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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Could also be a matter of range here as well. Welcome aboard @Shearwater Nice looking boat for an older model, looks well looked after from the pictures on the ad. Id be looking at some of those fuel calculators to give you an idea but of course figures will vary according to things like vessel weight & hull design. 2 tonnes, is that fully loaded of just dry weight? Anyway good luck with it.
  2. In the past on my smaller reels for inshore I would just put a 150yrd roll of straight braid on & being pretty small diameter it usually left 1/3 of the spool vacant, not a good thing for casting really either. Now I put 1/3 of a spool of the same Lb mono on as backing for just in case& to fill it up to a better level. Better casting & a bit more security. If I ever get to the backing I know I have 50 yrds or so to work something out
  3. Mate I feel your pain & sympathise after my experience earlier this week. Its sort of like that old saying, better to have fished & lost than to have never fished at all 😏 Shame you didn't get a look at it though, or maybe that's for the best? Well its out there to fight another day...…………………...maybe tomorrow you will get the drop on him/her 😊
  4. That's a stonker Trav, nice work Just goes to show if you put in the ground work it pays off......…………….eventually πŸ˜€
  5. Wow, thank you Donna. I don't feel quite as deserved of this compared to the other names & existing gold members but I will most certainly do my best to be the best gold member I can be 😁 . Much appreciated!
  6. Well done Waza, the forum is lucky to have you & and many others that are willing to give up their time & knowledge to help out others Congrats on the accolade 😊
  7. The only time I use a double uni is when connecting backing line to the braid on the spool. Have to agree with many others, the FG is amazing for its strenght & it's slimness. I've never had a knot failure either. I've had the leader or the actual braid break never the knot.
  8. I don't think you mean 120lb's, I think you mean 120 inch lb's right 🀨
  9. Yeh I use saltaway when washing down & after the wheels are dry like I was saying I spray the wheels with the silicone spray. I must admit I have never grease any wheel nuts/studs before.
  10. Your right frank! But the 1st image that came into my mind this morning when I woke up was of the big girl spitting the SP & sinking down into the depths & then came that pain of disappointment, regret & asking myself if only...…...…...…………………….. I'll get over it in a few days...…………………………. or weeks...……………………………….or months...…...…………... I think .................🀣
  11. Ahhh good old vaso, 101 uses 🀣 I hear what your saying frank & think your correct but not sure if that theory serves all applications. Some things I tighten up its specified to remove all the grease/oil before torqueing, some even ask to apply a bit of blue Loctite, but these are in items that are not exposed to salt water & water in general frequently. It would be interesting to know what the correct torque is for wheel nuts as some of those rattle guns would far exceed that I would imagine?
  12. I also spray my nuts & wheels with silicone spray which puts a protective film on them when it dries.
  13. Page 20 ftp://software.lowrance.com/Documents/HOOK-SERIES_OM_EN_988-11004-002_w.pdf
  14. Nice, looks like you know what your doing on the bream side of thing πŸ˜‰
  15. That looks like a you have made some well throughout & great changes to the Quiny. Enjoy
  16. I have a gaff onboard but didn't want to use it as I didn't want to risk killing the fish but of course when you have a 5kg fish on a 1-3kg rod & 8lb braid & leader you try to keep the fish as calm possible & you also don't have a lot of time to contemplate things. At the end of the day I drew on my experience, the fish could have spat the SP way before it even saw daylight but I know how to fish with SP's, kept the pressure on the fish the whle time, even in the 6 times I turned the fish. The only thing I can think of is I actually brought the fish up to quickly, it was in 9 metres of water, still had way to much gas in the tank & didn't want to know about the boat, could have let the drag off & let it go for a longer run but with 8lb fluoro how much time do you have?? Anyway it is what it is, gutted but think on my own it was a hard task on the light gear but yeh the net did not help me today πŸ˜‰ Appreciate the suggestions though
  17. Very nice guys, I feel the hurt to after my experience today losing what was a PB flathead so close to the boat. Dam that whiskers will have some battle scars & tackle hanging off him when you finally catch up with him 🀣 Still, looks like you all had a great day πŸ˜€
  18. I went fishing today & stayed at least 30 metres from other boats. Would prefer it to be more but hey when your rod starts bending all of a sudden everyone starts to get closer, that was until I yelled out I HAVE CORONA VIRUS and am in isolation. Its a great way to get people not getting to close to your fishing hot spot 😜
  19. Yep, that happen to me with other fish, the gummy I got the 10 days ago I had just swung the net over the boat before it jumped out. The thing I disliked about the nylon one was it took forever to get the fish out, the hook & line out & untangled. Ive seen those larger soft plastic type nets which would be better I think but buying a new net is at the bottom of a long list now & not really a priority.
  20. Yes mate, that would have made my week/month/year to date but your right, I know its still out there & where it is so like Arnie says ………...armed with a better net 🀣
  21. Hi guys, went for a flick today to try & clear my head from what has been a pretty shity week in general. Put in at Foreshore at 6.30am & headed to the usual yakka grounds, got set up & wasn't long before I pulled in my 1st, then when I got my second all of a sudden it go hit by something large & nearly pulled the rod out of my hand as I unfortunately hadn't wound the drag back from cleaning the reel last trip. The light rod tip end up bending into the water as the fish went straight under the boat & the line ended up cutting off on the bottom of the hull which is probably a good thing! Re rigged with another sabiki but before I did that I rigged up the 1st yakka on another rod & dropped about 1/2 way down to the bottom. No hits & no more yakkas. Moved to Moly pt & sat there for a while with the livie near the bottom, saw 1 guy trolling past the point pull in a rat, other than that didn't see anyone else get another. Was time do some flatty drifting & after a couple of moves & a couple of SP changes I ended up with a nice hit, had plenty of weight & as I go it up near the boat it was huge. My PB is 80cm & this thing dwarfed it, Im guessing it was about 95cm. She started playing up a bit going for a run & plenty of big head shakes as I turned her head I got the net ready, missed the net, more so due to the weight so I guided the head around & back to the stern so I could try again, turning her again & this time head 1st into the enviro net, & when I say head only about 1/3 of it fitted into the net. She went ballistic & dropped back into the water, still attached but I had that sinking feeling I was going to lose it, tried to turn her head again at the stern for another attempt & as she turned she bucked a few times & finally spat the SP...…………………….gutted ☹️ Wouldn't have kept her anyway but as we all know its nice to get them into the boat & give them an accurate measure & a pic & send them on their way. Anyway that's fishing, I have now realised I need to have my second large nylon net in the boat for such occasions as the enviro is just not big or deep enough for fish of that size. Regardless it was a nice day out, little wind, back home by 11.30am.
  22. This is the kind of thread I think is worth revisiting!! You guys looked like you all had an amazing time & this kind of thread holds some very good memories no doubt!!! I see some fish I know but some I don't. That Trevally that Stu is holding with the awesome blue colours, what is that one? And also the stumpy black one on P2? Is that a Jobfish your holding scratchie? Some nice Spaniards & Sampson there & that coral trout would have tasted so good @swordfisherman I bet all you guys eat very well that trip & looks like it an awesome trip 😁 Glad I chanced upon it
  23. Its been sorted 😊 Some old threads in various sections are still very applicable & worth looking at & if there is something worth adding or a question to be asked on the existing content then great. I have re opened some old threads myself because I felt I had something decent to add or I was wanting more advice on the same issue. However just reopening a thread from 15.5 years ago just to say 'nice report' isn't what I would call constructive. & that was they case here.
  24. I want to know how they do that, I love the way Japanese prep eel. Its even very tasty when they make it into sushi!
  25. They are most likely the same people who drive down the emergency lane on the freeway when the traffic builds up or in Sydney traffic they will be the ones who gets into the short lane even though they aren't going that way & then cut in way in front of you when you have lined up like the rest. Unfortunately you cant educate the mind of an ignorant SOB who thinks the world belongs to him! I like your idea with the lighter set up. I would definitely be using a lighter line to the sinker over losing several hundred mtrs of braid though!
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