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Everything posted by harold

  1. Funny but I never had the inclination. Good luck to those that do. Now my 11 year old son would play until he dropped if we let him but we don't!
  2. harold


    Fog lifted about 9 'ish.
  3. We went out yesterday and fished at Waratah Bay. We caught some squid in the afternoon but zero Hairtail last night. We had 2 bites but were not holding the rods at the time. Saw one tiny one caught there. It was very cold and so foggy this morning. Maybe Jerusalem Bay is the go! Can't wait for the Hairtail social.
  4. Nice Trevs, congratulations
  5. Nice looking bream. I have never tried over there, will add it to my list of places to try.
  6. I think the key phrase is "in their right mind". I can assure you I can't think of anyone I know who would do it.
  7. harold


    In our boat the rule I work to is chain out equals 3 times the depth of the water.
  8. Greg, not smiths creek. Go straight past and into the next large bay. It will be on your right as you go up river. You will come across it before you hit Waratah bay.
  9. Anything that keeps people safe is a good thing.
  10. harold


    What a pair of rippers. Great work.
  11. Ok, the spot is half way between chassam point and swallow rock. Now the bad news is we didn't get out as I got hit with the worst tooth ache I have ever had on Saturday afternoon. Had the nerve taken out today. Not the most fun I have ever had. Chest la vie. Always next time.
  12. My 11 year old son has nagged me to go out fishing tomorrow for 2 nights. My wife is in Singapore so it is father and son time. We have been told of a place not too far from Waratah bay where there are all sorts (supposedly) of substantial fish including decent bream. It was pointed out on a local map and had no name so if it is a good spot I will see if I can describe its location here next week. I am told we have to fish for Hairtail at night. That makes it 4 weeks in a row and while I like watching Jeremy catch the things, it is becoming a bit repetitive. Cest la vie, guess that is part of the price of parenthood. If you are out there and see a boat called Eeyore, say hi.
  13. Sorry to hear about your trailer. It is freezing in the water at the moment. Last weekend at Waratah Bay there were 2 guys swimming off a houseboat late Saturday afternoon. I told them they were crazy!
  14. Hey John, we have social gatherings, usually it has to do with catching fish. Next one is in July where we will all try to outdo each other with Hairtail.
  15. Gee this thread brought back memories. I recall throwing a Tom Thumb at my mother and she was holding a box filled with my brothers fireworks. Unfortunately the bunger went in the box and the next thing I recall was my mother in technicolor. I nearly died twice that night, the first time was from laughing and the second time was from my father trying to catch me to give me a belting. That was 1962 and I was 12 at the time.
  16. harold

    Free bait?

    It will be scratch one scratchie for sure.
  17. We use them in the crab trap and they work well for blue swimmers.
  18. That is one large Kingy. What a fight.
  19. Good on you for getting out there. I read it is going to be a warmer than usual winter but to me it seems freezing. Must be the onset of very,old age, thinning out the blood as they say.
  20. Matty, the water was 14 degrees in Waratah Bay. Two of the crazies on the houseboat next to us went swimming in the afternoon, i told them they were nuts! We had a school of really big mullet go under the boat late afternoon but they were not interested in taking any bait.
  21. That is really informative. Thank you for posting it.
  22. Bottom bashing with an Alvey in 600 metres is mind boggling. RSI for sure!
  23. What a great result. It is ages since I caught a flathead in the Cowan.
  24. Stewie, In the excitement of simultaneously catching fish and freezing to death I invariably forget to take a pic. I think Jeremy has taken a couple. I need to open a photo bucket account. Will do that tomorrow. also, we need to chat re a prize for the Hairtail night. I am in the office if you want to call tomorrow.
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