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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Galaga and Phoenix were personal favourites. I found Galaga on in flight entertainment a couple of years ago. Can't remember the carrier, couldn't sleep, but smashed it.
  2. Cropped one of your photos, Utzon claimed he got his inspiration, for the opera house, from orange peel. I won't look at it the same again.
  3. "C:/DOS C:/DOS/RUN RUN/DOS/RUN I started on Telesports in the 70s. All the games were PONG versions. I remember those games that took ages to load off cassette tape. Like asteroids. Currently HAWX and COD. The hackers are taking the fun out of Call Of Duty.
  4. Certainly was action packed. Great you got your first EP amongst everything else. Im loving the photos as well. They really look good. Can hardly wait for the long weekend.
  5. Oh no, not again. The fish are further Up river Yes to cleaner water , more baitfish, but more importantly, more Kingies. No more kingie traps or prawn trawlers. Definately look at heavier gauge jigheads.
  6. It comes up quite nice. I used Manuka and Aussie red cedar.
  7. Cheers Harry I was told it is from trawler nets, but more recently heard on this forum it is more likley due to poor water quality.
  8. Hi Raiders. Hit the lower harbour south with Trevor earlier today. We met at the spot with the sun just rising, we didnt expect the wind. Decided then and there to go somewhere else. Arriving at the new spot we got the berley going and worked out the depth. First drift of the day my float disappeared and I pulled up tight to a good fish. 38cm. Things were looking good, as I was on again and the second fish went into the bag. Then Trevor got his game on and caught the next few cish in quick sucession. Things went dead quite after that as the tide was falling We released the 5 and packed it in, and moved again further west. We have been trying new spots lately to increase our options in the future. Places protected from the prevailing wind and spot that produce at different stages of th tide. This 3rd spot was out of the wind and showed some signs of life after a short time. we were both getting downs, but not setting the hook. Then I came up tight on a good fish only to lose him at the net. Trevor got the next good down and we soon had a decent fish in the keeper net. I followed that with a smaller but legal. We kept getting downs and pulled the hooks on a couple more. It went quiet an hour after low tide so we called it with 2 in the bag. I took them home and put them in the smoker. Yummo
  9. Masterclass stuff. Very difficult to hook and land at that size. Great work.
  10. Bad luck mate. There have been some keeper kings caught west bridge lately. That would be my guess. At least you bent the rod, thats something.
  11. Well done. They are a great target species, and it can be very productive. Watching that float is hypnotic.
  12. I have not fished either, but I did fish islands of Vanuatu blind from the shore. I went with 20 gram raiders over the shallow inshore reefs. If you dont know the depth and structure stick to the surface. First cast a big trev.Also got heap of fish that look like Jacks but they were black and white Cast out and just rip it back in, dont let it sink Plastics could be a cheaper option, but the same applies over shallow inshore reefs You could also try poppers but thats another story s
  13. I'm thinking Fly reel.
  14. Good advice Steve. Glad you made it home Not just the bigger bolts you see. Check the screws on adjustable throttle links. The small things can stuff you up as well.
  15. Great bream Adam. It was good to put a face to the name at The Entrance. I dont know what trebles the dogs come with but I would replace with Owners.
  16. Nice one mate. Looks like a couple of big ones in the mix. It was a good weekend all round. I hope the run continues.
  17. An action packed day. Great work mate, ticking another one off the list with the EP Your mate must be stoked with the Wandering Jew. Seems Sunday was kind to us both.
  18. Good effort mate, but when there is strong current, potential wind etc etc. Stick to the inshore reefs around Stanwell , Headlands, and Bellambi. .
  19. Hmm sounds familiar. Are you using fluro? . I had bad lot of FC Rock bought in Sydney Oct/ Nov 2014. Took it in for testing and got it replaced No refunds for lost fish to bad leader.
  20. Thanks guys. Im glad I had something to report today. Steve, it was that big it could have choked a Pelican.
  21. Hi Raiders. Following yesterdays early start, Trevor and I backed up today for a session around Balmain. With the fresh weed we berlied up and fished for 1 1/2 hours without a touch , so we moved. Second spot wasn't any better, we gave it an hour and moved again. The third spot neither of us had fished before, but we figured we had nothing to lose. There were signs of life, little touches and things were looking up. I got the first good down and smapped off on a decent fish. Trevor was next, he made no mistakes and the first fish was in the bag. Soon after I was on again, it went easy at first,but once it woke up it went really hard. Nearly had me a few times, but after 2 minutes a solid 45cm horse was in the bag. From then on we went fish for fish. I had a brief encounter with a surgeon and we finished the day with 14 in bag. The horse and 9 of his mates were set free. Cheers
  22. Great to hear Steve, from what I've seen Swordy is a dynamo. Always passionate and enthusiastic. And the young guys are just doing what they do. Catch fish and have fun. The trouble is, they take on advice, innovate approaches and beat us at our own game. Grumpy old man talking. Haha. The good thing is, they are people we can learn from.
  23. Haha , Jeff I was sweating a bit. I can imagine being on the outs if I produced like I did last week.
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