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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. Thank nbdshroom.

    OFFSHORE Some good Snapper reports this week. quality reds caught on the northern side of Broughton island fishing un-weighted baits down a berkley trail. Fishermans bay is also fishing well especially out around the bommies. There are still a few Trag on the reefs with the Tank mark off Boat harbour and the 21 fishing well. The washes will be worth fishing with Bream, Drummer and Snapper at the front of Fingal and around big island. Almark is still fishing well for Kingfish and the later part of the weekend will be worth a trip out. I did here reports of a few Yellow fin turning up down south around the Newcastle Caynons and Norah Head Caynons. Lets hope that this winter will see the return of Tuna fishing.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  2. I missed this last year due to living in Merimbula and was howling... I am up in Sydney now and would love to come, just need to hitch a ride with someone.

    I have no experience fishing for hairtail, I have only a basic idea how but if someone would be willing to give me a ride and show me the ropes that would be awesome. I am a fast learner however so you will only need to tell me once and I am more than happy to help with expenses.


    Hey luc,

    Get diesel to take you, he's lives fishing for hairtail. I've taken him many times, guided him, baited for him, explained how to strike, i even caught one on his rod, and he is yet to pull one in! Lmfao......... But he still lives going!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  3. The 1st Raider comp of the year is already booked out.

    Weipa early September! Yeah baby!!!! :banana:

    What prizes are you bringing for me when I whip your butt Gary?! :adminpower:

    I'm sure plenty off ideas about comps will be talked about in a quiet manner on our trip. :gathering::beersmile:



    What the? Booked out?? How could I have missed putting my name down??

    Was it put up in secret?

  4. What sort of set-up do you need for hairtail? Strange lookin things they are

    Have a look in the chat section! Some good rigging advice recently!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

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