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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. Well,as you gardeners know sifting compost is labour intensive and hard work especially in large amount by hand.

    So I decided to make my own trommel to make things a little easier out of my cement mixer.

      My requirements where I wanted to be able to use it as a mixer and a compost trommel so I decided to make an adapter out of materials/hardware I had in the shed.

    I removed the bowl from the mixer and removed  it's gear ring to use on the plastic barrel I'll use as a trommel.

    I made up a shaft and welded it on a plate then packed it out with wooden spacers bolting the gear ring centrally to the base of the barrel.

    It was then a matter of cutting out 3 evenly spaced windows and fitting wire mesh tied in with tie wire.


      Works a treat and keeps up with my shovelling.


  2. On 01/06/2018 at 8:38 AM, frankS said:

    Geoff. If you can see rust on a gal trailer it's coming from the inside out so not good news, unusual for a trailer to rust that far up, the previous owner must have sank the trailer a few times.

    The side of that frame can be cut out and piece welded in but IF bottom of rail also rusted it's a lot of work.



    To add to what these guys have said.When you see rust emerge,it's always just the tip of the iceberg in how much more there is.The problem with welding is when you weld a rail,beam,plate in.....The weld will be exposed as bare metal on the inside of the trailer as well as a portion of the existing metal due to the weld itself and the heat leaving it exposed to attack by oxygen,let alone water that will cause it to quickly rust again if left untreated.As Frank said it may make more economic sense to just buy another trailer unless you can do the lot yourself and stretch its life at best for another few years.

  3. 1 hour ago, garfield28 said:

    G'day all, 

    Just wondering if anyone on this forum has fixed up a boat trailer that had a bit or rust or found it not worth it and bought new or second hand?

    I replaced the cross members on my old trailer years ago with new ones welded in and it was well worth it to me as it cost a small % of a new/second hand trailer.


    My trailer is in need of repair mainly in what I guess you would call the undercarrige, the part that has the axle and spring connected to it,  and I'm contemplating having a go at buying some lengths of SHS and re-welding a new undercarriage and either get it hot dipped or buy it already pre-galed. 


    The running gear like axle/s springs,hangers,hubs etc are usually the first to go on any trailer especially ungalvanised ones(Getting rarer on boat/trailers) along with the last and second last cross members and 1\3rd of the way up from the end of the side rails towards the front of the trailer.

    Getting things like trailers hot dipped galvanized can be an expensive excercisd depending on prep and size.

    The issue with buying any steel you plan on welding that's already galvanised is you have to prepare that steel by grinding the galvanising off the ends to then weld them together and that weld in itself will need to be protected usually by applying cold gal which is nowhere as good as the hot gal in durability.


    Has anyone else here done something  similar or maybe more and found it cost effective and easy enough to do?  I'm hoping so and would love to hear what you did and possibly a few pics. 



    I welded new Cross members in my old trailer and new sections of side rail in then cold galed the welds in/out.

    It was an easy job for me because that's what I do and if you know how to mark up,cut,weld etc it is a easy weekend job.

    I don't have photos as I did it in the early 90,s and didn't bother to take any but if you search on Google I've seen plenty of posts of people building/refurbishing their own trailers.

    Hopefully this helps you make a decision mate whether you take the plunge or not.



    1 hour ago, garfield28 said:




  4. Paddy McCoy was an elderly Irish farmer. He received a letter from the Department of Employment stating that there had been a complaint received by the Department to the effect that Paddy had not been paying his staff the minimum basic wage and an inspector would be sent out to interview the effected employees.
    The inspector arrived in due course and said to Paddy "Tell me about your staff and the pay and conditions they receive from you."
    Paddy said " Well, there's the farm hand. He is paid 250 pounds per week and gets free rent of a cottage for his family to live in here on the farm . Then there's the house keeper. She gets 190 pounds per week and free board and lodging in our house. Then there's the half wit. He works a 16 hour day, does 90% of the work around here and he earns about 25 pounds per weeks, plus a bottle of whiskey and , as a special treat, occasionally gets to sleep with my wife ."
    The inspector was aghast and said "That's disgraceful . I want to interview the half wit." 
    Paddy said "Well now, that'll be me."

    • Like 1
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  5. A stockman named Bruce was overseeing his herd on the stock route in Western Queensland when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust.
    The driver, a young man in a Brioni® suit, Gucci® shoes, RayBan® sunglasses and YSL® tie, leaned out the window and asked the stockman, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?"
    Bruce looks at the man, who obviously is a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, why not?"
    The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell® notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3® cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo. The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop® and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany ...Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot® that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL® database through an ODBC connected Excel® spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry® and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet® printer, turns to the stockman and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves."
    "That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says Bruce. He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car. Then Bruce says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?"
    The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?"
    "You're a Senator from Canberra", says Bruce.
    "Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"
    "No guessing required." answered the stockman. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of dollars worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you don't know a thing about how working people make a living - or about cows, for that matter. This is a herd of sheep. Now give me back my dog."

    • Haha 7
  6. 37 minutes ago, rickmarlin62 said:

    have a mate up here he has 90 hp but plate says 115....same model...don't go toooooo big .rick

    Thanks Rick,much appreciated.

  7. Hi,does anyone know what the max hp is for one of these stejcraft boats?It's a friends boat and he can't find the max hp anywhere.Maybe someone has been the owner of one now or in the past.






  8. 1 hour ago, Welster said:

    I have never heard of one.

    4.9 Cleveland to me is a ford engine. 

    It's a 302 to me.But was it a Cleveland ,Windsor or both.I'm intrested who manufactured this boat too as I haven't heard of them either.

  9. 51 minutes ago, PaddyT said:

    Finally remembered to check my chain for stamping- and guess what- no stamping! I look forward to getting pulled over and booked !

    It wasn't a surprise was it?Don't worry too much as I'm sure your not the only one out there with an unrated chain.Besides if you look around you'll see many trailers that you wonder how they are still on the road.

  10. Do what I do and keep your rig in the garage dry without use.It will never rust then.Just kidding.All trailers will rust from the inside out that are made from rhs eventually regardless of what you spray on them.The easiest, cheapest and best  way I know is to end cap the rear end of the side rails and seal the small gap underneath the ends of the cross members and the centre drainage holes (A grommet works great here).

    I did the above to my old trailer and it was always dry as a bone.It was just a matter of hosing the exterior after launch/retrieval.

    I heard the hitch helmets are good but pricey and I just use a standard trailer lock.Some people add wheel locks etc also.


  11. 1 hour ago, Sigma said:

    I'm not suggesting that she doesn't weigh anything but she is nothing and I mean nothing comparing to my other boat. I have had her fully laden and towed her heaps of times and I can barely feel her on the back of my car. Even when I want to hook her up, I can lift the front and pull her 2-3mtrs to the tow bar without breaking sweat. The other boat, barely can lift the tow ball end, lol.

    Anyway, different boats...different trailers. I was just wondering as I know a few of my mates who have boats similar size, none have braked trailers like my boat. Baz's boat might be a heavier unit.



    That sounds like the ideal boat to own.I can certainly feel my boat on the back of both my cars,when lifting the nose by hand etc.Either there's kryptonite around,or I've got a hull full of lead.

           As some one else mentioned ....she is always lighter on the way home because I "Never" catch fish and have fed all my bait to help Yowies fish get big and strong for him to catch in the future for the return trip home.?

    • Like 1
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  12. 5 hours ago, Noo2OzFish said:

    Update,,  I got my trailer to pass the inspection,, though next year I will likely have to replace my fenders

    Well done mate.

    5 hours ago, Smasher said:

    So I've got an EZ Loader skid trailer. One of the bunks has warped as the timber has become rotten and the carpet is peeling off in parts. The result of that is that the bracket that the timber bunk sits on has made a scratch in the bottom of my boat and is currently slightly dug into the bottom - as the back of the boat is resting on it. Hopefully it hasnt punched a hole but I'll only find out for sure when the boat is off.

    Tomorrow I'm taking it to a trailer repair place. I've been quoted $1000 to replace both bunks. Maybe a few hundred more to repair the brakes that have never worked since I got it.   

    Or I've got the option of forking out $3700 for a brand new gal trailer  manufactured in Moorebank. Or $5000 for a big name brand like Dunbier - and get up to $500 trade in.  It's got a bit of surface rust here and there so it's a tough call whether to keep pumping money in keeping an old trailer going or bite the bullet and replace the whole shebang....

    Decisions decisions huh


    $1000?Did you ask them if 2 bits of timber and a bit of carpet are worth more than gold these days?save the coin and do it yourself mate.

    2 hours ago, Sigma said:

    Hi Baz,

    If you own a Stacer 449, I'm surprised that it's a braked trailer?

    I have a 4.6mtr Aluminium Half Cabin with a 50Hp electric start and it's not braked. When I bought the new trailer, I was told that it is not required for that size.

    I also have a Quintrex 560 Freedom Sport and that is braked.

    You'd be surprised how much your half cab weighs fully laden ready to fish.I'd put it over the weighbridge to confirm its weight which I think will be an eye opener for you.

    2 hours ago, Berleyguts said:

    Well, that’s how it came new. ? I felt should put it across a weighbridge.

    Good idea with any boat.

    • Like 1
  13. Another thing I think dealers should have the responsibility of ensuring is that the boatie that buys their boat has their rig set up correctly "Before" driving out the yard.I:e have the correct tow vehicle in the first place with the correct towball down weight etc.

    If the boatie hasn't organised this before hand or didn't even know they needed to do this,then the yard should insist before goods exchange hands no ifs or buts.

    But I'm well aware of the chances of that happening is the same as me catching and landing a Marlin.

  14. 1 hour ago, PaddyT said:

    The average boat buyer is not told these things when a boat is purchased even from a dealer- I was unaware of the chain stamping and have been a boat owner for 30 years- will go home and check and right now am betting that my chain - supplied by a well known trailer builder  by a reputable dealer from new is not stamped- will be in cardiac ward of nearest hospital if it is! If trailer builders dont follow the regs what hope has the average boater got. Thanks for that bit of info BTW 

    Dealers have one thing on their mind and one thing only.What is the easiest way to take your money and transfer it into their account.After that it's fend for yourself.

    14 minutes ago, Welster said:

    The boat still has the same shackle it had on it when sold new.  I was also a bit surprised the new boat had just the one chain instead of two like the smaller boat it replaced.

    You only require 2 chains when your gvm goes north from 2.5t.And the chain size goes up accordingly etc.

    Here's some info I think everyone should memorise.vsi-41-guidelines-for-a-frame-towing.pdf

  15. 1 hour ago, PaddyT said:

    And who checked the ratings on the chain? Thats why this rule is a nonsense

    Chains should be stamped with a weight rating on the links from the chains manufacturer and the link that is welded to the trailer should be welded at least half way around its circumference like these photos is my take.

      If you look around there's a heck of a lot of all types of trailers that would fail today's laws in the older built trailer brigade.image.thumb.jpg.cf4fd7fdf5ae111c8891caed2cbb954e.jpgimage.thumb.jpg.3314d136b9093896ecbe705d63e9da00.jpg 

  16. 14 minutes ago, Omally said:

    I did say in my opinion fab?specially if you don't know the history anyone could say anything yeah mate she's right always looked after who knows some people don't even flush there motors or aren't mechanically minded at all  ... Only ever had new motors or newish ( less than 100 hours .. But as I said the 4ohp lightning xr never let me down once... 

    I know you did mate.I wasn't having a dig.....i was merely saying that in general a well looked after and maintained engine will go way beyond 300hrs.One thats been neglected?Well,thats anyones guess how much service and reliability it will provide. 

         As to what sellers tell you regardless if they are private or dealers, take it all with a grain of salt when it comes to buying anything used especially boats,cars etc.Ask for recent service reports,receipts and most of all do your own detective work and follow your instincts to minimise the chance of ending up with a lemon.


  17. 4 hours ago, Omally said:

    The only thing I do remember was it was pretty loud  I remember some days me ears used to ring lol... Imo 300 hours is pretty high but in saying that depends how it's been looked after and the price of course 

    And then you have Etecs that supposedly don't need to be serviced until they reach 300hrs.You have to be crazy not to service one on a yearly basis regardless of hours I think.300hrs is nothing for a well cared for and maintained outboard.

  18. 3 minutes ago, antonywardle said:

    Thanks @Fab1 Looks like you got a couple of Dogfish in the pool!

    My pool is above ground so the temperature changes a lot

    More money for fishing toys now ;-)


    Yeah,I like them dogfish more than humans.lol.You guys did a good job on that install mate.Enjoy your shopping splurge.

  19. 47 minutes ago, antonywardle said:

    N The solar bladders on the roof started leaking and we got some high numbered quotes to replace them, and while, like most of you, I'm completely loaded, we wondered if there was a cheaper way to have a go at heating the pool. I did a bit of research and we'd decided to have a go with some black 13 mm irrigation hose. It came in 50 metre rolls, so we went down to the local HW shop and purchased four rolls and some PVC pipe to make a frame, along with some cable ties and hose clamps.

    The basic idea is to make a sort of cross shape and then cable tie the hose to it


    This worked quite well, but it was taking a long time and then we ran out of hose and still had a heap more space to use on the cross, so back to the shop and bought

    some more hose, and then we continued on cabling the hose on. (When I said we, it was my wife that did it)


    All up we ended up with 400 metres of pipe. A bit of calculation means that when it was full of water, it would be around 80 Kgs spread over a 3 metre square.

    Didn't test it for leaks before putting it up as it would have then been too heavy to lift. As it was, some of the glue int he frame came apart lifting it up, but we got there in the end. 


    So I got it all connected up using some garden hose and we fired it up, and it actually worked pretty well. The return pipe is about 4 degrees warmer than the water going up so the pool is heating up. I've noticed that its warmer. All up I think we got this done for less than $200, which is about 30 times cheaper than the quote to replace it. We already had the previous bits up on the roof so basically we were just replacing the bladders. No leaks, and we cable tied it down to the existing support. Use black ties, they are UV stabilized.


    Thanks for reading! 



    Solar?Man,toughen up.Im looking for a way to bring a slice of Antartica to make mine colder even though I do have the provisions for solar.Mine turns into a warm bath on its own after a few days in the sun.

    Good job on saving yourself a few bob though.


  20. 5 hours ago, raging said:

    Just an update. I took the old finder off, then pulled apart the base (held together with plastic glue). Then with the square black plastic, I cut a round disc to fit inside which the new finder screws into.

    Happy with the result of using the old screw holes



    If you didn't know you'd think it was from factory.Good job.

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