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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. omg i was thinking the same thing.

    How the hell do you get that in without it 1.) killing you and 2.) not sinking the boat LOL.

    what line class was it caught on?

    Probably caught by a 9yo on 8lb line for their local tavern fishing tournament!!! Lol

    At least it was facing the right way and everyone was up the front!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  2. The point about recreational versus commercial fishing regulations is that the pros seem to have very few restrictions applied to them, especially in estuaries, where as we recreational fishers face more and more restrictions on where we fish and what we take. Do the 86% of non fishers have the "right" to consume unsustainably caught fish as many sold in the markets are? There is a lot of other sustainably produced food (including farmed fish and prawns) out there to eat.

    Additionally, the pros don't have to catch a few of one species then switch to another . Why should I? I really feel that it is up to me what species I target each trip. Lizards on lures one day, whiting on bait another etc. Why do I need to go prepared for several different methods of fishing if I don't want to? Over time, the biomass of each species that I keep will be much the same as if I am restricted to a small quota of each on each trip.

    i live a good hour away from the closest ramps that give access to the places i like to fish. A typical trip would cost me about $50 in car and boat fuel alone. Restricting my catch to 5 x 40cm lizards (that is my own personal size limit) seems rather unfair to me.

    Here is another problem with this particular limit. Imagine one has caught and kept 5 small flathead (say low 40s). Then you move on somewhere else and find s few larger ones (say 50-55 cm)? Much more food in these. The temptation for many (assuming they like to fish within the rules) would be to ditch the smaller ones and keep the larger ones. Should we be encouraging that?

    I am a keen conservationist and I release lots of legal fish. I sometimes keep my bag limit if I am fortunate enough to catch it (which is rare). At other times I keep enough for my immediate needs and perhaps a few for the freezer to keep me going until my next trip out. I think there are many fishermen and women just like me. We abide by the rules and have our own self imposed ones. These new changes will impact on us far more than they will on the types who fish outside of the rules with little chance of getting caught. Instead of wasting our licence fees and taxes on making these unnecessary changes, NSW Fisheries would achieve far more in terms of fish conservation by employing more compliance officers and properly policing the regulations, bag limits and size limits that are currently in place.

    That's my view and i'm sticking to it.


    +1. Policing of the existing rules first!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  3. Hahaha my daughter calls everything snapper! Makes me feel like a gun when she tells people I keep catching snapper, when its usually sambos and tailor... My little fella thinks every fish is a shark and my ego builds even further! Hahaha...

    Well done mate! A great read!

    Yeah, the little fella either says snapper or marlin!

    I happy with either. Haha

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  4. Thank you to all that replied and your kind words! I love taking the kids fishing and the memories for them will sure last a lifetime!

    It's a great way to bond with your kids and get outdoors! With our everyday busy schedules we sometimes forget to take the time we need for ourselves and our families!

    So get out there and enjoy!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  5. Then for the next 12 or so casts I got smoked 6 times by some things that I could not stop from getting under the bridge.

    I'm suggesting it would have been a couple of really big jewies! Nice catch btw!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  6. We were out in the hawkesbury and I was pretty shocked seeing a trawler going back and forward with his net from that red marker near flint and steel down as far as where ever, then doing a u-turn and going back at it again. I really didn't think they were allowed to do that.

    Yes they can. As far as I'm aware, they haven't bought out the licenses in the hawkesbury yet!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  7. Mr. Groper, love your reports. You are always on the fish or squid! Your mrs has certainly got a lot of cooking to do! Enjoy and as for quoters, no problem here! Cracking sesh!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  8. Hi all, I thought I would share a couple of pics from a few sessions I've have had with my little mates. I just love taking the kids fishing and I try to dedicate time at least once a week to do it. I'm very blessed to live so close to the water which makes it easier. But they love it, so it's worth every minute.

    post-24974-0-24461700-1368220520_thumb.jpg "he called this a snapper" close mate!

    post-24974-0-10523800-1368220686_thumb.jpg "a fat head"

    post-24974-0-80470800-1368220803_thumb.jpg "beach fishing" no good dad no fish!

    post-24974-0-46081700-1368220989_thumb.jpg "off the rocks"

    Then last night, it was beautiful weather so I just had to hit my jewy spot!


    post-24974-0-09346100-1368221298_thumb.jpg time for a quiet ale and soak some bait while waiting for the tide.

    The tide changed and I had 3 lines soaking. One with a live squid, one strip of fresh mullet and one with a live tailor. Right on the change zzzzzzzz off goes the livey! It takes a run of about 50m and I pick up the rod and start to put on some pressure! Pop.... And I've dropped it, my fault. Should have let it run more and swallow the livey. So up comes my crushed tailor and with it my chance of my next big Jew!

    Although 5 mins later my little mate shows me how it done!


    Hope you enjoyed the read and you have to admit, there's no place like Port Stephens!

    The eldest.......he read the post and said where am I?

    How could I forget him!!!



    And my beautiful girl.... She a good a fisho as her mum! Don't really like taking them. Lol


    Cheers scratchie!!!

  9. I agree with sargerx8. The rules are fine the way they are. They have already increased sanctuary areas and the size and bag limits are fine!

    How about they enforce the rules they have first, then look at changing them if they're not working.

    Like most people on this site, I release way more fish than i keep but I always love bringing home a feed that comply with the rules. But no one knows I'm doing the right thing because I've never been checked. No once stopped in the time I've been fishing and I go out more than most. I put 780 engine hours in last year and was never checked?? So why bother looking at size and limits. They need to get out there and police the rules they already have!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  10. First up..... GO THE RABBITS! Solid effort thus far

    Secondly, how bout those raiders, what an upset aye?

    What's people's opinion on Monday nights game? Manly V roosters at brookvale?


    The raiders have a habit of upsetting teams. They are very unpredictable as to when they are going to turn up to play! They did the other night.

    As for Monday, ummmm I think the odds say it all both $1.91. Should be a great game!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  11. I wouldn't fork out the cash for that one.....hasn't been updated since last year so the tidal chart will be wrong.

    Used it for a bit when i got the wife's iPhone (Jailbroken so i can test apps before i buy) and it was pretty bleh.

    Ended up buying an app called fishing deluxe plus which is basically the same as the Hooked on but is updated regularly and is only a fraction the cost.

    Thanks for the feedback champ!
  12. Hi guys,

    After reading a few posts of people wanting to know if there's any good fishing apps out there, I think I've found one.

    It's called "hooked on fishing mate". It's by #%$%^&(* who in his own right is a pro fisho.

    It has the usual fishing requirements like, radar, swell etc. but it also has a fishing log that you can keep track of your catches, as well as an almanac button that predicts the best time of the day in your chosen area to fish. I find this amusing but am yet to try it. The almanac, is based on the best time, tide, moon phase and barometer!

    Anything that helps land a good fish, I say!

    Would like to hear your feedback if you have it already, or if it helps your fishing!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

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