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Everything posted by FletcherG1991

  1. thanks.....ill try narrabeen first as i may want to take something home for a feed..... ill try a few spots and see what happenes
  2. ive read that articale a couple of times..... its good !
  3. does anyone know what the song is called and where i can get the tabs to it from ? awsome stuff
  4. thanks for the info..... i spose i can do both if they are both good pots to fish.....i can always fish fig tree if im not chasing a feed and narrabeen if i am..... are they both quit hard fished places ? i will be fishing from the caravan park at narra
  5. i usually just put a cut alon the back of there head, but that goes very deep, others will have diferent methods im sure. and usually cut there fins and tail off aswell
  6. havn't tried that before..... might give it a go next time
  7. if you ever get a small bronzie again keep it (bleed him) fillet and put some bear batter on it..... beautiful ! ..... just remember to take there bloodline out and that weird brown line thing whatevcer it is
  8. wich area would i be better fishing..... Narrabeen Lakes or Fig Tree Bridge..... i will be LB and lure fishing (mum doesn't let me keep bait in the house ) wich area holds more fish ? and wich will i be better off fishing ? Cheers, Fletcher
  9. the Symetre has all BB so no problems with them
  10. i ment a one off reel that has 2 bb but now that i look at the catalouge it does say 3 bb..... i cant even see where the BB are on that pic lol
  11. sorry ment bream fishing..... not fish..... i will have to head up to wisemans ferry again some time
  12. sounds like a nice day out on the water..... shame the marlin died earlier this year..... 3 marlin in a day thats damn good !
  13. that is very good service..... never seen any of the other companies do that before
  14. so no one knows of any area near me ? i spose the tackle shop will..... it looks just like bream fishing..... ONLY BETTER !
  15. i wouldn't think they have..... my guess is that it has been a on off reel or a missprint
  16. if there not taking any of your lures get your hands on some of these tiny SP things that look like 'eyes'..... they are made by owner and when in the water look exactly like 'eyes'
  17. my dad fries them up if we get one..... i dunno how he eats them but he says there one of the best bits of the flattie
  18. thats what put me off the stradic..... i didn't like the looks (but it is still a good reel)..... i ended up with the Symetre
  19. i have got a 2-5kg nexave with a 2500 symetre and is balanced very well .....if you where to put a 3000 size reel on a smaller rod it would be unbalanced.....but it should still fit..... just
  20. is there anywhere near killara (sydney) that i can fish for bass land based ? i know that Lane Cove but they dont seem to have any where that is a 'safe' (people passing often or in sight of) place any help ?
  21. your right about the Symetres..... i forgot all about the Stradic.....thats also a top reel but i still think for the price you cant beet the Symetre
  22. is there anywhere around sydney that is close to Killara that is LB where i can get bass..... i know theres Lane Cove but i had aook there and there isn't aywhere that i could find that is a suitable LB area
  23. if you can pay for whatever i would definantly say the twinpower or the SOL..... the Symetre is very similar to the Twinpower but the Twinpower is nicer to use..... the SOL is the same as the twinpower to use.....very nice..... the expensiver models in the shimano range have a 10 year warrenty (symetre included ) so if any problems atleast you got a very good warenty (although you shouldn't have any probs).....hope this has helped
  24. my Symetre got a big workout with schools of tailor busting up yesterday (sadly only tiny little buggers) but i wound as fast as i could to get that lure skipping across the surface with no problems..... just make sure the handle tightener on the other side is done up properly and you will be fine..... the twinpower is an extremly good reel and you shouldnt have any problems at all with that.....honestly though..... the Symetre is nearly as good as the twinpower except of half (or cloes enough) the price..... it all comes down to your personal preferance in the end..... can you give us a budget ? or are you willing to pay for any one of the reels ? to answer your question i would say it is unlikly you are going to get a wobbly handle
  25. Symetre or the Twinpower are very nice reels but especially the Symetre for the price..... hard to beat.....the capricorn and the SOL are also lovley reels and a dream to handle.....i dont really like the Tierra but the my opinion..... go down to your local and have a good play around with them (also bring the rod in and put them on that) i like shimanos but daiwas are every bit as good..... if your on a budget then the Symtre or the capricorn.....if not then the shimano twinpower or the SOL sorry sharky only saw your post after i put mine up
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