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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. There was some small boats out there. I'm in a 6m plate boat with 150four stroke. Used 110litres. Sure you don't have the range?

    Yeah positive I can't or I'd be there! I only hold 50ltr with a 75hp merc. I range about 80kms with that but like to keep some in reserve. You might have just insipired me to fill a jerry can and go for it!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  2. Nice work!! I've heard almark is firing! It's a shame my boat doesn't have that range or I would have joined the carpark! It's been great weather up here! Enjoy!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  3. Zip lock bags definitely the go! You can label them, lb line, size hook, what rig etc! Make for easy use and changing. And you then have somewhere to put your unwanted line until you get home.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  4. Try the breakwall on tide changes. Middle rock on one mile. Sunny corner anywhere along the rocks is good. Birubi point or fishermans bay are all good rock fishing spots. The weather for the next couple of days makes it easy to access all the good spots. Good luck!!!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  5. Amazing footage, but hell if I know why he drove right through the bait ball. I didn't see any prop-struck dolphins or fish but that was probably pure luck.

    I was thinking the same thing, why drive threw the school??? But I guess they were more interested in getting footage, than throwing a line in!

    Sick video!!! Did you like how the baitfish used the cameraman for cover??? Awesome stuff, makes me want to get out there!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  6. The usual suspects are around this time of year, tailor salmon etc. mainly early morning late afternoon. There are luderick bream and drummer about in numbers as well. Floats with cabbage or bread will help or unweighted peeled prawns will get some results as well.

    Good luck!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  7. There's only about 15 to 18 kilos of meat from a tuna that size.

    Its usually between three fishos. That means three families and three friends each. Because you always give a bit to your mates.

    A kilo usually goes on the day for sushimi. Another kilo or two for BBQ. As you'd be suprised at who comes out of the wood works when they find out you've caught a tuna. Then the rest divided up.

    Next day you eat prep another big sushimi sesh and BBQ amongst your own friend and family. By that time you have had enough and pack a few kilos for yourself in the freezer and the rest you give away. Which is not much.

    Best to pack them pre cut in bags of three in a sealed bag. Don't cut slabs too big as you will waste it.

    You'd be suprised at how it goes quickly.

    Thanks seazar! I wondered if they freeze ok because most tuna you see is served fresh.

    Once again, great catch, well done!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  8. That app looks great but what I read its only for sth east QLD???

    Is that right? Or did I need to look a little further. That would be heaps handy for me at port stephens.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

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