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Everything posted by harold

  1. When I was a kid, and that is a very long time ago, jagging was all the rage. Down at milperra it was nothing to see dozens of people having a go. Lost count of how many people I saw with hooks stuck in their legs, hands and face. I can recall going to the casualty ward with a mate who had one stuck in his eyebrow. We have caught our share of mullet over the past few months but gee they are hard to get. Dough on a small long shank hook with a tiny float is the only way that works for us. The most frustrating part is you can watch a giant school swim past and none of them will look at your bait.
  2. Hey Busted, not sure what works in that boat size but we use Raymarine and they work a treat.
  3. Unbelievable. What a catch in a Yak or any other boat.
  4. Good fish and it is a very long time since I have seen one that big. Congratulations
  5. I did the radio operators licence recently and they also said it is best to use the radio.
  6. Congratulations, that's one you won't "throw back", definitely over the minimum legal size. All the best.
  7. We came out Friday evening and picked up our mooring about 6.00pm, it is always fun navigating through the moorings when it is dark! Our son caught some yellow tail on bread soon after arriving and today we put one out about 10.30am. Nothing for 6 hours then about 4.30 the rod goes off and yo and behold we had a very fat salmon about 45cm in size. Bleed and scaled it was in the freezer within 3 minutes. Baked tomorrow night for dinner courtesy of my wife who really knows how to cook these things. What was interesting is that 2 Mackerel about 1 metre in length followed the thing all the way to the boat. Been trying to catch them for the past 3 hours but not much luck yet! Could be a long night waiting!! Hope your weekend had great catches too.
  8. We will be out that way on Saturday and will throw out a jag hook or 2 to see if we can find it. Exactly where were you?
  9. Congratulations. We plan to give Pittwater a go for kings this weekend.
  10. Over the long weekend we spent the 4 days on our friends mooring at the Basin. It was a great time for all things lazy! On the Saturday i put out a floating yellow tail on a gang hook in the morning and and my son and i went over to the mainland to swim, throw the frisby and do the other things one does when doing nothing. When we returned my wife was in a real tizz, seems the rod we had out went off and a boat moored close by yelled out for her to wind it in, in her ensuing moment of madness, she clicked the wrong thing and stopped the drag from working and the line broke. Cest la vie, so when i returned i set it up again and put out another yakka. We have underwater lights on the boat and i had this bait about 1 metre under a float which we could easily see from the lights. About 7'ish i noticed a very large thing moving around the bait and i called it for a shark, the next pass it was clearly a very large Kingfish and i am not kidding when i say it was huge. It took the bait and i tried to set it but alas, it pulled from its mouth and the fish was never to be seen again. This last weekend we decided to pop over there again and i put a yakka out on 60lb mono leader with a triple 3/0. About 1.30pm the drag takes off and i hook it, i could tell it wasn't huge but it clearly wasn't a little reddy either. My son grabbed the net and about 3 minutes later we had a 40cm Salmon that was quite fat in the bucket. I took a pic but blowed if i know how to post it so you will have to believe me! I reset the bait and sent it back out and about 5pm it went off in a massive way. I had a heavy duty rod out and i have never seen this thing bent over like this, the tip was down by the handle!!!! I fought the battle for about 3 minutes and 'bang' the line went, upon inspection i could see and feel the many teeth marks around the 60lb mono. I could feel the weight of this thing and if it was a Kingy then it was a ripper. As i reflect on my useless attempt to catch it, it occurs to me that next time it will be smarter to put a wire trace out rather than line. I reckon anyone who is going out in Pittwater over the next few days who is happy to just sit and wait will hook up for sure. Stay safe.
  11. You can just about walk across the river on mullet at Bobbin Head as they are so think down there.
  12. A belated happy birthday. They say the second half of life is the best.
  13. I have never hooked one of those. Congratulations to you.
  14. Haven't seen a flattie like that for many years. Good work.
  15. If you caught that in Cowan Creek you should be knighted. Good catch.
  16. 2nd such loss I have read about on here in the last 5 minutes. Sorry for your loss but stuff happens when you go fishing!
  17. At bobbin head the only thing we caught over 2 days was 2 big mullet. The hardest things to hook in the world!
  18. Mate I am very sorry to hear of your misfortune. I hope someone does hook it but realistically that is a long shot. What did the lost rig cost?
  19. harold

    Bobbin Head

    Well thanks for the comments. We went up there in the dinghy today and I can confirm as soon as you pass the berthed boats you are in very shallow water. I don't think any self respecting Jewfish would be caught dead in 900mm of water. So much for my tip! There are a zillion jumping mullet in this part of the waterway, lord knows how to catch them. They have ignored everything we have put out. Tomorrow is another day and the hunt continues.
  20. Hmm whilst you are told $200 will buy a good reel and rod and it will, ask how much the members have tied up in gear. Ask how many rods do they own. Be prepared for a shock. Fishing is a damn curse not a sport. Good luck with your first keeper.
  21. If you go down into the national park at bobbin head you will see people fishing off the wall next to Empire Marina. Our boat is berthed there and I can tell you there are monster Bream, mullet and lord knows what else there. The successful guys fish with a float. They catch 10 tiddlers for every decent fish but they do catch fish. Good luck and get there a bit early. By the way there is a food shop and toilets etc there. $12 entry for the day.
  22. Guys, we have been told that the end of the river, past bobbin head marina (which is where our boat is berthed) has great Jewfish spots. We are going out on the boat for the weekend and I intend picking up a mooring close to the marina, launching the dinghy and going up past the marina to try for Jewfish. Trouble is I have never been up there before. Anyone have any tips as to where to fish? We do have a fish finder on the dinghy. Any and all help will be appreciated. Thanks.
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