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Everything posted by locodave

  1. Bobbin Head, love that spot. My mate and I were once fishing off that broken wharf. His rod went off and some fish did a jump in the distance then busted him off. No idea what it was!
  2. If he is a Queenslander, don't help him (after that 1 point loss) With Trevs, I like to play with them. You can definitely tell when you have one on. I like others have said, let the drag loose a little, let them shake around and when they calm down a bit then lift and wind. When they start going crazy, I use the rod do the work for suspension and once they settle, lift and wind again.
  3. Bit off topic here but thought I would share. I bought a bike from aConda for $350 at 'half price'. So should be a $700 bike. My wheel came loose the other day and I took it off. Was looking at the Shimano bearings and it said Made in China!! on a $700 bike I was very disappointed. I asked the guy, what does it take to get Shimano, Japanese bearings... $800. Now I went to a bike shop in Nth Sydney, they had a bike there for $450, I quite liked it. I asked him, are these Shimano parts from China or Japan? He said all Shimano is made in Japan! ....sure!
  4. Wow, $8k!! Good luck and hope you get it sorted.
  5. And if you run this on the camry, does it work normal?
  6. Well guess what guys. I just moved into a new place in Windsor Downs. Taking the wheel burrow down the driveway, I just had a feeling. I looked to the left and behind the shrubs on a bed of leaves I could spot that texture! I could clearly see it was a snake 100% but I kept walking down the driveway. I came back around the other side of the house and went to check up on the snake to get a better look. As I was walking towards it, I could see it move....great, it's moving away from my house...hang on WTF... it's going into my bricks!! WTF...hehe the snake now resides behind my bedroom between the bricks and the gyprock. At first this was a bit scary. For once I didn't know what breed it was, new house, does it have any holes? I quickly went into my room...all sealed. Great! 3 days later I saw him again sunbaking, this time I got a better look as I was in the car. Was a brown snake and wow it moved quick. I called my new friend, Sydney Snake Catcher to come and have a look. We could see the snake behind the bricks. We couldn't get it out though. But after a long chat, I am not worried about the snake anymore. Just another animal. It's not out there to kill me, it won't chase me. We just have to stay away from each others way.
  7. Yes, my mother had the same done to her last year. It took her about a year for full recovery. She still does the exercises to strengthen the muscles around it too. I had a tendon popping out of my ankle few years ago. I could live with it, but every time it popped out, it hurt and stopped me from playing sport. I eventually did the surgery, just wish I did it earlier. Second opinion would be good
  8. Hi and Welcome! Post #3 above says: the moored boats at callala hold plenty of squid aswell just get over the weed Must be true as I have heard this before
  9. Sheeeeet, there goes that asset haha!
  10. locodave

    For real?

    Doesnt look real to me. Especially how the fin has a darker colour and the way it blends in.
  11. Must admit the G2 is tempting!!
  12. What boat did you get? Some of these boats have bungs towards the front of the boat. Sometimes when I am cleaning I run water through there so it cleans the hull.
  13. How did the phobia come about? Must be a reason?
  14. Yea where there are chickens you will find snakes sk becareful!
  15. I guess that is double trouble there. More venomous and faster. Yes this snake moved quite slow, but I just heard from the neighbour that two weeks ago there was a brown snake near the bin. Baby snake, got taken by the Magpie though.
  16. hahaha! Well parents just bought a property in WIndsor so I better learn how to handle them!
  17. Yea I backed away first and when it went into the shrub I made noise hoping it would scare it away. It did work until the magpies scared him. Has anyone here encountered a snake and handled it?
  18. Blackfish - don't know why, just want to catch one! GT - one day
  19. locodave

    A good ISP

    I always find Telstra have good products, but when something goes wrong, they are so difficult to deal with!
  20. Yesterday, sunday morning went to my father's workshop only to be greeted by a red belly snake... I think! I called a snake catcher and while we were on the phone the snake decided to make it's way into the shrub. He advised to just leave it as is. Now I know they hate noise, so I went and got the lawn mower to cut the grass nearby. As I was leaving I think the snake was leaving too, but turned around as the Magpies were going crazy. Think he was scared of the magpies and went back into the shrub!
  21. Can I just come along as it would be interesting with 4 David's on board haha
  22. More accurate than the wether guys!
  23. Pretty cool mate! I won't lodge anymore complaints now, I am in the hills too!
  24. lol, maybe stay away from there haha. How did you step on it?
  25. Hi mate, Juno point is a good spot for Jews. Actually here you go:
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