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Posts posted by krause

  1. Hi all, ive got a sounder, what do i do next. Now before someone says google it, i have, and my questions are slightly more specific. Im still tossing up between internal and external transducer mount (love to hear opinions, ive got a elite4).

    But im now questioning how to wire it. Ill run all the wires up high etc with the battery in a box off the floor, but if i put cables through hull, so they are permanent, how do i go about washing the yak? I was out the salt bilge after each trip and want to know what people think about this. All opinions welcome. Also do people use a waterproofer/corrosion protection spray on the sounder connections?

    Cheers all, ill sift through the archive now as well :)

  2. Just ate through a platter of fish. Good feed and a happy family.

    Paddled or to find small surface bust ups that turned out to be salmon and tailor, all good fun though no monsters amongst them. Razzle score the catch of the day with a bub kingie. All good fun

  3. That'll incredible hull. If i built one that's how i would do it. I think they're called skimmer/skim fittings, but im making that assumption off of my knowledge of pools :) and i second the above. i would think a bit of chicken wire would stop those squid causing chaos!

  4. Yes fresh = new salt water.

    What kind of battery are you running on the above set up? Normally i end up with inky water and the squid die quickly. Then the yakka end up distressed.

    Last trip i had to pull up and completely swith the water as the yakka were all on the surface on their sides and gasping. Did a full water change and they were fine. Almost like the squid ink was causing them harm?

  5. Hi all, this is relevant to my kayak live well, but is based on general knowledge so i though I'd put it here. Ive recently been collecting livies for my kayak and have just been using a 20L bucket with a cheap aerator. It's nothing flash but it works.

    However when i add squid and yakka it all goes bad. I know running a pump and circulating fresh water in is how you'd normally keep squid, but id prefer not to set that up as its allot of work to rig up on the kayak before every outing. Any ideas on how do simply keep the two critters seperate? All idea welcome.

    Cheers guys

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