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aussie big bob

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Posts posted by aussie big bob

  1. Red

    The thought of bottom bashing browns having no future is only suggested by the ones who have never appreciated the rewards that will come from persistence.

    I myself have fished the mountain many times in hope of the blue eye and gemmies. And have lost some expensive gear doing so .

    But till today have never caught a blue eye or gemmie. But will keep on trying no matter what the cost.

    If the true fisho worried about the cost every time they went out then they should just give up.

    As this will always be a set back for them, there will be day when a decision will be made based on cost against passion.

    This will be a sad day.



  2. Shark hunter

    Looks like a great days :1fishing1: But was having a bit of trouble trying to decide which one had the biggest belly in the second photo the cod or hubby :074:

    I hope to be down your way for the cray session :thumbup:

    But the best part about your post is you only have to walk from your back door to the river. :yahoo: How good is it to live in :fisher: paradise. I would also like to add that this :1fishing1: trip is backed onto a week of :1boat: and :1fishing1: down eden way from your last report.



  3. Hi raiders

    It has been a while since i have posted a report but that is because it’s been that long since i have been out.

    The day started when a fellow raider invited me out for a fish on Saturday, so with the weather looking so good :yahoo: and no work on :yahoo: i said yes.

    Saturday morning up at 1 am to head over to fellow raiders arrive there at 2.30.

    Boat in water at 4am and of to mollies to get some livies. Arrive at mollies to find a few other boats there, one of them being keepin tabbs. So dropped anchor and start fishing for lives they where very shy and could not encourage them onto the bite no matter how much or type of berly we threw at them. So after an hour or so and only six yellow and two slimes in the tank it was off to browns.

    Well this is where the fun begins, go to pull up anchor and it didn’t want to come to the party. :ranting2: So with a little help of the 150 yammie and 15 or so mins we managed to get it off the bottom, which is a much better result than last time when the rope and sarta anchor remained on the bottom of mollies. :ranting2:

    We head off towards browns when decision was made to head for a spike just north east of browns. Arrive at location and dropped some baits to the bottom some 500mtrs or so. Pick up three deep sea perch but that was it so headed of to browns.

    Arrived at browns only to find it starting to look like something that resembled a car park at you local grocery store.

    On our arrival we seen keepin tabbs heading off down south, drift was set up and down went the baits. This is where my day turns to shit. The drop was made and with in 5 mins of hitting the bottom the boats swings and prop cut threw my 80lb braid. :mad3:

    Now with 500mtrs of braid, rig and weight gone. We wait to see what is going to come up on the other rig. Up comes two descent size green eye sharks.

    By this time I have set up another reel and rig and we move to set up another drift This time up come some more deep sea perch.

    So down again and this time double hook up on the bottom but we do manage to get one off but the other one was not going to give even with persuasion of the 150 yammie and the 2.3 ton boat it was pushing.

    After some time had passed doing circle trying to break it free we decide it was not going to budge. With great regrets I reach for the knife and yes you guessed it 500mtrs or more of 120lb braid is now part of the mountain. :mad3::mad3::ranting2:

    Now with nearly $1000 dollars worth of gear lost at browns it was time to start heading in. First stop was 12 mile for zip then of to the peak where we come across the trusty old leather jacket With wire jacket rig that my fellow raider had made up we targeted them so a feed could be taken home

    After some 30 odd jackets and one mowie we headed of home. Arrived home 9pm

    Tally for the day was approx $1000 worth of lost braid and rigs $100 for my share of fuel and no fish to take home as my total catch was three leather jackets, not even worth taking home. All in all bad day on the dollars but great day on the water with the weather being so good.

    Sorry it was long and no pics but I think you have all seen leather jackets.



  4. Hey Bob although I found that alittle funny hubby said lucky you didn't join us as we would have needed three times that amount.

    Tight Knots


    Hey Shark Hunter

    Come on i think that three times is a bit over the top but does sound delish :beersmile::1gathering:



  5. Your right Bob they do run a fishing comp out of Kianinny every Easter and Christmas, its just a small comp and abit of a fund raiser for the fishing club but nevertheless it runs over two days and you get a feed and a beer for your entry. As usual we did enter the comp and after four years I was able to claim a prize with the gummy, I kept the money while hubbie got the five dozon oysters lucky me.

    Shark hunter

    I can see where your hubby put those five dozen oysters :biggrin2:

    What was the cash prize



  6. Shark Hunter

    Thats one big gummy :1yikes: and i mean the shark not the big fellow holding it. :074:

    At least you got out there for what sounds like 4 full days of good :1fishing1::1fishing1: and more :1fishing1:

    I hear they also had a comp down that way you should have enter it in the comp as it could have been a winner.



  7. :1welcomeani: sunnyboy1

    What a great first post, would have been good to see some pics but what the hell

    Sounds like you had a great time. :1fishing1:

    It’s good to see that you northern folk come to visit us southern folk :074: and fish some of the best waters in Sydney. :thumbup:

    And to the misconception of many the good old salmon is not bad on the tooth as well.

    So hope to hear more of your :1fishing1: trips with some pics included.



    And to everyone who reads this post remember


  8. well i copped a nice 74cm number on my larger outfit. it ended up taking me round the anchor rope twice then snapped my rod tip- luckily it didnt lose the hook-up so boated the fish at 74cm. but what a pain in the ass, kind of my fault as i didn't give it much room to play but i didn't want him around that anchor rope again.

    Hi Justin Jon

    Well they do say :05::ranting2: but this is some serious :05:

    Shame about the rod but at least you got it in the boat :yahoo::yahoo: so this should hopefully ‘

    Of set the cost of the rod :thumbup:



  9. Sammy

    Great mixed bag there guys.

    I see no marlin in the pick’s Sammy :thumbdown::074: but i reckon that Chris would have been keen to remind you of what it is like to catch one and what a buzz it was. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

    His tales will help keep you tuned for the next season. :biggrin2:

    But in the mean time you can look forward to the yft :1fishing1:.

    Hopefully you will have some joy there.



  10. this one from port stephens looks really colourful

    Yes they are a colourful fish and a great sporting fish on light gear.

    I have fish for them many time at the fad of b\b and love it when you see there electric coulours

    flashing beneath the boat. And i must admit they are even better on the dinner plate :beersmile:

    Is this your first dollie.



  11. Bit late I know , but for the information of other members, they sell Lee melting pots (20lb) at the Horsley Park gun shop. With your order from the states make sure you emphasis you want the export 220 volt model, not the local 110v. Even if you have told them send a reminder email to make sure, as I have received a 110 volt model on more than one occasion

    When you get the pot, make sure you dont drop it or treat it to roughly. The heating element has a ceramic cover on it and the more this cover is cracked or broken, the less heat is produced.

    thank's for that info mick.

    i will make sure that i do send them a reminder and will also treat it with a bit of care. it is also ashame that the shop you mention did not come up in my google search as i could have just run over there and picked one up.

    o well least i know this for next time



  12. Bob , try going down to the Salvos or vinnies and see if they have a big soup pot or similar. Probably only cost a few dollars !!

    Also the wok ring should generate enough heat to melt the lead.


    I have bought one from the states which will do the job. It can hold 20lb of melted lead and has a bottom feed on it.

    so thank's to everyone for there in put.



  13. look in gun sites or rifle club classifieds as a lot of people no longer do their own refill and sell off their equipment and it is good quality. Have seen some old dentist ones and some very nifty jewelry ones about over the years as well in hobbt or industrial sections of auctions.

    Is there somethin wrong with the wifes saucepan and stove!!!!!- Just joking but a wok ring burner and solid pan do work outdoors.

    If you haven't done it before make sure you read up and get an experienced mate as it can be very dangerous if inexperienced


    I am using the :wife: pots but i'm finding that due to the size of the sinkers i am now making i need to look at a better way of melting large amounts of lead and getting it to the right temp for pouring.

    This is why i dont think that the above smelters would be any goo as they would not hold enough lead.



  14. Bad luck Sammy, :05:

    As many have said before me Stick with it, Your passion and commitment is there, it is only experience that needs building, and if you keep going out and listening to those who have some experience (C.F.D) I am sure that you will get there and you will lose your virginity like Chris has done. I am sure that Chris would have been trying his best to get you onto one with all his knowledge and broken virginity. But even those who have caught one still go through seasons without turning a reel or even seeing a marlin. But, I promise you one thing. When it does happen and you are on the end of the rod doing battle with one of these magnificence creatures and yelling at Chris to get the tag pole you will have reached complete satisfaction. :yahoo:

    So until this day come just keep on trying it may not be this season but it will happen.

    I’m sure Chris will be happy to tell you over and over again :biggrin2::biggrin2: just how much of a buzz it was for him to be doing battle with the fish of a life time.



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