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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. 1 hour ago, noelm said:

    Nah, I buy cheap ones, or get given old ones by golfing mates, we go across the road and hit them into the ocean. None of us are golfers, so most can be found at low tide, but, now and then, it all comes together and one just goes way out. I am pretty useless, and usually just dong them on the top and drive the tee into the ground, but it's great fun. Cash Converters usually have a plastic shopping bag of mixed balls for $10.

    I was going to say.This is what you pay for a dozen good eggs these days mate.

    Everything is a rort in oz mate..


  2. 12 minutes ago, noelm said:

    Nah, we play cricket, it's always "trap" meaning you hit the ball and whoever gets it has a free shot at the stumps from where they got the ball to get the batsman out. We also hit golf balls into the water, and fight about who hit further! It's a long day, carting boards and stuff back from the beach and keeping an eye on the little ones, it's not too bad now, the youngest are 6 and can swim. Now and then I dig out a bait caster and have a casting competition, trying to land it in a bucket. All the while trying to help get everything ready, make sure all the eskies have ice, eat way too many lollies, chocolates and other odds and ends before lunch, then seriously over eat lunch and hope for a nanna nap, but that never happens. 

    Golf balls into the water!!!!! I’d cry hitting my ones into the water due to their price!!!

    • Like 2
  3. We cook enough to feed Uruguay until the next World Cup mate and keep them drunk until then too.And even then we still have enough for all the loosing teams to take food home for a week.

      And I have 2 xmases one on the 24th and the 25th.

    My mums birthday is the 24th and the Mils on New Year’s Day.Busy times with lots of eating to keep this stunning body of mine fit and strong to wind @Yowie’s fish in hand over fist into the boat.


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  4. 4 minutes ago, frankS said:

    The electric motor is connected to the battery via an anderson plug and nothing else is connected to it.


    It’s just consumption mate.If it’s too much you need to use leccy sparingly or run dual batteries.

  5. Like I said above a 40 amp draw  to power a leccy is a fair chunk to drain a 180 amp battery relatively quickly that hasn’t got any voltage going in to help it stay charged longer.

     It’s like leaving your headlights on in the car with engine off it won’t be long before you’re greeted with a flat battery.Start the car up to supply voltage form the alternator to keep the battery levels up and as you know you’ll be able to use headlights indefinitely.

     As @zmk1962and myself have said it would be consumption for sure with the amount of hours you used it and the Amps drawn.

  6. 2 hours ago, Green Hornet said:

    Must be contractors hey? You’d never see council working on a Saturday LOL.

    Nice location you’re living in too. I lived in something similar on Jarvis Bay until a couple of years ago when we were forced to move due to being surrounded by holiday rentals and loud noise 27/7.

    The workers in my council area don’t work from Sun-Sat.Any other dsy of the week they are out there breaking their backs.

    • Haha 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, frankS said:

    Fab1 OK mate, that sorta makes sense to me the way you put it. I did have the leckie going constantly most of the time I was out there, varied speed of troll and power from setting 2 right up to 10 ( max ) at times and a few spot locks to test the thing out.

    It is a reasonably large boat for a 12 volt electric motor and now I realize how much battery it can draw I will not use it as much in the future.

    Yesterday was more about testing the electric and my new 9" Lowrance sounder out, spent most of the day playing with the new toys rather than concentrating on catching fish, so I will use that as my excuse for having an ordinary day as a fish catcher.


    Considering how much you used it and for how long….I don’t think the battery is a dud mate.Enjoy yourself out there mate regardless if you catch anything or not.

  8. 4B7DFDDB-FADE-4338-88D3-16A610D8EA5A.thumb.png.dd1d44d67fe475a96a261d97508994fe.png

    You have a 180amp battery.Your leccy draws up to 50 amps of power.In theory your battery will be pretty much flat in 3hrs and 40 min of continuous use.

    A 180amp battery can deliver 180amp for 1 hour.You have a motor drawing 50amp.(3 hrs you’ve used 3x50amp=150amps).

      It doesn’t take long to have a flat battery without it being charged from motor while running.

      From what I’ve seen they use a lot of power those leccys and good batteries ain’t cheap.

    I’ll stick with the wind and anchor on mine.

    Hope I’ve made sense as it’s been decades since I learnt a little about electricity.

    • Like 2
  9. I don’t use the ramp as I don’t fish outside anywhere.My step daughter lives down the road from the ramp and it can get pretty hectic.We’ve watched people struggling with more than 1 person .

     Here’s a clip of how nice it can get I found on YouTube if you haven’t seen it.

    I’ve seen it worse before when visiting.



  10. 23 minutes ago, Blade said:

    Hi Raiders, 

    Planning to fish around the Belambi area. 

    In terms of putting the boat in and retrieving it, is it possible to do this solo at Belambi?

    I don't have a drive on drive off trailer, I use a launch rope. 

    Size and type of boat would help the guys give you advice.Hopefully you can.

  11. 8 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    Well you did better than us at Windang. 
    No crabs, no flatties or any other marine life here.

    Locals said it has been like that for a while. 

    No wonder we didn’t do to well either.We are hopeless but nearly always at least get one good flatty,bream and heaps of undersize there.

    8 hours ago, Yowie said:

    That is a bugger. The fish should be on now. It was always a good place leading up to christmas and beyond.

    Many years since I fished there. I always found flatties, and the odd whiting, at the drop-off near Bevan Island. I never fished the main lake, I fished mostly in different places along the channel.

    The back channel - on the southern side around the bridge - has probably silted up now, but it was always good for the odd flattie and some big bream. On the eastern side there was a sandbank with a little drop-off into deeper water. I also fished on the southern side of the main channel along the edge or on the bank at higher tides, in the clear patches amongst the weed beds.

    You probably wouldn’t even recognise the place now mate.I’ve been going since 86 and it’s changed a lot.You would have seen alot more changes than me and I bet the Hacking has changed alot too since you were a kid and I bet not for the better.

     I nearly got swept away when you had to cross through water to get to Windang island back in the 80,s.

     The current races through there now and it’s pretty crap for drifting on the outgoing tide now as you go 100 mph.

    • Like 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, Crabstar said:



    Launched from Tunks park approx 5am this morning. Plan was to target kings.

    Slow goings this morning with the yakkas, grabbed 8 of them and took us 2hrs, absolute hard work, headed over to the old shacks to see if we could grab a couple squid which equates to 0.

    The wind picked up early around 730am early then it should so we decided to down rigg all the way up the guys of middle harbour to which also equated to 0 kings…

    I think that’s my last trip to middle harbour for the year, the tolls kill me from Campbelltown and back not to mention the diesel towing…

    Back to Cronulla Monday :)

    Yep,it’s a decent hike for us Macarthians to see water.The bigger the boat and car the bigger the wallet to store the $$$$ to get out for a fish.As for tolls you can’t avoid them?I don’t go to harbour so I don’t know but I work in Artarmon and I avoid them all.

      At least you had a crack mate I’m use to catching bugger all.

  13. 1 hour ago, Larkin said:

    Gday Raiders 

    headed out today with a friend from a JetSki fishing group  - he’s new to JetSki fishing, so I was showing him how to drift for flathead and how to use soft plastics in deep water.

    We fished around Jibbon and northern Bate Bay. I caught quite a few slimie mackerel (on plastics) with a few over 35cm.

    Also caught a 38cm tailor, a 70cm baracoota & then a bunch of flathead while drifting south of jibbon - The sizes currently out there are much better than previous weeks - most between 45-50cm.

    He caught 2 X salmon, and got busted off by a king boat side - trolling skirts.

    He’s Ukrainian/Russian - at the end of the day I offered him some of my flathead as he only managed to catch one. Rejected the offer, but politely asked for the mackerel, lol - just goes to show what a lot of us consider bait others consider top eating. He was very happy when I gave him the majority of them - and said next time we’ve got to get more of these. He refrigerates them in a salt and sugar brine overnight, then dries them into some sort of fish jerky - said they come up delicious.



    Excellent result mate.I have learnt people have a different idea of “delicious “ than mine more often than not.I’ll try pretty much anything once except Oysters,mussels and a few other things.

    • Like 1
  14. 47 minutes ago, Pickles said:

    Hey @Fab1, I use circle hooks almost exclusively, (but not off set, so more like a “tuna hook”) the only exception is when livebaiting with Yakkas and squid, when I use Mustad Hoodlum hooks (usually 7/0).

    But the key to success with circle hooks is to let the fish hook themselves as @Volitansays,  I don’t touch the rod until the rod tip is almost in the water (boat fishing) and I the fish is swimming away. The reason Ilove circle hooks is that 99% of the time, the fish are hooked in the side of the mouth and very easy to get the hook out and release if not being kept. If you strike, much of the time the hook is pulled out of the fish’s mouth without engaging.

    Only my opinion - many folks do not like circle hooks.

    Cheers mate.I’ll get straight ones to try.

  15. Thought I’d share for a laugh when I went out the other day for a fish.

     Took off from home with the boat in tow when a few ks (10 ) up the road doing 80ks i hear the familiar sound of a safety chain dragging on the road.I said to my son beside me the Servo is coming up the bloody chain is bouncing on the road every now and then I’ll stop and sort it out.

      It is the main rd and the morning work traffic is in full flow.Anyway I stop at servo,get out of the car only meters away from road and onlookers to discover the cable ties I put on extra bit of safety chain to tie it to itself to prevent exactly this happening have come off causing the loose end of chain to bounce around on road singing the jingle.

      With my back to the road I go to bend down to tear my shorts I was wearing down from the waist band to the bottom of my boardies down one bum cheek!Normally I have boxers on underneath but this day I decided to go all natural didn’t I? To my horror I realised I was exposing some serious crack to all the motorists so I quickly dealt with chain and hoped back in the car to turn around and go home to get changed to be greeted by horns sounding,rude comments and laughter.😂😂

       Anyway we pull up out the front and I tell my son I’ll quickly go in and change to only be called back by him to ask me if I can take his half drunk hungry jacks coke inside to dispose of it.No problem I lean through the window,take his drink,turn around and take three steps to only trip on the water meter flying forward like I was the matrix watching in slow motion the lid come off his drink followed closely by its contents all over my mrs car she had just spent the previous afternoon cleaning!😂😂

      I finally make it to the front door cursing and limping to go inside and quickly grab my hose to hose the mrs car down,race into my room,chuck on some shorts making sure they weren’t ones that I’ve had since 1980 that were washed 85576457555 times and went to come out of the bedroom into the hallway to go into the lounge room to put my shoes on that I had quickly kicked off when I went inside but didn’t make it past the hall way as I came crashing down like a sack of 💩 at 6’2 and 127kg respectively almost in tears like a 2yr old toddler because……………….  Yep, you guessed it I stubbed my little toe on the corner of the skirting board.OUCH!!!   

      Thanks for reading and hopefully you guys had a laugh at my expense.

    ps.My little toe isn’t enjoying having these work boots on still.😂😂😂

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    • Sad 2
  16. 33 minutes ago, PaddyT said:

    Offset circles are actually not allowed in gamefishing comps because they gut hook just as much as old fashioned j hooks, not sure if that translates to bread and butter fishing but probably does. 

    They might want to tell the stores selling them then.All I know is mine are broken as I can’t gut hook,mouth hook or bum hook anything with them.Well not as easily or as much as j hooks anyway.

      I just wanted to give them a go as I was curious and wanted to fish multiple rods instead of one like I normally do as there’s not much room on a 4.2m boat that’s a runabout as you know.

    • Like 1
  17. 8 minutes ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    Fab the ramp at Berkeley is very good sometimes gets crowded on weekends and ph (

    Cheers.That won’t be an issue for me.

    It doesn’t look like there’s much parking there.I didn’t even realise it was there when we went yesterday.C0550D9D-05DC-4D3B-BF7D-21D21E6B8AEC.thumb.png.db276499ddf7595e52e90e73373da4f6.png

  18. 1 hour ago, zmk1962 said:

    If the outboard has been maintained and not mistreated (over revved, run hot - cooked etc) then it has heaps of life. Get a mechanic to check compression and gear operation.  Lots of outboards with 1000hrs+ on them going strong. Google that particular motor/model for typically reported probs and if there is a known recommended fix.  Factor that into your decision and negotiation. 
    Alternatively if you like everything else, sell that outboard and repower. 
    It’s unlikely you will find everything exactly as you wish it on a 2nd hand vessel. 
    cheers Zoran

    ps- the Swordies run a poly and love it. Reach out if you have any questions. 

    You always have great advice mate.

  19. 2 hours ago, noelm said:

    Never been a fan of Snelling hooks, but, that's just me, getting bites and no fish in Lake Illawarra will almost certainly be small Bream/Snapper grabbing the bait and trying to get away from their mates! or worse, Toads that have a tiny mouth, but take a bait like a much bigger fish, but hardly ever get hooked.

    I know how to snell hooks and to me it looks like the line gets caught/rubs on the opening of the hook eye which isn’t great thus I never snell hooks.I use uni,clinched or loop knot for everything pretty much.

    2 hours ago, Volitan said:

    I think most people respond to fish activity on the circle hook much too quickly. You need time for the circle hook to turn over in the fishes mouth and the fish to turn around and swim away from the anglers position - so the trace aligns with the fish’s body and the hook is dragged across the edge of the fishes mouth. For this to be effective the hook must pull itself into the set from behind (well, almost) - pulling from in front will pull bait and hook out of the mouth without hookup.  

    remeber circle hooks were originally used on longlines - so completely unattended. When they first came on the market we called them Japanese longline hooks.

    I think the idea about snelling circles comes from the fact it aligns the hook differently, curling back towards the trace rather then with the shank aligned with the trace as you would want with a j hook. The idea is that the alignment of a shelled hook gives it a head start in setting itself. I don’t think it’s important - or would have much of an effect unless you are using very heavy mono traces on small fish.

    straight circles align better in a fish’s mouth - pulling the hook into the corner in line with the trace. Offset circles will twist and buck as they pull across a fish’s mouth, or so goes the theory.

    Fantastic explanation mate.I think I’ll stick with j hooks for now.

  20. 8 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    Two boat ramps there as others identified.  The large building or the left is a popular fish and chip place. We use the ramp closest to this. 

    We will be in Windang next week and we will go crabbing there :) 

    Which ramp do you use?Is the other one good if you’ve used it?Do you guys have any luck fishing the general area or you just crab when you go?It’s a very scenic part of the lake there that I’ll go to more to explore.

     The weather was superb yesterday and basically not another soul in sight.

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