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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Felllas , Hi Bluey , as I see it , when you multiply this incident by the thousands of Trawlers ( River and Sea ) plugging away 24/7 , the bycatch becomes enormous , so I belive something just has to be done. Most trawlers are set up to target a specific species , and as they don`t always catch their quota , why can`t they keep and sell the bycatch , rather than dumping it overboard . Of course , if a trawler set up for prawning , began turning up with unrealistic catches of different species claimed as being bycatch , then the punishment should be severe. Now obviously , because the gauge of their nets are much smaller , it`s the prawn trawlers that do most of the damage . Surely in this day and age , they can make a better mose trap than the current one. And I`m also sure the commercial sea food market would love to have the buisness as well . Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , Found this on another site , and I have say that although I have known about this practice for Yonks , I think its about time the BI Catch from these large vessels was put to some sort of use. I remember some time ago , there was a story on the same subject where the BI catch trail was 4 kilometers long , and 1/2 Kilm wide . Surely this is a gross waste of precious resources. Mick http://media.seven.net.au/asxgen/video/060..._fish_h.wmv.asx
  3. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets are Melb Race 2 $20 win No 2 Biscayne Bay Melb Race 6 10 X 10 No 8 Tarleton Good luck to all having a flutter. Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , As I said above , its been tried before , but when the infighting and back biting by control freaks became the norm , if all fell apart. But if someone wants to try it again , I`ll support them to the hilt. Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , Hey Paulie , And I`ll be ringing the Council and the " Chicken King" this arvo as soon as I get back from town . Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , Arriving at Saltwater for a spot of Worming today , What greeted The Boys was , a Solid Steel Gate , securely padlocked , Barring all beach access. The NP& Wildlife are responsible for this particular move , and Locals here believe its the Ist of many closures in this area. What got up everybodys nose most was , there was no signage , explaining the reason for it. One would assume that common courtesy would dictate a notice in the local paper , for a serious closure such as this . The well informed whisper is , "The beach front from Wallabi point TO Farquar Inlet ( The entrance to the Manning River ) will be off limits to all 4X4 access , and fishermen as well . I`m told the Farquar Park picnic ground has been closed to the public for some time . If this is true , then 40% of the residents now living here , will most likely move elsewhere , because all bought houses here yonks ago , just for the fishing .
  7. G`day Fellas , Hey Kingie , About 5 years ago , on another site , a fella rocked up with a plan to Unite the 5 Million Amateur fishos in Oz in a common cause to address pretty much the same problem . Now its too long ago to remember all the details , but the basic idea was to bring all the clubs together like the AFA or AFC or whatever + others , which totaled 5 million members After much chest beating and tree shaking , the project collapsed because of Factional infighting . So , if the largest organisation in this country could not come together for the common good of all amateurs , what hope is there of eyeballing a pollie ?. Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , " On the news last night you would have seen a small group of pro fishermen get a lot of exposure buy attempting to stop the ferries on the Parramatta River. A few guys got all this media attention. What do you think the Fisheries Minster would be thinking about this morning" . Well Kingie , you may have also noticed , that the Pros were outnumbered 3 to One by the Water Police " . This new squad , formed to protect out harbours from Terrorist attacks , finally got the chance to use their 150 million bucks woth of goodies playing tag with the Pros. Probably a dry run for when Osamas suicide squad invades Sydney Harbour. And What do you think the Fisheries Minster would be thinking about this morning???. Absolutely nothing my friend , absolutely nothing . Nothing makes politicians act , untill something becomes a direct threat to their employment . Mick
  9. G`day fellas , BOB , this practice has been going on , since noah applied pitch to the ist Plank in the Ark. I used to sit in our launch with My dad at Spencer , and watch 4/5 trawlers " Nose To Arse" daily dragging the guts out of the river , way back in the early 50`s . Nothing has changed since then , and I doubt if it ever will. There is simply nothing in it for Pollies at this stage mate , nothing , and I just can`t see it ever being a genuine issue for elected pollie . If you could organise every fisherman in NSW to email the relevant minister , all you would do is shut his web site down for a few hours , unless of course you were able to do it daily , for as long as it took. Mick
  10. G`day Fellas , My neighbour had been telling me for months , he had discovered a nice secluded spot on the river not far from home that produces good fish at times . So still sulking from my doughnut on Saturday night , I finally agreed to go with him and check out his spot. Now , as you do , being totally unprepared for the outing , All I had for bait was a 1 dozen large prawns which had been marinaded in garlic and had been skewered ready for the barbie. So we set up at On Spot X , and cast out , and bugger me , within minutes , I had a pan size Flounder on the deck . He followed with a just undersize Flattie , then a small bream. I replied by locking on to a verry nice flattie that went 55 cms which I placed in the keeper net and then rebaited. Lo and behold my next trick was a fairly large catfish. The cattie blew me away , because It was only the second one I had caught here , the last one being 4 years ago in the mini flood. I filleted the Flattie on the spot , give my FB one fillet , and I had the other one for din din last night , baked in Black Bean Sauce . Might just try that spot again later this week , But Garlic Prawns are slightly too expensive for Flatties , might get some white bait when I`m in town later on today . Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Hey Chapo , go to the link below , and download The Image Resizer , ( Botom Right of the Page ). Install It , and all you have to do is , I. open your photo. 2. right click on it , and select the size you want the pic . Nothing could be more simpler mate. Mick http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa...ppowertoys.mspx
  12. G`day Fellas , Well the Lil fella and I arrived at the Beach at 5.30 PM. The water was as flat as a tack , nothing working , and not one bird in sight. Loading up with worms and pillies , we anchored our baits in a small hole in a narrow gutter about 50 feet from shore . The minute I arrived , I knew it was going to be a dead loss , but this night , was more of a Father and Son outing , seeing it was his Birthday . We spent most of the time reminiscing about some of of our previous trips over his 39 years , and the very valuable time we had all spent with my dad . He recalled things I had long forgotten , so we spent most of the evening giggling about the things I did to him , and of course the tricks my dad played on me . But as it became obvious that nothing was going to Happen on this night , we decided to pull the pin and head home. Funny you know , but I recall my Dad and I doing the exact same thing when the fish wern`t biting when I was younger as well . Thing is , It seems like it was just Yesterday. Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , Yeah thanks guys , wesa bin draggin the chain a bit this year. Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Yeah Hi Clutch , I was hoping the Pressure stayed at 1020 , they go bonkers here at 1020 . Narrow Gutter , small hole, and bingo , most times you do well. High Tide about 8pm of 1.25 is a bit of a let down though , I would have prefered 1.5 at 7Pm , which would have been a dead set bulls eye . But I need to get out for a few hours , the walls are starting to close in. With any luck , we might just nail a cousin to that 50 pounder a visitor caught at Xmas. Mick
  15. G`day Fellas , Legged it down to the Local yesterday to check out the beach for Tonight. Bumped into Local legun Steve Peters who had spun for Tailor from Wallabi Point to The Old Bar Surf club and had come up emty . Seemed the Tailor were there , but just too far out for him to score , but I did see a "blow in" with a legal Flattie in his bucket , so he was happy. The young fella unbeknown to me was fishing about 1 click up the Beach behind the caravan park , and caught 4 nice whiting , but no jews. I shall make my comeback tonight with the Lil Fella , who turned 39 Today. I have made a mental note , not to show him up on his birthday , I just Hope I don`t forget , But ya know whats its like when the whips are cracking !!. Mick
  16. G`day Fellas , Todays Bet is Melb Race 5 20x20 no 12 Breezy. Good luck to all having a flutter. Mick
  17. G`day fellas , Inky , thats a dummy letter that is automatically sent as a reply to anyone making a request such as yours. If you have any mates interested in proving a point , ask them to send a similar complaint to the minister , and I`ll bet its the same letter. Recently we (20 ) of us sent off a block of staggered and varied emails to a Minister in relation to a matter up here. We all got the exact same letter in reply. Mick
  18. G`day Fellas , A bear, a tiger and a chicken meet at the edge of the forest , and begin bragging who is the scariest. The Bear says: "If I roar in the forest, the entire forest is shivering with fear." The Tiger says: "If I roar in the jungle, the entire jungle is afraid of me." Then the Chicken says: "Big deal. I only have to cough, and the entire planet shits itself." Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , Tuno , I was so frustrated with the new TAB website , I didn`t check the fields as I normally do . But I had backed that Horse on a few occaisions and it only placed once , so it owes me plenty. Its probably better suited to Darwin methinks . Mick
  20. G`day Fellas , Having been totally frustrated by the new TAB website over the last week or So , I have decided to just have one bet today . Melb Race I 20X20........NO... 6....LULA. The new Website is a Joke , it`s painfully slow , and difficult to Use , its cramped , but the worst thing I found was , the form guide cannot be enlarged to full screen. The site has obviously been designed by Amateurs who have never had a bet in their lives. Anybody else Agree ????????. Mick
  21. G`day Fellas , Just heard from one of the locals , that we have one of the Worst Bluebottle swarms hitting our Beaches that they can remember . Even some keen anglers out wide this morning fishing the "wreck" were stung verry badly . And Just when I spooled my new reel , and was Psyching myself up for a long nights Fishing wif the youngfella .............Bugga!!!!!. Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , I must admit to having given up in Disgust trying to Catch Beach worms , but yesterday after some extremely patient and professional coaching From Lawrie , I scored a total of 4 . Now although we missed the sweet spot in the Tide , Lawrie took less than 6 minutes to have his quota in the bag , and then the fun began. " aaaah , don`t lunge at them , just come up behind the head and..............., well you all know the drill . I perservered for 30 minutes or so untill I finally locked onto one . Now from memory I had only ever caught 2 prior to this in 20 odd outings , but yesterday I mastered the skill , and was looking forward to going back today , but the Big Fela slipped over and pulled a muscle in the Garage at home last night , so I await the next outing where I get the chance to brush up on my technique. I just loaded 330 metres of 20Lb line on my new Beach reel , and will soon be lining up with all the other hopefulls here this week , because some whopping big greenbacks have been taken over the last few weks or so. Lozza tells me one went a good 8/9 LBS . Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , Our family Punters Club bet this week is below , but good luck to whatever you all back. Mick
  24. G`day Fellas , Compost , Compost , Compost , and More Compost!!. Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Hill didn`t have verry far to fall , to hit Rock bottom . Mick
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