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Everything posted by djmac

  1. badluck mate. hurts a bit more when its a charter boat though. i hope they at least gave you some calamari. where abouts did you guys get the squid?
  2. you can but try! id definetly put 19 on it. why not!!! theres heaps of boat sites you can choose from like a sh!tload www.boatlocator.com.au www.boatsearch.com.au www.azboats.com.au www.yachthub.com www.tradingpost.com.au id probably go the boatpoint option as i sold my boat there last time. i havent hyperlinked the above sites cause im sure that would be "advertising" them.
  3. djmac

    Boat Insurance

    ahh sweet thanks for the info guys will check out the other thread. Col
  4. djmac

    Boat Insurance

    Its that time of year for me to renew my insurance, currently through suncorp and its $455 a year insured for 25k. thinking about trying to find someone cheaper. who do you use?
  5. that my friend said “why didn’t u back off on the drag”, and a split second after THAT I pictured myself strangling him. loll thats gold. alot of my mates that come out on my boat not much fishing is done it seems more bitching at each other is the general way the day goes. ahh nothing like good friends and the long swim home if they shit me too much
  6. djmac

    Big Blue

    true enough cant make out any real big gashes from that photo thats all. better meal for us than for the sharks
  7. djmac

    Big Blue

    if it came up dead more than likely you would have to disqualify. either way every bite being taken is making ur record less and less. why did they keep the blue? doesnt look like they were comp fishing.
  8. most sounders have the choice of your measurement system as a default. most only push out one model. not like 1000 different ones for each country.
  9. ive never broken a rod either. the one in my post was a really old rod and hadnt been touched for probably 5 years that with some 6 pound braid and a solid king caused the damaged my equivalent rod to the one he was using was an ian miller live fibre rod and it has no trouble against that sized fish (just takes u a while) you get what you pay for a i guess too. the more you spend the better the rod will be but even the cheapo rods ive had i havent broken one!
  10. ill probably be heading towards the shelf in search of something bigger on sunday then if i get back in time might pop in to the social. i launch there everyday anyway so yeah
  11. he fought it for like another 5 mins or so then the braid got wrapped round the reel and it snapped was pretty damn funny though
  12. yep dan its in bb. bash hes only new mate, he was more stoked that he was hooked to something solid than thinking straight. even with my professional coaching (cough cough)
  13. took a mate out on the weekend. showed him the resident kingie population but he went and did this! lost the bloody fish too
  14. as bash says find a spread that works for you and stick to it. I have probbaly over 15 skirted lures. but i have narrowed it down that i only ever run the same 4. if i find im getting more by catch like dollies and stripies i might upgrade the size of the lures. thats about the only change id make. keep the same colour pattern that seems to work. it will all come with time and experimentation.
  15. i know what you mean mate, was the same thing with my old man. hes been gamefishing all his life and he wanted to see me get my first. and this will probably be the last season he can come out.
  16. unlucky mate. but unfortunately thats how it goes. it took me about 5 months of persistance out of broken bay to get one bill. in this process my motor died so i had to put a new one on. for about 9k with 2k trade on old one this motor already has done 110 hours since i put it on in december i worked out i went out every weekend at least one day some both days. 10 hours running at least each day some 12hrs. now say i went out 4 times a month and each time id use around say 150 litres of fuel. plus oil bait lures etc. i spent roughly 4k on just fuel and oil. for one fish. that i released! i can tell you now though there is no regret =] just to show you it aint easy! unless u time it when the bills are on at swr or port. or you go on a charter boat. but it was a big thing for me to get my first in my own boat in my home waters etc you will get one eventually mate
  17. djmac

    Centre Console

    as to for the outriggers just make sure the top is hard enough and it can handle the extra weight with minimum flex. id be more inclined to mount the riggers off the sides unless you are going to put in a moulded hard top as part of the console. the benefit of running the riggers off the gunwales would be you could run bigger poles and have a bigger spread.
  18. ill be out tomorrow. weather pending ill go to the shelf to chase blues or i might have a bit of a bottom bash around bb wide or even east reef or esmerelda if i cant be assed to shelf it. ill be on 94 out off bb if anyones out.
  19. good spot for squid is straight out from lions park boat ramp to the channel inlet at davistown. the oyster leases on the other side chuck a squid jig at it and around the red markers. picked up quite a few there.
  20. basically all you need is a length of rope and a smaller thinner bit of rope. all you basically do is have a loop in the end of the thicker rope. anchor rope is fine. and make sure the end is looped. at the top of the loop, tie the thinner rope to it. so basically when the fish is near the boat you get the loop and push some of the big rope through itself and create like a slipknot. put it over the bill and pull it tight. and that will hold the bill nicely. now tie the fish off on a rail or cleat. and you can remove the hooks etc. obviously keep ur gloves on! now when the hooks are out, you can swim the fish with one hand holding the fin and the other on the rope. once shes ready to swim away pull the small rope and it will pull the loop undone. and away it swims. im looking for a picture of it but i cant find one and im at work. im sure u get what i mean??
  21. the bigger soft plastics would go well for jewies etc even use them to jig with on some outter reefs. good way to test as there is such a run in the water at say flint and steel. rig them with a snapper lead on the bottom and have a leader off say a 3 way swivel with one of those on it. put the lead on the bottom and the current will do all the movement for you. I picked up a 6kg jew october last year with this method. smaller plastics you could try for bream, flatties etc and well squid jigs are self explanatory.
  22. Nice work Joe, good to see you're outfishing us all! we just gotta convert one of those kings to a slightly larger one with a big long bill!
  23. you do need to chase down and you definetly need to keep the line tight at all times. when chasing the fish down. normally with your old man on the wheel. stand directly behind him so he can see where your line is, that way you can chase it down and he can see your line. always make sure the pressure is on. dont forget to set ur drags before you go out. theres a heap of stuff you need to know really. i suggest you get the between the lines cd by peter pakula. its a bit late to get that before you go so have a read here. http://www.pakula.com/all%20article%20index.htm if i were you i would also make a bill rope up just in case, its simple and effective.
  24. lots of spotties and the occasional spaniard around and some small jelly bean yellowfin and kingies around fish rock. plenty of dollies around the fad the marlin season is pretty much over but the shelf is only 15 mile out so u have a good chance at a blue if you find good water. few bigger jewies coming from the breakwall at the bar p.s. welcome to the site.
  25. big kings you will find on the bottom. only ever had them hit lures when they were feeding on the surface at the back of fish rock at swr. kingies have a livie under a balloon surface. one around midwater and one on the bottom. make sure youve got good gear for the one on the bottom because they will find the reef rather quickly!
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