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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Do you ikijime the fish you are keeping your? I have been doing it for a little while now & think it does make a difference. I also ice my catch straight away as well. It all helps in the end eating quality imo.
  2. If you read this 1st paragraph it explaing what the DPI class as invertebrates. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/perm-prohib-saltwater
  3. Yep, great bloke who I have had the pleasure of meeting. Gives a lot of people his time & knowledge freely.
  4. Could be the same one hard to say, I can't imagine there to to many in there. After I netted it with my enviro net & got it over the boat it thrashed around & come out of the net but I had a double hook snell rig & both hooks were in it so it wasn't getting away with 30lb leader which I was using because I was targeting kings. God luck tomorrow
  5. This is what I do for a living. The food at work is much more elaborate than this, gels, powders, tapioca crisp, sea blight, karkalla etc. I call this refined home cooking.
  6. Sure I hear what your saying frank but sometimes life doesn't have to be the same every day right? That would be like saying you want have mint jelly or gravy with your sunday roast lamb...…....…………..sacrilege 😊 Whats the old saying, variety is the spice of life. Each to their own mate 😉
  7. Cheers. Yeh the cauliflower & the sauce is quite rich so adding something sharp & acidic help break through that a bit. Something like finger lime pearls would also be good but don't have any at home.
  8. I really think its more about the action rather than the type of plastic. Caught a small king in Botany last year & I could actually see the pair in the water as they were only a couple of metres down. Dropped in the plastic & was lifting it up & letting it drop, they came over for look but then turned away. I then started to move it very erratically & that's when they got interested in it. Could have been any colour or style I recon!!
  9. Hi Raiders, cooked up a piece of the gummy last night & not knowing what to expect I have to say I was pleasantly surprised how nice it was. So as I have said in some of my other cooking threads anyone can do crumbed or battered fish & chips(not that there is anything wrong with that!) I like to put in a bit of effort to try & create a memorable dish. So after getting home from work I did do a couple of hours of prep for this dish(that's that you pay for when you go to a restaurant!) & ended up doing a dish with some Asian/Japanese influences. So wont do the whole recipe thing but this is what the dish was- Pan seared gummy shark, cauliflower puree, star anise & schezuan pepper pickled cauliflower & shimeji mushrooms, sautéed mini king oyster mushrooms, crispy fried enoki mushrooms & a creamy miso dashi sauce with a little shallot, coriander & julienne carrot salad garnish. The fish wasn't as flaky as I thought it would be but still had a nice clean flavour & good texture on its own. I have frozen the rest of the catch & will do it a few different ways in the coming weeks. Bon appetite 😁
  10. Im packing the 4x4 now Dave & according to google maps I will be there in 7 hours. Well at least I wish that was the case, that would be sweet! Appreciate the gesture though & hope someone takes you up on the offer
  11. Nice effort yowie, shame you couldn't revive the big girl but I get that if its not going to survive then it is what it is. You have let many that size go back in the past! As you, I & others have both said before they get a bit tough at that size & prefer the 40-50's but at least it is not going to waste & will be appreciated which is the main thing
  12. Enjoy the trip Rob, look forward to seeing some pics
  13. Me to, not sayin this was the case here but sometimes when people obtain a lot of experience in anything they can tend to be a bit blasé about what looks an easy circumstance! I here what you are saying but the vessel looks more capable than some of the inflatable vessels used in the search. I have next to no experience about crossing bars but it should be a reminder to us all to think safety 1st & when in doubt hold back & err on the side of caution. 'No fish is worth it' was the words used at the end of the 9 news story https://www.9news.com.au/national/boat-capsize-man-dies-nsw-south-coast/cfd1302a-4118-4672-bf03-d3c225f30c4d In saying that, after losing several people in my life way to early to cancer & other illnesses plus having a couple of near death experiences of my own in my activities that I whole heartedly believe life is for living & if enjoying one of the things you love gets you then its better than dying a slow & painful death in some hospital bed. But hey, that me & how I process these sorts of things! We all accept the dangers that life brings, otherwise we would all wrap ourselves in cotton wool!
  14. Will see how tasty it is tonight & will post in the kitchen. No seals to be seen this time but yeh there do frequent the place. There & the 4 cans near the wharf.
  15. Hi Raiders, launched from Foreshore at 6.30am & headed straight to the usual area to get some yakka's. With a few in the live well & then slow trolled along Molly mall & around the corner for no hits but did see a couple of nice looking fish on the sounder. Anchored in 15mtrs water just east of the point with 4 other boats. Saw a couple of rats come on board the other boats but no keepers. Had 1 rod down near the bottom with a livie & the other with a large strip of squid. Had a hit on the squid rod & felt a bit of weight but not enough pull to be a king. As it got to the top I was shocked to see that it was a gummy. Wasn't sure what was legal as its not on the NSW DPI list but looked up the Vic specs & it was ok so kept it as I have never eaten it before so wanted to give it a try. Will have to claim it as a PB @90cm as well seeing its my 1st Hung around for another 1/2hour but nothing happening so decided to do a couple of drifts at the flathead grounds but nothing. Wind came up to 15/20knts around 10.30 so pulled the pin & headed home.
  16. Saw this on the 9 news. Condolences to family & friends. With that info has to make you wonder how something like this can happen though?
  17. Its unfortunate that the world is full of selfish scum like that, people who don't give a rats ass about anyone but themselves & think the world owes them! You only have to look at the recent toilet paper fiasco to see peoples true colours!! I saw a women get off a bus yesterday near my place & she had 240 rolls of toilet paper which she struggled to carry, I almost yelled at her 'so screw everyone else right' 🤬 I felt like doing a Ned Kelly on her & then give it away to someone in need, but didn't want to bring myself down to their level!!! I hope the sign is a deterrent, but these people think that laws don't apply to them Good luck WC.
  18. https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=Manly
  19. All good mate, I had to look back through my history to find it as well but remembered the thread as I know I had posted in it. Hope you get something out of it anyway
  20. This might help you to see what someone else was thinking of taking to the same place. You could also PM @Stino & have a chat 😉
  21. Very true but I would not get caught fishing in there as its almost as protected as a national park! Being local I once participated in a sanctioned carp eradication program 10 years ago in the park which went for a few months one day a week & we were pulling out about 6 large tubs of carp per session from different ponds until someone hooked a bird & a greeny local saw this & complained & the whole thing got shut down very quickly. Was a bit of fun while it lasted, some of those carp were huge & fought well on light gear! But some of those eels in there are massive, seen some that were around 1.5+mtrs & you wouldn't be able to get your hands around them. Interesting fact though, the eels in centennial park migrate back to New Caledonia to spawn, here is an article worth reading on it- https://www.centennialparklands.com.au/stories/2019/journey-to-new-caledonia If you could find out their path to botany bay then you might be in with a chance. Also @Howdoweplaythis there are some wetlands & canal waterways around Rockdale that might be worth looking at if your close by. Have a look on google maps/earth.
  22. The snowy hydro scheme was one our greatest power producing achievements & I think if there was an area where it could be reproduced then it would solve a bit of the fossil debate.
  23. I have watched about 30 odd versions & I quite like this one I like how the knot gets very compressed by the way the tag is straighened. Personally I think you need resistance from the main line to get it super close. In saying that after watching so many different ways of tying it off I have come up with my own version. I am also using the FG knot assistant now as well which I really like. When it comes to knots it's a personal thing on what works for you
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