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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. 3 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

    I dont question whether or not certain nationalities are the most habitual offenders.... that is probably very true and i personally would expect both you fabian and rick to do exactly what uve done in the past, kick buckets over and set them straight. 

    What i do take exception to is the obvious underlying racism. People of all backgrounds are caught taking undersize fish and that includes alot of "aussies". For some reason those caught who have an ethnic background provoke a greater reaction. Thats called racism

    thats my two cents


    4 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

    I dont question whether or not certain nationalities are the most habitual offenders.... that is probably very true and i personally would expect both you fabian and rick to do exactly what uve done in the past, kick buckets over and set them straight. 

    What i do take exception to is the obvious underlying racism. People of all backgrounds are caught taking undersize fish and that includes alot of "aussies". For some reason those caught who have an ethnic background provoke a greater reaction. Thats called racism

    thats my two cents

    I understand what your saying and as stated above by Rick he has apologised if he upset anyone including you.Let's move on and enjoy what time some of us have left before going back to work.

    • Like 2
  2. Agreed,try to do the right thing and hopefully some of it will rub off on others.As Rick said,don't put your neck out on the line if your not prepared to accept all consequences and hopefully those other avenues will be enough to catch these people.


  3. All that was a mouthful to digest.The fishfinder rig your refering to is known as a running rig.Im no expert fisherman by any means and will suggest things based  on what I find works for me when the fish are on.

      With the running sinker rig I use a trace of 1.5-2 meters(rod length) as I want to be able to cast out if needed with the sinker resting on the bottom and that trace wafting around in the current.(That's the purpose of a running sinker rig).Your sinker directly sitting on top of your hook is usually good for snaggy bottom fishing as when you wind up there is less chance of fouling tackle and busting off.

      With both rigs I like to leave a bit of slack line by dropping my rod tip down and waiting for the rod to load up before striking.Sometimes I leave the bail open a bit watching the line too and when it goes taught I flip the bail shut and strike.

    You mention you get a few raps and runs but come up empty handed when you strike?You also mention your fishing with big chunks of tailor and presumably largish hooks?The first thing I would do is down scale everything......Hook,bait.It sounds like you are fishing with too large of a hook and bait for the fish that are there more than the sinker.

    I don't know what you are targeting but I fish for bream and flathead for example with a 1-1/0 hook and a ball sinker up to the size of a pea usually.For smaller mouthed fish like whiting I use a size 6 hook with the same ball sinker configuration and 99% of the time I fish the running rig as mentioned without any dramas if the fish are there.

    What fish are you targetting? So someone more knowledgeable than me may add to what i've said.

  4. That's enough guys,we all know that it doesn't matter what nationality one is there is those that do the right thing,and those that don't in all of them.The people that choose to do the wrong thing will do it regardless and unfortunately is a fact of life.

    Lets call a spade a spade.I see the same handfull of nationalities commit the offence of keeping undersized fish over and over most often.Maybe it's a cultural thing?Maybe they don't know any better?Who knows.

    If you all open your eyes you will see the same thing going on.

    It shits me seeing it and I have told people that they are undersized, argued with people, kicked buckets over,sent people swimming after their fish and had a few battle wounds to show for it and will do so regardless of the consequences.People will say I'm stupid or whatever but so be it.if I see it I will do the above.

    All I know is keeping undersized fish  will never be stopped until the fish are wiped out.We humans are our own worst enemy but until then I know I'm doing the right thing.

    You guys deal with it how you see fit.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Blood Knot said:

    Goodonya Sam for helping out - real concern here is that people like this end up hurtling out through the heads with a couple of unsuspecting friends or relos on board and really get themselves in trouble. 

    Cheers Blood Knot

    These are the type that sooner or later become a statistic.It doesn't take much to get in trouble out on the water if you don't have your wits about you.The only wit this guy had by the sound of it is he was a half wit.

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Peter Nelson said:

    Only keeping an eye on them is your only insurance. You would think if you could afford to own a boat you would be able to buy a couple of pots and not have to steal someone else's. There is a lot of idiots out there at the moment

    I don't get out much and even I notice every year it's getting worse.

  7. 4 minutes ago, sleepydragon said:

    Hi Raiders.

    First of all Happy New Year to all of you with my best wishes. Secondly, just kindly report that I went out yesterday in Botany Bay. After dropped 2 crab pots down and then ahead out to oil wharf just got a few breams and trevalies and plenty of rat kings under the heavy rain. Head back to the crab pots location to pick up. Surprisingly both of them were gone, some scum bags had stolen my pots. This is the first time in my life seeing how bad people these days. Not sure how I could prevent this happens again, please help.

    Tied line guys



    Sorry to hear you pots were taken.I don't crab but have relatives that do and say they fish in the vicinity of their pots while they wait to lift and check the pots.Iv'e heard others complain about the same thing that's happened to you and it's very hard to drop some mongrel if your not there to catch them.

  8. As the title says Happy New Year everyone and may 2018 bring you and your family's health,wealth and happiness.I will be having a quiet Family bbq and a few beers  at home baby sitting my dogs as they are terrified of the fireworks as so many animals are.

    All the best and enjoy your time with family and friends.

  9. 8 hours ago, Hooked-Up said:

    The best spot on any given day is the one where the fish are.

    todays best spot might be crap tomorrow and the worst spot you can think of might be the best lol.

    these magical spots you seek dont exist mate you gotta start to understand that.

    Also dont expect to instantly catch a good fish once you do work out the livebaits (especially yakkas)

    What sort of fish do you want to catch?

    Totally agree with you mate.All that was missing from the post was if someone can put the bait on the hook for him.?

  10. Report everyone regardless of race,age or gender.Saying that if fisheries where really interested in catching wrongdoers, they'd sit at places like Windang on any given holiday and have a field day.

  11. 5 hours ago, Omally said:

    Awesome mate yeah everything is cleaned and lubricated moving freely... Just gotta get new hubs and I'm golden and adjust the brakes properly... Only thing I was looking at ebay seen a good set of galvanised ones but a review said they are out of balance wouldn't they all be like that or could a tyre shop balance em or is it just that guy lol 

    Zoran gave you some valuable info there.Iv'e bought galvanised hubs a few times over the years for several applications and non were out of balance.What is wrong with yours?Hubs have a minimum disc thickness stamped on them and must be replaced when this figure is reached.If your running standard steel hubs and they are rusty I'd Ricard them and buy galvanised.If they're not too rusty and have plenty of disk thickness left you could leave them in services bit more.

  12. 2 hours ago, Omally said:

    Yeah but i can't imagine them using so much like because they are not like constantly pressed up against the hub.... Did your hubs rust or? Thinking about disconnecting the brakes as they are only used when stationary never really liked em tell ya the truth?

    The brakes if they are adjusted correctly work every single time you apply the foot brake in your car and are extremely helpful at slowing your rig when going down grades and holding your boat when stationary.You have a braked trailer and braked trailers with disconnected brakes are illegal.Regular maintenance on the brakes is the key.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Why anyone would take the safety chain or winchstrap off before the boat is in place and ready to launch is beyond me.How much time if any do you save?I've had people mumble under their breath "Oh he leaves the safety chain on that little tinny "And I think to myself if this "little tinny"prematurely launches itself your going to wait a while longer to retrieve your boat you halfwit.I can tell you now if I take my safety chain and winch strap  off even on a slight graded ramp my "little tinny" will be lying on the ramp with no water under it due to the way I have my trailer set up and having rollers that actually roll.

    Chain/winch strap on before and after retrieval for me every time.

    I recommend safety chain and winchstrap always on on any vessel regardless of size.Hopefull he's learnt with that expensive mistake.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  14. Just saw your post.For future reference an easy way to check the  diameter of something round is with a G clamp,simply do it up snug around the axle  in your case and slid it off  then measure the distance between it's  jaws with a tape measure/rule.If keeping your old bearings as spares don't mix bearings and races from either side.Bearings and races wear with each other and must be kept as a unit.

  15. 55 minutes ago, Bjc said:

    Hi all,

    i've been enjoying this forum for the last few months and have taken on quite a few tips as we regularly fish around Sydney (mostly Pittwater) out of our explorer trophy.

    i thought I might throw my 2 cents in here in this topic, as I currently work for a trailer parts supplier and have gone through a bit of a trial by fire as were regarding bearings etc. 

    the easiest way to work out which bearing you have is to check your axle.

    if it's round 39mm (mostly, but not always unbraked) then you use Holden bearings.

    if the axle is square, either 40mm or 45mm then they"ll be ford bearings.i would guess these 3 axle types would be 99% of the boat trailer market

    The type of bearing you use doesn't relate to the type of stud pattern you have .

    also , just a comment regarding the suggestion about using Japanese bearings. I have come across this comment a couple of times, most often west of the dividing range, but never in Sydney. I asked a major boat trailer manufacturer in Sydney about this. His comment was, that in his almost 20 years of manufacturing he had never used a Japanese bearing, and more importantly, NEVER had a bearing failure on one of his trailers. He is  a very fastidious and meticulous manufacturer and believes that as long as the bearings are greased adequately and correctly, and maintained in good working  order then there won't be a problem. A perceived higher quality bearing won't be superior if poorly greased or maintained.




    I think he's pulling your leg.How the heck would he know that none of his trailers he had sold over the last 20yrs with non Japanese bearings hadn't had a bearing failure?You can't compare a quality bearing that has been poorly greased and maintained up against a poorer quality bearing that has as your comparing apples with oranges.Now you lubricate,fit and preload correctly both a "perceived"lower and higher quality  bearing and the higher quality one will have less wear over a given mileage as the machined surfaces are just that much more precise and smooth.Cheap "poorer quality"bearings are ok for the local ramps when your doing slower speeds but when you have Westies like me and others lugging their rigs at 110ks for long trips a quality bearing is superior.You know what kills bearings quicker than anything regardless of quality?Lack of use.

    • Like 1
  16. 9 hours ago, sam bros said:

    Thanks for all the replies 

    @antonywardle managed to get a spare from a shop


    @Fab1 Thanks for the advice. Just got a bit unlucky. The original tyre went flat on Sunday. So I put the spare on as there was no other choice. An hour into the drive to get up to the coast on Monday, Half the tread just gave way and flew off the tyre. Had enough tyre pressure to get to a safe place and park the boat. So that was the spare tyre gone.

    Returned the next day with a new spare tyre from a shop and continued on the trip

    I'm usually very prepared, I have a proper compressor, spare parts and extra bits and pieces just in case something goes wrong

    Just got unlucky this time

    You where unlucky for all that to happen in a short period of time.how old are the tyres?Tread seperation happens with old tyres,retreads or faulty ones.

  17. I hope you get it sorted quick mate.I know you don't want to here this,but for your own piece of mind get yourself a reliable spare,and all the gear to change one if you don't carry any ASAP.A set of tyre plugs and a small compressor come in handy too.I don't even go up the road without all that let alone on holidays.Hopefully this will be the last time you have to deal with this.Good luck and let us know how you went.

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