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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. 11 hours ago, Blackfish said:

    Mate had one do the same, different motor though.

    i turned out the sleeve that the rubber impellor was on looked perfect but under any load was slipping.

    Maybe check that out.

    Have checked as that was one of my initial thoughts and it was still located in the same place by it's locking tab.

    10 hours ago, jeffb5.8 said:

    Did you hang onto the old impeller to swap that back in to check.

    Yes, still to try that as well as test the impellor off the outboard. 

    2 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

    I changed impellor on my 90 yammie  still no good  so i replaced housing and impellor  all good   i bought the parsun kit at half the price of the yammie     side by side they have the same moulding flaws in the plastic housing  made by same company  half price

    Yes,I've heard/read that before. After all the tests i do and if it's found the impellor isn't working when bench testing it(In this case in a drum removed of the motor) i will put a whole new impellor kit.

          There's a first time for everything i guess.The thing thats odd is it pumped like a trooper when i tested it after fitting at home and on the water then it stopped at some stage.

       Like i said, i noticed it not peeing back at the ramp when going to flush it.

    I would have thought if there was something wrong with the impellor itself,the stainless cup or plate were scoured ,o-ring was leakibg,cracked housing,sheared woodruff key etc the issue would present itself immediately. 

    I thought i sucked up something causing a blockage but it seems fine when i checked.

  2. 9 minutes ago, jeffb5.8 said:

    What engine do you have Fab?

    if it’s a ETec I have been told to change the whole water pump (Housing and Impeller) if it is a few years old.

    Still my yammy 30 hp mate.

  3. Impellor i changed was working fine when i was on the water today.

      When i pulled the boat out at the ramp i noticed it wasn't pumping water when i went to flush motor.(Don't know how long i ran it with no telltale).

      Not sure what the hell happened.

    Got home filled tub with water,ran engine,stuck wire in telltale,Nothing.


    Pulled the leg off 3 times,checked everything, all looked good.Tried it on muffs,nothing.

    Stuck hose up pick up tube and water came out telltale. 

    Beats me I'll pull it apart again on weekend.


  4. Last winter i went out for a night fish and as always back at the ramp i beach it the  jump out over the side.

    I thought I'd be clever and wear my gumboots so my tootsies stayed dry.

    Well as you might of guessed i jumped out in water that went up to mid thigh.😂😂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, Berleyguts said:

    Silly things I’ve done when tired (or drunk etc.):

    * Put 600ml of oil into the petrol tank of my new 4 stroke mower.

    * Rubbed toothpaste into sore muscles after soccer.

    * Put Dencorub on my toothbrush.

    * Proposed to my (now) wife.

    Oh, hang on! One more... posted a list of silly things I’ve done in a public forum! 😂

    Yeah,agree with the proposing to wife.I'm 25yrs defacto and still not stupid enough to do that on one.😂😂😂

    • Haha 1
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  6. 1 hour ago, noelm said:

    Just thought of a funny thing I did at work, when I worked in IT we did big computer change overs at night so there was minimal impact on employees, it was a pretty simple process, email setup, data transfer and so on, the new computer would be delivered by the storeman to the right desk, and we would unpack it, set it up to the network, image it, then do the data transfer, and pack the old one in the box the new one came in. We had done probably 30 machines and it was getting late (maybe 1am) I was working like a robot, but didn't realise I had imaged the old original machine, packed the new one back in its box, sealed it up and labeled it, ready for the store man to pick up and warehouse. The next morning I got a call from the employee asking where her new computer was, everyone else had one, I logged on remotely and guessed what I had done, I ran like a lunatic over to the store and a big truck was there loading on the old stuff, I rummaged through them to find the "old" machine with her name on the carton, and unpacked it to find the brand new machine all neatly packed again, I retrieved it and delivered it myself and set it up, we both had a good laugh about it.

    😂😂😂 The look on your face would have been priceless when you realised what happened.

  7. 14 minutes ago, noelm said:

    Fishing late one night, I opened the thermos to have a coffee, and put the thermos down, but it was outside the boat, dropped straight into the water, as I tried to grab it, I knocked my coffee cup off the gunnel into the water too!

    😂😂😂 A few choice words would of followed that.

    • Like 3
  8. I came home from nightshift the other day and ordered an impellor for my motor online.I waited a few days to receive it to only find out i ordered the wrong one like a goose.

    I ordered the right one but wrong year model.😂😂😂

    That's just one stupid thing I've done lately.

    • Like 1
  9. Bil misplaced his boat keys and is hunting high and low for them. 

    Go me thinking how many of you remove your keys from boat?I've never removed the keys from my boat/s as i don't think a thief is going to drive it away on dry land on it's trailer.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Welster said:

    I usually use the one at Kyeema if fishing the bay but there is nothing wrong with the ramp at Foreshore Drive. Be aware that plenty of cars have gone for a swim sliding in at low tide though. 

    Just take your time don’t feel pressured and start to develop a checklist.  

    If you can’t reverse practice somewhere else first.

    Be prepared before you arrive.

    Stop in the prep area. Make sure the bungs are in. Tie down straps are off the back. Motor is off the travel bracket. Rope is ready depending which system you are using. Or have one of you in the boat. Leave the safety chain and winch on!

    Reverse back in your lane with the boat in at the right depth that takes a bit of practice but for me the step part of the trailer mud guards are below the water and there is just s little bit of ramp at the back of the car out of the water.  Handbrake on and park or in gear.   If it’s night time ( not on your first attempt) turn your headlights off there is nothing worse than trying to reverse when other people have their headlights on.

    Undo the safety chain, I’d usually have the person in the boat lower the motor and start it at this point. Or they can hold the rope if not in the boat most likely standing on the pontoon. Release the winch and give it a push off.   Don’t forget to take the winch handle back off if it’s removable. 

    Jump back in the car and go and park it.  Check it’s locked, nothing on display lights off. If possible the person looking after the boat should have moved it further up the pontoon or hang back out out of the way and just nudge up to it to pick you up when you arrive on the pontoon.

    The fun is out on the water so don’t hang around at the ramp making a nuisance of yourself.   If you are struggling accept some help and do the same for others.

    Excellent advise mate.Maybe you can give me advice how to catch Yowies fish?😂😂.Good on you.

  11. 1 hour ago, big Neil said:

    I wouldn't toss it...it may keep a better seal when the cap is on. I remove mine to refill the tank too. A good example of a NON FUNCTIONING DESIGN FEATURE! Cheers, bn

    The screen has nothing to do with the cap sealing mate.Toss it if you like.


    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, kingie chaser said:

    So who caught the kingie & who took the picture & who pulled you over & who is the friend of the raider  :blink: 🤣🤐



    Another fisho,my son,other fisho,i don't know in that order to your questions. I feel dizzy now.

    • Haha 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    The Hacking is all yours Fab, until I return some time in September. Currently further north.

    Tried around Yamba for not much, undersized. Others have trouble finding legal sizes up river.


    Yeah, a few fishos out not catching much.We just really went out for a day out knowing we wouldn't catch much.Water temp was a chilly 14.5 deg on the gonad detecter.

    • Like 1
  14. 55 minutes ago, noelm said:

    Mine has that filter, but it just lifts out, I don't know why I remove the filter, fill with petrol, then put the filter back, it doesn't filter anything while I have it out! I might toss it next time I fill up.

    That defeats the purpose as you've found out.It's like going rock fishing,getring washed in almost drowning then putting on a pfd in the hospital. 

    36 minutes ago, Scratchie said:

    Yep! No need for that IMO. Looks like a real hassle! 

    A royal you know what.

    17 minutes ago, noelm said:

    I think genuine Yamaha tanks have that filter.

    Mines genuine Yamaha.Genuine Pita.

    2 minutes ago, noelm said:

    Just along these lines, I noticed recently that local servos are cracking down on people filling tanks in boats and in car boots, if they see someone not removing the tank, and putting it on the ground, they cut off the pump, all 4 servos near me are doing the same.

    All portables from tote tanks ,to jerries,for boats,mowers etc should be placed on the ground and the nozzle earthed too.Has been like t that for yonks know.

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