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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , I`m pretty sure , that link is to a story that happened in " The seas off the tip Baja , California ". There is also more than one Botany Bay as the link below shows. And I think I read a story somewhere on link below about the Killer whales in this area featured. Mick http://www.antarcticanz.govt.nz/downloads/...54a11784d6494c7
  2. Wayneo , My young fella is a roof tiler mate and his brother is also a brickie. Me , I`m 66 years old mate , and I can hold a 33 kilo slab in one hand no trouble , but this string`s beginning to get personal buddy , so lighten up . Mick
  3. Wayeno , I seriously suggest You never Arm Wrestle any of the Mountain Men up this way mate !. Why even Steves Old man Used a No 9 coal Shovel with the wings cut off as a trowel when he wa a brickie!! Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , Mondsie , We Trusted Labor , and so desperate were they to cling to power , they done a deal under the Counter with the greens to win Government. They will almost certainly need the Greens support again if they somehow manage to get Close , but even if they do win with the Greens support , the poison challice will contain more nasties to allow them to tighten the screws even further , and once done , it will never be undone as we all know. Personally I have no faith in these minor partys Like " The Fishing Party" , and the " Rec Fishing Party" , because they have achieved absolutely nothing to my knowlege , and probably never will . But if anyone can post a list of anything at all they have achieved , then I`ll reconsider We Had Bob Smith attend one meeting here when we began Forming a committee to keep the Old Bar Entrance open , and a few years down the track ......Zilch ....... , but the committee is still working hard trying to achieve their own goals , but have long left Political Swingers far behind. S`matter of fact , Iwas hoping to post some news on that very matter soon , but I just can`t get hold of my Contact , I think he`s still on Hols. Mick
  5. G`dayFellas , Heya Billy , When told of this Marine Park debacle , at first I thought it was some sort of sick joke . I mean to say , Here we are , proposing to cut off the oxygen to every little coastal town , who`s sole income depended on tourism . Tourism , that lives or dies solely on fishing related activities , and nothing else . A quick flick through the web pages of any Coastal town on the east cost of Oz , will list " Fishing and Camping" , as Its NO I priority . Lets face it you don`t get an annual Migration of 100,000 people to Coffs Harbour for a bloody Flower show , nor 100,000 to Port Stephens for The Arts festival , you get these numbers of people who want to go camping and fishing with their familys , the same way everbody has done for the last 100 odd years , so what on Earth were they thinking. I made my intentions quite clear to the Minister In Charge how I felt about this unbelieveablly stupid suicidal project , and what my intention were , so I suggest everybody does the same . Write the Letter out by hand , and post it to him personally , that way you know it will get his attention eventually , because as far as I know , hand written letters to ministers , are Still required by law to be answered personally by the relevant Pollie. Emails can so easily be deleted , and I believe most of the secretarys are instructed to do so , so Pinch a pen and post him a letter , and see what happens . Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , I had already very quitely written to Ian Macdonald ( State Gov Member For fisheries )some three weeks ago . As one would expect I have had no reply to my letter. I stated quite emphatically , that as a card carrying member of the LP , that should the Marine Park from Port Stephens to Forster go ahead , I would resign from the Party , and Vote liberal for the Ist time in my life , and would continue to do for the rest of it The libs are rubbing their hands and licking their Lips at this Terminal Mistake By NSW Labor , but I still do not belive the libs will reverse the decisions made by them , lets face it , "THEY NEVER UNDO". If you ask me , I get the feeling , that NSW Labor , knows they are gone for all money , and are so far over the edge , there is no turning Back. It remains to be seen now , just how much of the Parks present format , goes ahead . Mick
  7. G`day Fellas , Arthur has just popped in after getting back from a trip , and was horrified to see his jewie Pic posted at 80Lb. The correct weight of the fish said Arthur , in fact was 26 Kilos , and that his wife had mistakenly written 80Lb on the back of the photo during a photo shuffle , instead of 60LB . So appologies to all that need one , and as you can see , it was written on the back of the pic. And for the record I had my doubts as well , but this should clear the mistake up . Mick
  8. G`day Fellas, Wayneo ......The Fish......... 64 LB . The Dust On the photo 10 LB. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , Sorry Guys , but I stuffed up one of the Pics , when I saved it as is , thereby ruining the original. I was trying to find the original Pic which I had on a floppy , but to no avail. OK , so The fish under the Clothes Line 31 Kilo or about =68 Lb , the other was 72 LB or about 33kilo. The fish from the pier went 72 LB , its the one in the Ist pic , shown being held by Steve in his back yard that night. The Pics are 9 months apart., and are almost identical . So you guys can take a bow for being reasonably close. Want some more???????????. Mick
  10. G`day Fellas , I like this one. Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets as always are in Melbourne . $5.00 place Parlay Race--------5-------NO..9......Aquilla St Race--------6-------NO..11.....Kehunga Race--------8-------NO..14.....Royal Rapid Melb------- Race.....6.....10X10........Kehunga Good Luck whatever you are on. Mick
  12. G`day Fellas , Ok , lets have a little fun with a guessing Comp shall we , with a few fish pics never before posted on here . I should clarify that both pics are of different fish . Now these should be easy for the experts , and I will announce the winners tomorrow along with the uncut versions of the pics. And for the record , Im not in any of the pics , nor is it the same clothes line featured in Last months Winning jewie Photo . Mick
  13. Mondsie , You would be more than welcome to tag along mate!. Though you should keep in mind , the success rate for fish over the 30 lb mark is probably about 5% , and the boys often regularly fish the whole tide for their results . I`m afraid my Fishing Time these days is limited to one hour before dark , and at most , 1 1/2 hours after . Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Red , Me too at the moment , a serious back injury some time ago , means that as soon as the really cold weather hits , the pain begins . Now although over time , I have learnt to live with it , sometimes , just one inattentive moment , and Zap , it feels just like having stuck your finger in a light socket . So , I pick my times very carefully these days , and fish sparingly in the colder nights , and come home strong in the milder months . That is providing everything else is working OK , but I`ve had a few niggling probs of late , so the longer I leave it the better. But that young fella of mine , Jezzus Red , I`m sure he has icewater in his blood . Big Lawrie is another one , Fishes all year yound in bloody Shorts and bare feet , bbbbrrrrr , makes me shiver just to think about the last time we went out . Here am I , I`m all strapped up in kidney belt , Waders , + 2 jumpers , and Lozza rocks up along side me and kicks his Thongs back towards the 4X4 , the sadistic barstard never stopped sledging all night. Mick
  15. Heya Red , No , it was weighed at the bait shop at Bohnock Boat ramp mate. Ist choice of course , is the local butcher shop if open , and as you know , their scales are checked regularly by inspectors . I`m pretty sure they have the only scales that will weigh a fish of that size , except the bait shop that is. So when you want it spot on , out to Bohnock Bait Shop . There are some whoppers on his wall out there , must take a Pic next time I`m out that way . The young fella is dead keen to Blood his newly won reel , and I too have a newby to blood as well , so it might just be this weekend hopefully. Mick
  16. OWZAT

    State Of Origin

    G`day Fellas , C`mon now , We were Out Played , Out Classed and Out thought by Our northern cousins last night , and why we must have this Bitch session every time the Series is squared is beyond me , because it happens nearly every year . We have now lost 6 from the last 8 at subiscco oval , so nothing has changed , but their will be no excuses after Melbourne BOYZ , last man standing will win . And boy , do we need to improve a country mile to win the Decider. Lets hope we are still alive in the soccer , I hate going to bed early in Winter. Go the blues . Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , All round good bloke , and new member Arthur , proudly shows off his 80 pounder Taken At Old Bar Beach sometime in october last year. Arthur , an avid fisherman was using 20LB Spiderwire on a Heavy duty eggbeater , and a slab Of Salmon . The Fish was finally beached after a 50 minute struggle , and was weighed at the bait shop at Bohnock . I have posted the pic on his behalf , because he has not yet mastered the skills needed to do so . Mick
  18. Hey Moonie , Get him to Join up and enter that fish In the catch of the Month , its a sceamer . Mick
  19. OWZAT

    Australia V Japan

    G`day Fellas , Boy what a game , not one Coathanger, not one single gouge , not even a Nip ( Pardon the Pun ) on the Bicep by those renown diry players the socceroos . Methinks I could watch some more of this FOOTBALL Stuff , so who`s next . Mick
  20. OWZAT

    Australia V Japan

    G`day fellas , Thank God I`m Psychic. Mick
  21. G`day Fellas , Does our world cup dream end here , or do we storm home and score 2/1 . After all the Hype , I think OZ will be totally gutted if beaten by Japan , and To think I actually started to like this game a li`l bit. C`mon Aussie c`mon , c`mon , C`mon Aussie c`mon , c`mon !. Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , Less than 100 Fishos by the look of those Pics , which in comparrison to Batemans Bay 550 odd , would make the pollies verry Happy i`m afraid. By the way , I still cannot find out what happened at Forster , it seems our local Activist turned up , found nobody there ,and buggered off . Hopefully He went to the right place , anybody Hear anything . Not a single line in the local papers here . Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , Bottoms , Ist rule of Punting , never bet any more than you can afford to Lose . 2nd Rule of Punting....There`s always tomorrow....... How much is cheap?????? Mick
  24. Heya Hooky , Anything at all would have done into "Force Nine" @ $7.90 mate . Still got Bazelle In Brissie though , but even that looks like a bad investment now as well , its probably going to start 33/1 or better. The fella that tipped it to us had 600 win 400 place with fixed odds of 15/1 , nice bloke too , a Kiwi here on Hols . Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets are again Melb Races. $3.00 place Parlay Race........4.......No... ..8.......Lacey Underall Race........5.......No....11.......Sensational swing Race........6.......No......2........Regal Hawke Race .......7.......NO....12........Force Nine Race........7.......No......2.....$7.00....Win....Stamen WE also had a bet in the Brisbane Cup run on Monday , after being given a strong Tip for Bazelle , and so took the fixed price of 15/1 and had 10X10 ......... NO ....2....... Bazelle . Good Luck with whatever you are on. Mick
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