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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , This is another one , and simple to use . Mick http://www.myfishingpictures.com/
  2. G`day Fellas , 2 Metre fins , well netic my friend , that wouldn`t hold a candle to a 10 Lb bream me uncle caught on the hawkesburry river , at night , and by lantern light . Mick
  3. G`day Bob , No mate , all you need is a desk mike .. Mick,
  4. G`day Fellas , I have the disk here but have not installed it yet , but we just rang a buddy in WA from another fellas place , and the clarity of the call was astounding . I am going to wait until my other Mate installs his , because they advise that 512 is best , and I only have 256 . 28minutes to WA , cost 10¢ , hard to beat that Fellas . Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , If you slip into Dick Smiths , you can buy an "Engin Starter Pack" for $10.00 . Once Installed , provided you have a broadband connection , you can make untimed phone calls Australia wide for 10¢ , Ring mobiles direct for 27¢ per minute , or Overseas for 3.5 ¢ per minute. The pack comes with a Starter Disc , and ear phones , but take a tip from me , slip into Big W and buy a set of headphones with mike for , $7.99¢ , and you won`t belive the quality of the call. You get $4.20 credit , and when that runs out , you simply recharge online with more money. The setup costs $10.00 Per month , and if you want to , you can buy the phone or the voice box , but you really don`t need it. When activated , a very cute interface phone pad pops up on the desktop , and you simply dial whoever you want to . You can use a desktop Mike to speak to them , and you hear them back through your speakers , a bit like Skype , but with this setup , you ring the person direct , and they answer you on their home phone . Check it out at the link below , or better still , call into Dick Smiths or Tandys , and ask the Guy to elaborate further . http://www.engin.com.au/public/index.asp If you are a heavy user of the landline , this little gem will cut you phone bill by 95%. Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , Obviously Victoria celebrates their Anzac day , by rewarding their faithful with a live Telecast of the Main game . We don`t even bother with a delayed telecast of the days match , But ironically enough , we screen a show called Survivor............................. HHHhhhhhmmmmm. Mick
  7. G`day Fellas , Corinne , It has been my experience that Ist timers on charters Male or Female , generally are blesssed with beginners luck. And I`m sure no self respecting operator , would dare let a newbie go home empty handed , so don`t forget to take the camera , and just enjoy yourself . Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , The Fish went a cleaned 20LB , and a rough measurement of 101 cms. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , The youngfella and his FB`s hit the beach tonight Just before Dark , and as usual , hopes were high. Now I`m told tonights hero , ( Big Kev ) has lost more than his fare share of Jews at the waters edge than he has caught , so tonight he employed the " now ya see em" method to capture his quarry . The story goes that Kevie , immediately having felt the ist gentle carees of the Jewies lips on his dollop of Octopus ,took three rapid steps backwards and struck hard. The 50LB Braid attached to a 70LB Mono leader ,Twanged like a tuning fork as the hook struck flesh , and Kevvie was on again . But what happened next according to the the boys , had to be seen to be believed . Big Kevie , determined not to loose another Jew , locked the drag solid , and ran flat out backwards up the beach towards the dune. So fast was he moving , the bloody Jewie ( Poor barstard ) probably never knew what hit him , because the ist thing he knew was , he was yanked from the depths at 100 miles an hour , only to find himself suring on top of a wave , then to suffer the indignity of having the wind knocked out of him hitting the sand , only to disappear over the top of the sand dune and skid down the other side . If you look closely , you can still see the stunned look on the poor buggers face , ( The Jew I mean ! ) The Fish is pictured being held By My Son Mick ( bottom Pic ) and His Mate Dillon . Weights and Measurements will follow tomorrow . Mick
  10. Harks , I thought the horse went very well actually . Its a huge ask for a horse to win Ist attempt over 2 miles , when It had never been further than 1400 . methinks its one for the black book . Mick
  11. Harold , The 5 fellas that ate most of the Tadpole died soon after. But their memory lives on , because Gorbachov placed their remains in a huge glass case in in RED Square , and now , they supply most of the lighting for the entire city . Mick
  12. Crazy , Thats what radiation does to Pictures Mate , scary Huh ??. But If you ask Harrold nicely , he might just lend you his 3D Glasses so you can see the Tadpole too. I wouldn`t let the Kids see it though. Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , Clutchie , wer`e square mate , I lost $4.00 ( Ozzy ) Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Sorry Clutchie , But It should have said 'HARAKAS' tip . Its a tough ask for The Horse , because Cross Bar Has not won beyond 1400. But the Smokey In the Race is indeed a Newzealender " ZABEAT " ALSO 33/1 . Has Won over the Journey ,and been placed twice . Mick
  15. G`day Fellas , Todays bets are again In Melbourne. Parlay ....$5.00 ....Place Race ...3...no......8....Magical tricks Race....7...no......8.....Kings Arch Race ...8...no......15....Confines Also Melb Race 7.....$8X8 .....No ....8...Kings Arch Also something each way Clutchs tip in the Sydney Cup . Syd Race 7.....$2X2......No.....11.Cross Bar Good Luck on whatever you take. Mick
  16. G`day Fellas , Harrold , Mikhail Owzatski is actually no relation to me I`m afraid , But I lifted the photo below of the chernobyl Tadpole from his web site in Moscow. Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , Domza , I didn`t have a camera with me at the time , but the reporter who covered the story said he would send us all a 10X4 . Needlesss to say , he did not keep his promise , and the newspaper clippings have long since faded into oblivion . If only they would have had Computers , Digi cameras and Dvd Burners way back then Eh Mate ?. MIck
  18. G`day Fellas , Harrold , it truly was big , why even The Scales were put to good use mate . A fella came down to the site in a tip truck , and offered the Angler $100.00 for the lot , and he took it. The fella , athough a shop owner , did wood turning as a hoby , and was stoked when I jumped onto my Backhoe and loaded them all onto the truck for him . They finished up as umbrellas and sun shades for protecting customers at His sidewalk cafe in Parramatta . Now thats what I call value adding !. Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , Harrold , that was in 1981 mate , and I was operating one of those Cats , so I can let you in on a secret . The main cable kept snapping , so me and the other operator , spent 4 hours plaiting 4 cables together to gain the required strenth to pull the bugger out. Then , the bloke wot caught it , asked us to drag it 5 miles up the highway to peel the skin off it , so he could fillet it with a large chain saw . He also had a 16 wheeler refrigerated Pantech standing by to take it to the markets. Bloody hard work that night , I can tell ya!. Mick
  20. G`day Fellas , ZANE GREY , fabled western writer and Big game fisherman ,Caught a shark so Huge back in the 1930`s off Sydney , that the skipper of the Boat , was forced to jump onto it back , and hack it in half with a broad axe so it would fit inside sydney heads. Now they couldnt weigh it , because the wharf collased when a Dock crane lifted its top half onto the pier from the water . Haven`t heard of that one being beaten as yet . Hick
  21. G`day Fellas , Sand Whiting Not Bottom Feeders ??????????. Mmmmmmmm , so all those huge boiling schooling masses of fish seen making gigantic leaps out of the water snatching baitfish on the surface were Sand Whiting all the time eh ? . Well thats a relief , wouldn`t wanna mislead anybody would They !!!!!. Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , Hey Ya Heath , As you probably know , Our Little Bowlo is one of the best Family Clubs on the entire east Coast Of OZ. The Pokies are pretty reasonable as well , but have obviously had the Percentages reduced recently , due to a new expansion of the Club , but I`m glad you were able to take out some of "mine" to help you pay for the Petrol for the journey from The Gold Coast . Did You Manage to get a line in before you left ?, One angler took 5 very large sea Bream up near Manning Point sat night , but was pestered by Rays and small sharks I was told . Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , Many of you may have followed the exploits of "Heath" from the Gold Cost" on Sportsfish and other sites , and like me also , you may have received assistance or advice on a number of matters from Fishing to Gremlins in your PC`s. Over the last 5 years or so , I have enjoyed reading his posts covering his outings with his family fishing the Gold Coast , and none better than the rivalry between he and his Dad , also obviously an accomplished fisherman. Well , it was a pleasure to get the call that he was Visiting Family here , and could we meet. Meet we did , and although he was on a tight schedule , we managed to swap a few stories of local legends , and I pointed out some spots and conditions , should he actually be able to manage to wet a line , but I don`t think he managed to do so. Fellas , eat your hearts out , because just before leaving , he presented me with two Fishing DVDS , covering 6 odd years of home movies fishing from his boats . Some of the catches by " Heath " , his Family and fishing buddies , were to dream for , and even the bloopers were as good as if not better than " Funniest Home Videos" . Heath , it was nice to meet you at last , and thanks for the help over the years , and especially for the home videos , which are currently doing the rounds of Old Bar . Safe Journey back to the Gold Coast . Mick
  24. G`day Fellas , Like Most old Farts my age , I spent my fair share of Time at the Local Snooker Room playing Poker or Blackjack , that is , untill they opened up the Sly Casinos . To Hone my skills , I often spent a few mornings playing Euchre for " Two Bob" a game , in the hardest school of all , The Pensioners Early Morning Parade at the Local Pub. Now if you think you can play cards Fellas , try playing Euchre with the Pensioners at The Local !. Anyway , A few of the boys here ( who play PARTY POKER online for Money ) convinced me I needed a Night out , so I agreed to make up the numbers in The Australian Poker League s opening Night at the Bowlo , last thursday night , it being the Ist of 10 games . The turnout was quite surprising actually , because most of the residents here are well and truly in bed By 7.30 , so the 50 Odd people in the game was more than I expected anyway. Well , as The Pic below shows , I was the last Man standing , so I collected a $40.00 prize + 1000 points , a $100.00 PC Game , and another Bloody dust collector pictured below . In all , an interesting night . Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets are Once Again In Melbourne. Parlay ...$5.00.....Place Race ......5......12.....Vainsky Race.......6......9.......Umber Race.......8.......4......Kings Arch Race ....6.......$5X5 ......NO ...9....Umber Race.....8.......$5X5.......NO....4.....Kings Arch Good LucK what ever you Back. Mick
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