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Everything posted by locodave

  1. When I was looking at a boat to purchase, the owner had a Haines 600F. He didn't know anything about sounders as he mounted it far right just off the swim platform, but because he didn't know if that was a good spot or not, he just used sikaflex and it stuck. I was surprised that was strong enough to hold it while testing the boat out at speed, but it worked. So no screw holes. Just something to think about if you want to try different spots without holes.
  2. locodave

    Going fishing

    Or... he probably doesn't have high expectations hehe
  3. Just to add. When I was 11, I went to Peru. Mother's background. Being a poor country not many kids could afford Nintendo's, so what they had there was basically a room full of Nintendo's for hire. So similar to an internet cafe, just full of Nintendo's and kids playing.
  4. So what are going to use the $700 on?
  5. Better than nothing! Where abouts in the HB did you head out?
  6. Hey mate, good post and good on you for showing others a decent spot!
  7. I have 3. Padlock on coupling handle. Trailer lock on coupling and one on the wheel. 3 locks. I could have 4 as i have a spare wheel lock but its the simple wheel lock. I will keep that for camping grounds.
  8. locodave

    hit sand

    Mate you good now? Last time i got a piece of thick fishing line and cleaned the spout or wire trace and water began pumping again.
  9. A cabin with this cold!
  10. Just an update. I bought a bulb with reversible polarity and it worked. But the globe is too tall, cant fit the anchor cap back on!
  11. Ok, let me see if I can hold of another 12v bulb and test it. I am in Seven Hills. Thanks mate!
  12. Hi Ian, I have two LED globes and I tried both. I have also switched them around as I know about the +ve and -ve on LEDs. For some reason it doesn't work. But it can't be that the pins are the opposite on the base, why would they do that if my other generic bulb works just as well?
  13. If you look closely you will see it has a different base. I have a spare LED like the one above and that does not work no matter which way you place it in. WHen I place the original globe or another globe I have with the same base it works.
  14. Yes but not with these double contacts. Ones on flebay are like:
  15. Been looking for this bulb for a while now and I can't find one. It can't be the long parallel pins if you know what I mean. Needs to be the two circles. And around 35mm BA15D Thanks!
  16. Keep pressure on the line so he can't throw the hook. Happens to everyone, don't worry!
  17. Strange, Rule are pretty good. If you are not fussed with creating new holes, maybe try a johnson?
  18. But... you don't need it because you don't speed
  19. I think it depends who is on the boat and their mood. I really don't care if they come near me as long as they are sensible. 40 metres is pretty far, 20 metres is still a fair distance I think. You go to Juno Point, or any hotspot when it is busy, there is no way you get more than 20 metres in some cases.
  20. Don't forget to pee in the water - heard that attracts them!
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