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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. I’d be surprised if it was from the said container spill. It was some weeks ago now. But I guess you never know! I reckon those container ships lose a lot more than is reported!
  2. Nice work nipper! Good to see you getting around and slaying a few different species! Can be a long trip out there, so I’m glad you found them! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  3. I’ve got the mark baz!!! Will hang on to it and check in 12 months!
  4. Unlucky Laurie!!! At least you got out and gave it a go! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. The reason we don’t allow these posts is that this forum is primarily a fishing website. This topic will now be locked. You may pm the member with any relevant information. Regards scratchie mod team!
  6. Thanks for the catch up fellas. It was great to meet you all and good to see a couple of members again! Well done @flatheadluke for organising the lunch. And the Thai food was very good! Thanks also to wazza for generously giving us all some hand made lures for us to take home! I’ll be giving them a run. Cheers scratchie
  7. The Hawkesbury can be like sometimes Sam. Still a great way to unwind after your exams! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Damn! I was thinking that! For those interested, the best time to target groper is now! Thanks blackfish!
  9. And sorry, yes! Most good snapper I encounter don’t come from the bottom 1/3rd of water!
  10. I don’t use burley or bait to fish for them at all. Just lures! If and when I do use bait, I’m usually anchored and fishing back towards structure. Floating a lightly weighted or unweighted bait down the burley trail. Occasionally I will use a large cooked prawn on a jig head. But don’t tell anyone that method. It has take many a good fish! ?
  11. Definitely possible to fish for snaps on sps in that depth. Most of mine are in 10-25m of water but there are a few areas I fish that are 30-40m. In that instance I use the same outfit. 20lb line 20lb leader but use either a 3/8 or 1/2oz 5/0 jig depending on the amount of current. A 7inch zman shad or gulp should do the trick. If you find you are getting hits but not hooking up drop the sp size to a 5inch. Remember snapper inhabit the entire water column but most of my good fish come from the top 2/3rds. Imparting very little action at all on the sp is the key. They will mostly hit it on the drop. Maintain contact with your line and every now and then give it a long hop. Finding bait is also another must. Snapper are opportunistic feeders and will often sit under bait schools looking for an easy feed. Cast into a school and let your sp waft underneath them. One other tip, is that snapper are very easily spooked. Try not to drive over the area you intend to drift. Take a wide birth of this area every time you reset your drift. Patience is the key! It does take a while to perfect but is very rewarding once you do! Hope that helps Sam! Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Nice work Sam and great report! It’s always satisfying to go out solo and come up trumps! Do you ever fish with sps chasing snapper? Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Thanks for the feedback yowie! Let’s hope they piss off as fast as they got here!
  14. This was actually only in 16-20m of water. We were drifting that fast we needed 6oz leads to hold bottom. Should have given up earlier but needed at least one good fish! Water temp was only 16.5 deg.
  15. @JonD you jinxed me! First ever jacket for me at Broughton today! Which also coincided with my first donut on snapper up there! Conditions were crap though but couldn’t find a fish to save my life!
  16. Probably the worst ramp to leave your trailer or car at. I’ve had friends have there whole trailer stripped including wiring. Plenty of unwanted vandals there! Parsley bay is an option. I’ve left my car and trailer there for 4 days before! And generally did when we had the hairtail socials. cheers scratchie!!!
  17. You’ve been pretty quiet rick! Be good to catch up soon!
  18. Thanks Phil. Once they get their license, girlfriend etc, time together is rare! We’ve all been there! Those gloves are for weightlifting or cycling. Considering I don’t do either at least I found a use for them! Haha
  19. Don’t jinx me Jon but never caught one up at Broughton. Doesn’t mean they are there but the gear doesn’t get savaged like the tell tale signs of them!
  20. Nice one! Some great pics there too!! Looks like a wonderful trip! Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Thanks Donna! Yep, a couple months he’ll be 18. where has the time gone!
  22. G’day raiders, Headed out early this morning with the eldest boy in search of a few snaps. It was pretty windy and short period chop but it’s hard to get time with the 17yo so we were going no matter what. Tried a few different areas which resulted in a few pannies and a few reef fish. Hit up one of my preferred spots and was soon onto a string puller. The wind was making throwing sps pretty difficult so we decided to find a somewhat sheltered spot, anchor and burley up. This only attached every sweep and trumpeter around picking our baits to death until the boy managed to hook up to a good king! It was a decent fight until it got the better of him boatside and somehow snapped the line! That was pretty much a sign to call it a day and head for Home. It was a long bumpy ride back but great to spend some quality time with the boy! Thanks for reading, Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Scratchie


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