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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , OK , so it works , now lets see it OG. Can`t beat a good trap , specially one wot works!. Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , Pitty , Buy a copy of The DVD ......"Jewfish Secrets " Vol I by Greg Joyes . This video is strictly for Boaters fishing the Hawkesburry River , and I found it to be right on the mark , although I frown on having 8 rods in the water for 2 Blokes fishing . For a beginner , this video not only shows you what bait to use , but where and how to Catch it . It demonstrates in great detail ,how to prepare your Bait , the rig to Use , especially using live and slab baits . But most of all , it shows in great detail , all the best spots in the area , and how to line up and anchor up on them. It also shows you the sounder markings and how to anchor on the dropoffs , etc, etc. In all , I found the DVD most informative , but overpriced at $34.00 , for a 55 minute video. Needless to say , my young fella bought it recently , and I oddly enough ,only watched it last night . Mick
  3. So , kanesy , you too eh ????. Thought that only ever happened to me , those b*********s must be everywhere !. Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , Kane , I used to Live at Lugarno years ago , and I can tell you that the foreshore pictured by the crosses in the pic below , produced some huge catches of blackfish and a lot of the keepers were in the kilo class . It`s not Port Hacking mate , but I can vouch for the spot depicted. There was a private jetty opposite the oyster racks , and boy , this small area produce some stonker bream over the years , in fact I think I caught my second PB in this spot , a tick over 5lb. But I`m sure some Hacking regulars will point out some spots as well. Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , Gibbo , I guess we will see just how keen they are , albeit it is short notice , I just hope they get enough there to make an impression , because if they don`t , all might be lost . So perhaps it may have been wiser for the organisers to have planned it more carefully and allowed more time to muster the troops , rather than to rush in half cocked , which I hope they have not done. Lightweight , The devil we knew , betrayed us , so we should not reward Betrayal with loyalty , thus , For the Ist Time in my entire Life , I will be Voting for the Lib/Nats in The Next State Election . They Take from Us , we take from them , its the only system that works with pollies ( 12 years in Opposition is a long time to be unempowered , ask Kim ). Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , Local member Here , JOHN TURNER , stated publicly on radio last week , that if The State Liberal Government was Elected , they would sign in blood , to disband the current Marine Parks , set up by the current Labor Government. Probably Just Kite flying by the Nats , but This time I have a feeling , that he has struck a chord with more than just a handfull of Local Yokels . He gave some pretty scary figures of how much these Marine parks would cost the communitys affected. From memory , I think he said that fishing alone contributed 65 million dollars to the Port Stephens Economy , and if the Park was to ahead , Port Stehens would become Ghost Town. But nothing gets the attention of a Politician faster than 20,000 citizens united in a common cause and protesting loudly. I wish them Good Luck. Mick
  7. Heya Blackie , Now that is a weird coincidence actually , because I have just done exactly that tonight . I have manually adjusted the Camera to take High resolution Pics in future , after being dissatisfied with the quality of that Pic. I dug the instruction Disk out and spent the Arvo Reading all the tricks at taking better pics . I think my grandaughter may have had a fiddle with it when I lent it to her to take a pic of her pooch on saturday . Mick
  8. G`day Eely , Never saw the story mate , care to post the link , I`d like to read that one. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , I thought I would wander down and check out the damage from the gale force winds we have had over the last few days , and I`m happy to report That It was not as bad as I first thought It would be. But The winds have filled in a few good holes , but it has also lengthened a few of the Gutters , but time will tell if they will produce . As I arrived Lo and behold , This Bugger was frollicking Out wide of Old Bar Beach , but did not breech , perhaps a mum feeding a bubba ?. Oh for a telephoto lens. Mick
  10. Poor old Barry , " A Victim Of Moregreen" , sung to luey The fly ,,,, In the Morteeen ad. Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Just Knicked this from another site , and I gotta tell ya , this is scary. Immagine this surfacing close by when you were cubing.... . Caption, " I think wer`e gunna need a Bigger Boat !" . Mick
  12. OWZAT

    15 Things To Do

    G`day Fellas , 15 Things to do at Wal-Mart while your spouse/partner is taking their sweet time: 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3' in housewares and see what happens. 5. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away. 6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department. 8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' 9. Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and pick your nose. 10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are. 11. Dart around the store suspiciously, loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. 12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using Different size funnels. 13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME! PICK ME!" 14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!" (And last but not least!) 15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and, then, yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!" Personally I like the last one best !. Mick
  13. Heya Hooky , Bloody Tough day All right mate , but I flubbed the winner of race 2 for $175.20 , and have 11.20 going all up a place in the last on Shahanna no 13 from the parly , so Here`s hoping. Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Once Again all bets in Melbourne. Race 2......... 12X12......NO....6.....Dyna Myta Place Parlay. $4.00 unit...... Race ....2...........No......6.......Dyna Myta Race.....6...........No......4.......Riceman Race.....8...........No......13......Shahanna Good Luck whatever you Take. Mick
  15. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas , Is No 2 ... one of the Frankenstein movies where he ends up at the North Pole , with Kevin Branagh and Dinero as Cranky Frankie ??? Mick
  16. OWZAT


    Trivia , In the scene where Ben Stiller is released from prison after being wrongfully acused of Murder , Cameron Diaz`s Father , who was visiting the set , is pictured as the inmate in the front , with a beard and Jeering Ben . Mick
  17. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas, 1. African Queen 4.Usual Suspects 5.American Pie Mick
  18. OWZAT

    I Can See It Now

    G`day Fellas , I can see it now , Fred appears at the local Pub , where he has been noticibly absent since being made redundant from his high paying job in senior management , . " Geezus Fred thought you were Dead mate, where you been hiding ?" says Jame s the bartender . " I Have been extremely busy retraining for my New position with Sydney Council boyz " said fred guardedly. " Whatcha doin fred , not the Mayor I hope , although you couldn`t be any worse than the present dill" , replies wally the local garbo . " Nah Lads , says fred gleefully , I`m the new " Butt Inspector" , anyone for a beer ? , I`m shouting .". " Ahh , well Ok" says wally , " as long as your`e not pouring , I`ll have a schooner of new thanks ". Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , no 5 Fun with Dick And Jane ??? Mick
  20. G`day Fellas , I only Fluked One !!!. Mick
  21. G`day Fellas , With no tailor biting , the minute I got that Ist Salmon , I would have slabbed it , and anchored a nice strip of it just beyond the drop off . Most times the changing of Baits and tactics works a treat , and more than likely , you had a nice School of Jewies running , who had cleaned up the Tailor , or at least scared them off somewhat . The salmon I think ,are much dumber than Tailor. Mick
  22. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas , Carp were ist In`troduced into Australia , by left wing extremeist greenies and communist Sympathizers . Since the fall of Communisim 20 years ago , these red Raggers have somehow managed to Infiltrate the NP & Wildlife organizations as well as others , thereby managing to introduce Marine Parks into the country as a result of this. If their plan comes to fruition , then in its final stage , these tree hugging commies will have everything protected , even as a last resort " The Humble Carp" , so before all is lost Fellas , " Catch and Kill a Carp before its too late" .Mick
  23. OWZAT


    Bloody Devil Worshipers . MICK
  24. G`day Fellas , Todays bets are In Melbourne . Parlay ......$3.00 unit for a win Race 5,6,7,8.......no 2 to win all. And Melb race 2 $3.50 X $3.50 each way no 10 Ariva Diva Good Luck on whatever you take . Mick
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