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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , This wobbygong shark was easy 6 feet in length , and was taken by Owzat Jnr . The shark was only kept out of the water long enough for a quick photo shoot , and then released unharmed . I`ll submit it to the Mods for acceptance in the records section . Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , Mick Jnr and His FB Dillon Fished Old Bar Again last Night , for A Wobbygong Shark approximately 6 foot long , My Boy Is 5`11 , and it was as long as him , and dillon scored this " Brick" of a jewie going 12 LB. Mick
  3. G`day Fellas , Fishrunner , If you look closely , you will see the clothes line is almost brand new . This happens when you hang waders out to dry , facing upwards , and tie the braces to the supporting arms so they wont blow a way in the wind . It`s also a good idea to remember to bring them inside before you get a torrential Downpour during a storm . Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , Every Jew Has a Story & I Love A Good Yarn . The Li`l fella got tired of waiting for his Missus to get back from netball , so , he grabbed his gear and legged it down to the beach (approximately I kilm away ). He then set out on another brisk walk for about a ½ click ,searching for a predetermined spot he marked earlier that day . Arriving just on dark , he set up shop , then after rigging up , lobbed a golfball size bunch of worms into a small hole, that had formed A few days prior . About 7 Pm , tap , tap , tap , suck , suck ,suck , nudge, nudge , and then , all hell broke loose!. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz , then , 100 metres of 50LB Braid sceamed off the reel , and thus , The Waltz of The Mulloway Began !. Now for those who are not familar with the The Waltz of The Mulloway , it is something between a Foxtrot , Tango and a Quickstep , with a touch of the Barn Dance thrown in as well . Side together , side together , slow , slow , quick , quick , slow , and soon you have covered some 50 metres of dance floor ( “ beach “ ) sideways , desperately regaining line , whilst never relaxing your grip or the pressure on your “ Partner “, ( Miss Mulloway ! ) Finally the musicians change the tune , and as the tempo slows , you change Tack. Three steps forward , three steps back , and with the “ Pumps “ working overtime , 25 minutes or so later , you know your`e on a good thing , as your partner slowly surrenders , and glides gently onto the sand . Once beached , you seize the moment , and racing down to greet her , you lovingly reach down and embrace her with Both arms , and after a quick butch kiss on the cheek , you “stomp” up to your gear , and nestle her gently in the sand . With heart pounding , and legs shaking , you flop down on the sand alongside her , and light up a ciggie , ( sound familiar ?) then , it sudenly dawns on you , that you are a long way from home , and also alone . Ok , no worries you think , I`ll just ring the missus and tell her to pick me up in 35 minutes , so you reach for the mobile , and switch it on , but the battery is dead flat , dead as a doornail , bugga !!!. Ok , so on to plan B . You have a large hikers backpack , so you slide you catch head first into it , lash her to the straps hanging down here and there with 50lb mono trace , and sling the the whole pack up onto your shoulders. So far so good , now , you have ½ a 52 Pounder sticking out of the backpack , and when you finally manage to wriggle the pack into a comfortable position on your shoulders , a large tail flops forward over the top of your beanie covered head like an umbrella. Clad in Heavy Duty Waders , carrying a long rod with a big reel , plus a 50 pounder and all the Hooks , sinkers , and extra gear that you need for this type of fishing , you slide one foot in front of the other and TANGO up the beach to the roadway. You now have a 1 kilometre stroll along the roadway to the OldFellas Unit , and with this bloody GREAT tail flopping over your head , combined with the clop,clop , clop of heavy duty wader boots hitting the roadway , the sound greatly amplified in the dark , you just hope and pray , that everybody in Old Bar Is sound asleep , because not only did you not want to stop and chat , you are painfully aware you look like something that just crawled out of a space ship. And once again I cannot post the pic , so have emailed it to ken. Mick There you go Mick nice fish (KA)
  5. Voody , its almost impossible to advise you or anybody else on what gear to use , because its a personal thing , that you sort of adjust to. I use a medium 12 foot Wilson Rod with a Daiwa jupiter 6000 reel loaded with 20Lb daiwa sea Line. I have another 12 foot rod attached to a Okuma reel spooled with 15Lb Line , and so on , horses for courses . My boy uses a 13 foot rod with a shimano reel , and 50lb braid . I fish straight through , he uses the Paternosta rig . I like to fish one hour before High to One hour after , preferably just before dark , the li`l fella likes to fish from High to midway out , and prefers after dark . But one thing we both agree on is , Nothing beats live Worms taken that day for Bait. Slabs of Tailor , whole Pilchards, mullet, squid , and you could go on forever , just try to discover what the locals are using where you intend to fish. Mick woims Gibbo , woims. Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , Well my mate just rang to say he took 9 photos , and will drop his camera in tomorrow arvo after work . He also said his camera was playing up too , so I just hope we get one good enough to see clearly. Mick
  7. G`day Fellas , The Lil fella ( MicK Jnr ) nailed this 142 cm jewie , which went 25 kilos on the Salter scales about an hour ago At Old Bar . Because My camera has got some sort of problems with the Flash , and my daughters camera was in being repaired , I could only get the poor pics posted below , but I have asked a mate a few doors down to go over to his place and take a few shots for me , so hopefully , I will have a better shot for the record tomorrow. Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , How good , and how true is this ??. THE AUSTRALIA THAT I KNEW By Chris Long When the shearing sheds are silent and the stock camps fallen quiet When the gidgee coals no longer glow across the outback night And the bush is forced to hang a sign, '... gone broke and won't be back' And spirits fear to find a way beyond the beaten track When harvesters stand derelict upon the wind swept plains And brave hearts pin their hopes no more on chance of loving rains When a hundred outback settlements are ghost towns overnight When we've lost the drive and heart we had to once more see us right When 'Pioneer' means a stereo and 'Digger' some backhoe And the 'Outback' is behind the house... there's nowhere else to go And 'Anzac' is a biscuit brand and probably foreign owned And education really means brainwashed and neatly cloned When you have to bake a loaf of bread to make a decent crust And our heritage once enshrined in gold is crumbling to dust And old folk pay their camping fees on land for which they fought And fishing is a great escape; this is until you're caught When you see our kids with yankee caps and resentment in their eyes And the soaring crime and hopeless hearts , is no longer a surprise When the name of RM Williams is a yuppie clothing brand Not a product of our heritage that grew off the land When offering a hand makes people think you'll amputate And two dogs meeting in the street is what you call a 'Mate' When 'Political Correctness' has replaced all common sense When you're forced to see it their way, there's no sitting on the fence Yes, one day you might find yourself an outcast in this land Perhaps your heart will tell you then, '... I should have made a stand' Just go and ask the farmers, that should remove all doubt Then join the swelling ranks who say, '... don't sell Australia out'! Ahhhh for the good ole days . Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , Just goes to show you how much Bullshit the $200 Million Dollar Mobile Marine Terrorist Squad was . Just think , if that was a real terrorist Raid , what would have happened . We would have been up for a multi million dollar upgrade of kirribilli House , and he wasn`t even home. Mick
  10. G`day Stewy, I got a better Idea mate !. We Have a couple of very Large XXXX OS Tongan 7th day Adventist chaps doing the rounds here door knocking at present . How about I tell them we are attending a huge Religious rally at Tuncurry , and bring them along to flank me. They will probably bring all their family , which should boost the numbers somewhat . And if the rent a crowd mob turn up , then we can turn the Lads loose on em . Mick
  11. G`day Boyz , The link below will take you to where you can see the Places Times and dates that affects the batemans Bay area , the Port Stephens Zone to Forster group meetings , are listed in my last post in gibbos original post . Mick http://www.mpa.nsw.gov.au/bmp/focus-group.html I cant see any future dates in The Batemans bay are so , perhaps you can ring the number below Further information: Contact Veronica Le Nevez on 0439 600 065 ( Batemans Bay ) Good Hunting!.
  12. G`day Fellas , Just heard back from the local member and this is it. OK, Now the official draught of the Proposed Marine Parks is officially up on their web page . And like I said before It Is only “Proposed” at this stage , none of it is official . So , you have 3 months to get your submissions in , and it must be “In Writing” . All you keyboard terrorists out there “GET BUSY” , because this is your last chance to do something to stop the Rot. But let me emphasise this point , my advisor has said , petitions are no longer a weapon for changing the minds of Pollies , only masses of protestors at Rallies will do the trick , so if you think by sending off an email is doing your bit , then your`e dreaming . Seee you all at the Rallies. Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , Dutchie , these Marine Parks have nothing to do with The Voter , It was a deal stiched up with the greens under the table to get Labor Relected . If the proposal had gone to a vote in the last election , the Libs would now be in power. So It was done deal with no voter input whatsoever. But regardless of who does what and when now , Labor cannot possibly win the next election , so they don`t give a shit.... end of story . All that remains to be seen now is , just how much this Government is prepared to give away ( In The final draft That is ! ) . Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , As you can see this public Notice in our local Paper gives the dates to attend the meetings ,we shall attend the one at Tuncurry 2/6/2006. We ( The Local Recos here ) , began a campagain months ago by writing to the Local members , both federal and state , and warned them that if the closures went ahead in its present state , we would never support the Labor Party again ...ever...!!!!!!!. We also warned that the present downturn of the States economy would be further seriously and drastically affected if we ( The Baby Boomers ) pulled up STUMPS and moved to Queensland , or simply just became grey Nomads as is 250,000 other retirees . The replies we have received , although non commital, have been encouraging , but time will tell . But this BB will not be holding his breath. Mick
  15. G`day Fellas, Todays Bets are Melb Race 5 .... Box Trifecta... 1/2 Unit ( 1238 ) Melb Race 7......Box Trifecta....1/2 Unit (12817 ) Melb Races $4.00 .....Place .... Parlay 3................No.......10..........Cartes 4................No.......5............Harryallards Lane 7................No.......17..........Bon Henri Good Luck with your Own. Mick
  16. DUTCHIE , " this statement "Greenies far outweigh the voters in these small fishing towns", shows just how little you know about small fishing towns as you put it . The last people who would vote for the Greeniess are just that " Fishing villages " !!!!!!!. Our little "fishing village" of approximately 4500 people have no love for the greenies mate , just the opposite , in fact I don`t know a single greenie, but there are undoubtly a handfull here. You may think that every coastal town is a carbon copy of Byron Bay , but I can assure you they are not . And "The government would not benefit from putting in this Marine Park "" In Its present form"" simply because it will mean Jobs ,Jobs ,Jobs , and lost Jobs , mean lost votes , even in a National Party Stronghold . Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , Gibbo , I`m told this agreement ( Marine Parks ) was a result Of Bob Carr signing "In Blood" with the Greens if they gave him their preferences in the Last State election , desperate times = desperate measures. So , there are definately going to be changes mate , no doubt about it , but The Real deal ( as yet to be disclosed ) I would assume is still being considered . This is why everybody should be attending the Meetings and rallys like the one listed below if the proposed closures relate to you . Can`t post the pic , sorry . Mick
  18. G`day Fellas , As I understand it , none of the "leaked" plans , maps , hype , or anything else has been set in concrete . As I understand it , most of this stuff is Mischevious Kite flying by the combatants . Lets wait and see what the true proposals are , before we start tearing our hair out. It beggars belief , that any government would jepoardize the sole asset , that brings employment and wealth to any town/village or hamlet , that survies on Tourism / Fishing camping , etc etc. I would also assume that any government that did so , would be voted into oblivion at the next election. Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , Dollie Dyer ....18/02/1956 . Weight 8 stone 4 pounds . length 5 foot 7 inches . Released to fight again. Mick
  20. G`day Fellas , Freelance Fishing Reporter and Photographer ,will work Cheap , any offers considered , must be cash , sick of free vegies and goats milk as payment . Mick
  21. G`day Fellas , Bloody Hiccups ......... Hick....mhick....err, miihk Mick
  22. Aron , It would have paid all up about .....$32,442.50 Mick But we have had some goouns before , and hope to get them again.
  23. G`day Fellas , JOH , I just don`t know anybody who will give those traps a wrap , and don`t ask me why , but for what I hear , they just dont work . Have a good read of this link , and if you decide to try this one , then let us all know how you got on. Mick http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...5&hl=poddy+trap
  24. G`day Fellas , Basser , you might like to load up with good size beach worms mate , and most of the time the Sharks and most other rubish will Pass you by . And true , those wobbys have been in plague proportions lately , though I have to admit I had never seen one until some 2 months or so ago , cut little buggers , couldn`t eat them though , but I`m told they are delicious. Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Regular Readers will Know that we have been awaiting the winter Jews here with some expectation that they would be of a good size. This week , approximately 20 odd Jews have been taken from Wallabi Point To Manning Point , and there were too many locations to Name any one in Particular , although the further you Got Towards Manning Point , the better the size. Most of the little buggers were around the 3 kilo mark , and I have to say that this could be a repeat of the 2002 Season where just about anybody who tried , caught a feed. Some nice bream were also taken from the same areas as well , but some absolutely stonker whiting were taken as well , some on Ganged 4/0 hooks with Tailor strips. Haven`t heard of anyone landing or loosing a good fish in the last 2 weeks or so , but unfortunately as of tomorrow , I`m going to be out of the Game for a few weeks owing to some medical Proceedures . But I`ve recharged the Digital Camera Batteries , and will be awaitng the Flashing Headlights in my driveway , and the knock on the door from the youngfella wanting his photo taken as usual . Mick
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