$ 250, 000 ... seems to get the attention of this lot sadly. I say , Dont fine them , Flick them, and give the Game back to the spectators and their families who used to own it untill this lot came along . Mick
  24. G`day Fellas , This Bugger owes me heaps ( wouldn`t ya just Know it ) , but I guess if you start something you should finish it , so I`m going to have another couple of bucks each way and Box 1357 for a 1/2 unit. But It should be somewhere about 12/1 by start time . Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Yeah Hi Tweakie , I Cant see a Trawler skipper double handling bycatch ( Freezing then Storing ) , especially when most of them have a minimum staff. I think this event mainly happened because they were close in , and as such , the bycatch washed up quickly , whereas out wide , pelagics, birds, sharks , and all types of predators feed off the Bycatch when shovelled over the side.
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