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Everything posted by tryhard

  1. It seems that everyone is 'entitled' these days. Some one else is doing it therefore, I am also entitled to! Tunks Park is the same. Even the people already on the water are 'entitled' 4 knots means 15, give or take 5kts, and 'No Wash' refers to everyone else but them. I pointed out to a tinny skipper that he was in a 4kt zone, he pointed out the 4kt sign 50 meters in front of him as if to say 'it's ok, Im almost out of the 4kt zone! What? What about the 'no wash' zone? On Sunday whilst lining up for the jetty, after patiently waiting 10 mins for the dock space, I was maneuvering to drop some people off. Apparently as a larger flybridge boat, I was less entitled to the space, than the smaller tinny that came racing in behind me, whilst I'm backing in! I had to throttle hard forward to avoid backing into the (insert rude word here)... But as the tinny skipper informed me, it was all ok because he was just dropping some one off.......are you for real? Pity the prop wash didn't push him onto the shallow rocks No manners and no idea.
  2. Sadly, no. I have headed out a few times to Sydney FAD, but each time has been slightly uncomfortable fo those on board, so we have come back in each time... Probably heading out too late in the moring anyway!
  3. Worked at Halvos for a while, Quite certain that the OP is a much later boat - prob. Fibreglass. The only FG boats that I can think of were the Island Gypsys by Kong Halvorsen. Watching with interest though.
  4. Not Halverson. Seems to be a more recent design with walk around cabin. Kind of like a Grand Banks, but I don't think it is a GB. Certainly interesting.
  5. I normally avoid entering into discussions like this but just feel the need to point out something that people often forget when bagging the government (No matter if it's blue / red / green). Our government (doesnt matter what side) is not a profit making enterprise. Money from sales / taxes / duties/ fines....etc does not go into their pockets....it goes to providing the services we enjoy (and often expect). How it's distributed though.....That's a whole other argument, not for this forum !
  6. Hi Gazzzz, I haven't been there for quite a few years, and my jewie record from Forster is Zero however, I have seen them caught with some regularity from the Forster break wall using pike live baits, & fishing the run up tide by casting into the channel & walking up (along) the break wall , following the bait. I used to catch worms (the beach kind) quite close to the beach side of the break wall as well (Forster side). Others may have more recent information - either way, good luck & enjoy!
  7. Hi all, Common request..... I am looking for recomendations to get my motor serviced. 90hp Johnson ocean pro (2000 yr) The site sponser is booked up to December and I want to get a service before 26th November! Is anyone able to PM me recommendations? I am on the north shore not far from Chatswood. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  8. Damn shame. If you see it again, you can follow them to their vehicles, record registration and report to authorities. That's about all you can do. I would report with the info you have, anyway.
  9. tryhard

    VHF radio

    GME is an Australian company too - at least as far as I know. Standard Horizon GX2200E is a good unit, but twice the price of the others you are considering......lots of additional fruit if you are going a long way out.
  10. Fished Jerusalem on both Sat & Sunday night's of the long weekend for zero results. Our baits were stripped every few minutes by chopper tailor. We didn't try any where else and I haven't seen any other reports. But, you know what they say....."a bad days fishing is better than a good days work!" Wish you luck.
  11. Hi Gazzz, God's country! Has a special place in my heart - I always get a funny feeling as I cross the river at Macksville! But to answer your questions You can try for worms starting at Shelley beach and going north, although I am not sure how you will go this time of year. I would look for holes whilst you are there worming. Historically I have found worms and mullet strips to be effective along the beach there. You could try for poddy mullet near the causway to the golf course. Use them at the end of the breakwall. You could also go 15 minutes north to Valla Beach and fish the holes at the mouth of the creek there. The tackle shop near the boat ramp gets worms during peak times. You could check in with them as well. Enjoy.
  12. Well thanks for the heads up. I will probably limit myself to the usual haunts & take it all not too seriously. Always a bit of fun if they are around & I really want to introduce my partner to the thrill of sitting in the cold for hours on end for a few minutes of frantic fun!
  13. Hi all, Been a while since my last post. I am thinking (weather permitting) of heading up to the Hawkesbury this long weekend. I was wondering if anyone has heard any Hairtail reports this year? I will give it a crack anyway, but has anyone heard anything?
  14. + 1 I have found these guys easy to talk to & quite knowledgeable. They have done the right thing by me recently. Good luck
  15. The "80's" cruiseabout was one of the best alloy boats in it's time, in my opinion. solid / dry boat with the classic hull shape. The 90 will get it up & going, with enough grunt to pull two medium skiers out of the water - if you wanted to. I have had 2 of these boats (still have one) so I am biased! Used to spend entire weekends on the Hawkesbury, sleeping on air mattresses on board & fishing day & night - great boat, wish you well with your resto. My only comment is that you may be better off with slides on the trailer for extra hull support. Enjoy.
  16. I believe that Baileys near White Bay 6 is one of the more competitive, but I don't know their current prices. I think you also have to do their induction before you can buy fuel there - worth googling I think. I get mine at the Spit - Horrendously expensive - last I looked it was $1.80 plus, then you pay 1.5% fee on top!! Unfortunately it is the most convenient for me - so for the cost of time, I use their facilities! I wouldn't if I knew of a viable alternative. be interesting to see what others say
  17. Hi Sleepy, got a photo of the set up? it should lock both ways - I suggest you have a failed seal somewhere. They are not that hard to fix - but they can be stubborn & messy.....ask me how I know! you can get replacement parts fairly easily - I get mine from one of the larger chandlery suppliers without any drama & my system is fairly old. It is hard to tell from your description where the fault might be - but if it is second hand, it would pay to replace all the seals anyway. feel free to pm e if you think I can help.
  18. Appropriately, it looks like a Quinnie "Fishraider" to me - but they were 4.5m I think - definitely produced in the 80's Appears to have had a few modifications made though. I don't believe that Quintrex made a tinnie bigger than 5.0 mtrs for general sale back then - happy to be corrected. Look for broken welds on the ribs / under the floor. Otherwise, I love the Quinnies of that era! good luck!
  19. There is Shelly Beach at Nambucca heads - but that is beach launch if you want to go outside. I would not attemp the Nambucca Bar - for my tastes - but the ramp next to the RSL is pretty good for river access. There is also a beach launch at Woonoona Head (yeah, I know you said - prefer no beach launch!) just North of Nambucca. God's Country - you will love it up there.
  20. tryhard


    You will need to replace the EPIRB. You can dispose of the old one at Battery world - if there is one near you. I think, if it GME, you can send it back to GME as well, but it is more economical to just replace (at least it was when I did mine last year).
  21. GME have a good reputation and I believe are an Australian company located in the Hills District of Sydney - that's a plus for me. Standard Horizon units have got pretty good reviews on the net (mainly overseas for their higher end models). Icom also have a good reputation. I have a very old Icom in one boat, that despite looking very average, still works (10yrs old) and an old GME 27 in another boat that works well. good luck!
  22. tryhard

    Solar Charging

    Thanks everyone, after much reading on the interweb I determined that as I was not trying to recharge my batteries from 50% or less or run appliances a smaller panel would be ample for my needs. I went to a well known chandlery retailer & purchased a 40w panel with shottkey Diode & a controller. I believe that this will be sufficient to keep my 'house' batteries topped up even if the bilge pump needs to run occasionally. I am yet to install it, so time will tell.
  23. tryhard

    Solar Charging

    Hi all, I am looking for a little guidance on the subject of solar charging... As background, I have recently purchased a boat & it is on a swing mooring. the main bilge pump is connected to the house batteries which are 2 x 85 AH in parallel (170AH total) I want to ensure that the charge to these batteries, is maintained as well as I can manage, whilst the boat sits on the mooring. can anyone give me some guidance as to what sort of system I need (i.e 120 watt panel or 10 watt panel)? Of course I am currently googling away to see if I can get guidance, but thought someone here may be able to offer help. thanks
  24. If I am looking at the photo correctly, I suspect that what I'm seeing at the bottom of the skeg, is oily exhaust residue. It is hard to tell from the photo's.
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